All-22: Opponents Picking Up On Eagles’ Tendencies


Butt Monkey
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There were times, Josh Huff says, when Dallas’ defense knew what was coming.

“I know a couple of times this past game when I was on the Dallas sideline lined up, I would hear them call out our plays,” he said. “Not saying they were doing any SpyGate or anything like that, just saying with our tendencies that comes about where teams really focus in and hone in on how our tight ends are lined up or how we’re lined up or what the splits are.”

Lane Johnson agrees that the Cowboys had a bead on what the Eagles were trying to do offensively.

"Yeah, I think so," said Johnson, when asked if he believed Dallas had a feel for their tendencies. "I think moving forward we have to mix it up a little bit, create some more variety of plays and try to get some confusion for the defense."

Read the rest some Cowboys info

Yakuza Rich

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It's kind of a silly article.

The plays are limited because they have to be in a hurry up system. You can't have a lot of motion, re-direction of players to attack the weakness if you're going hurry up.

It's out of the shotgun and variations of the pistol. If the RB is to the right of the QB, you know that the RB is likely going to run to the left and vice versa. The QB may fake the handoff, but Bradford is no threat to run.

And they have zero deep threats.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what they are going to do.

And let it be know, the genius Jimmy Johnson was advising Chip Kelly this offseason.


Yakuza Rich

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Another thing.

Teams guess right all of the time when it comes to slants on runs. That doesn't mean offenses can't run the ball effectively. Sure, it may decrease the odds of running the ball effectively. But, it's still about being able to beat your man and the Eagles just aren't doing it. This is where I think Kelly has a point.



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I don't know what scheme will turn those guards into NFL quality players instead of human turnstiles.


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in the NFL an effective line needs good players at 2 of 3 interior positions. Great guard and center, or great guards. Dallas is fortunate that it has what amounts to 3 pro bowl caliber players in the middle.


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When they cut Mathis and Herramens with no viable replacements, they crippled the OL. They dropped from the top 5 to lower half.

It would essentially be replacing Martin and Leary with, like the guy above said, Livings and Proctor. Dumb


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I thought they had a great OL. One guy on NFL network ranked them second behind the Cowboys.

They obviously thought Mathis and Herremans were still on the team. In no universe do Allen Barbre and Andrew Gardner count as quality guards.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Lane Johnson graded out at a +0.6. I'm going to guess he is just making excuses. /loser


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Actually, look at this video. The LBer was running to the hole he knew was going to be there well before the LBer could have known it was going to be there at play speed.

LINK to Video (since I can't embed it)

EDIT: Here is another one with Sean Lee, but they are using this as the same thing, but I call horse **** here. The hole is right in front of Lee and it's huge. Lee just step up right into the hole. This is definitely a poorly executed play (or just a poorly designed play all together)

LINK to Video


Well-Known Member
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just seems its more of an issue of personal and execution than just out scheming them (sure that is a part of it too) but Eagles are weaker on Oline and Sam Bradford isn't as mobile of a QB as Foles (no zone read option) and not a deep threat at all and they don't have any WR threats either.

90's Cowboys had a vanilla Offense playbook too right? and they would tell the Defense what plays they were gonna run but the Defense still couldn't do much. Cowboys just had great personal and excellent execution. Cowboys just mocked opponents by practically handing them their O playbook and told um to try and stop them. But no one could. Thats some cold blooded sheet.
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Well-Known Member
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Actually, look at this video. The LBer was running to the hole he knew was going to be there well before the LBer could have known it was going to be there at play speed.

LINK to Video (since I can't embed it)

EDIT: Here is another one with Sean Lee, but they are using this as the same thing, but I call horse **** here. The hole is right in front of Lee and it's huge. Lee just step up right into the hole. This is definitely a poorly executed play (or just a poorly designed play all together)

LINK to Video

Both of those were just basic plays by the Lber, Nothing that any highschool Lber wouldn't have done. The back is on the left, odds are, its a run to the right, if it is a run.. at the snap, he starts to slide to his left (o right).. and when he sees the tackle block out, the guard block in, he runs to the vacant area. Its just reading keys and knowing the tendencies of the run scheme. Nothing earth shattering.


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3,872's still about being able to beat your man and the Eagles just aren't doing it. This is where I think Kelly has a point.

Seems backwards to me. Kelly thinks if he runs plays fast enough, it doesn't really matter who the players are running them. Over his first three years as Philly personnel genius, he has dumped multiple Pro Bowl players and basically not replaced them.


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Both of those were just basic plays by the Lber, Nothing that any highschool Lber wouldn't have done. The back is on the left, odds are, its a run to the right, if it is a run.. at the snap, he starts to slide to his left (o right).. and when he sees the tackle block out, the guard block in, he runs to the vacant area. Its just reading keys and knowing the tendencies of the run scheme. Nothing earth shattering.

Yep. Linebacker 101: You see a hole, fill it.


Well-Known Member
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Seems backwards to me. Kelly thinks if he runs plays fast enough, it doesn't really matter who the players are running them. Over his first three years as Philly personnel genius, he has dumped multiple Pro Bowl players and basically not replaced them.

chip holds scheme over player. he believes its not so much the right player but the scheme. his fault for sure. not all players can execute properly.