All gloom and doom Aside..a happy thread..Predict Tony Romos TD and INT for the season.

How bought 500 yards and 6 TD's against the Vikings.

And we'll lose, because with a 3 point lead and 45 seconds left, JG will go for a 56 yard fg that gets blocked and returned for a TD.
Or I could just talk about something that has nothing to do with the thread I guess.
BTW Piss cereal is delicious.

Romo 42 TD 6 INT

That definitely would be more productive then the gibberish you've been posting. :cool:

Also, I think I now understand why you came out of the blue at me. You're butt hurt about my side comment on our atrocious running game/defense, lol hilarious. Keep on, keeping on. ;)
I don't know why, but I laughed long and hard at that.

Not that I scoff at the prediction, but the timing and the thread that it's in.

Funny stuff.

I try to find the most random thread to do my weekly predict a loss post
That definitely would be better then the gibberish you've been posting.

Also, I think I know understand why you came out of the blue at me. You're butt hurt about my side comment on our atrocious running game/defense, lol hilarious. Keep on, keeping on. ;)

lord... Im not upset buddy. I just thought it was funny that OP asked to predict Romo stats and put gloom aside. However you went right on and posted about how bad the defense sucks.
Atleast you find it hilarious. Laughing is healthy.
I don't know why, but I laughed long and hard at that.

Not that I scoff at the prediction, but the timing and the thread that it's in.

Funny stuff.
exactly... "doom and gloom aside" "predict Romo stats"
Everyone runs into thread to explain how bad the Cowboys suck and disregard any Romo stats whatsoever. lol

I try to find the most random thread to do my weekly predict a loss post
lol mission accomplished!
Or I could just talk about something that has nothing to do with the thread I guess.
BTW Piss cereal is delicious.

Romo 42 TD 6 INT

Ghandi told me it was nothing to look forward to, but to each their own...
lord... Im not upset buddy. I just thought it was funny that OP asked to predict Romo stats and put gloom aside. However you went right on and posted about how bad the defense sucks.
Atleast you find it hilarious. Laughing is healthy.
No, I gave my prediction of Romo's stats, THEN I made a side comment about our defense. I at least added to the discussion, you on the other hand came into the thread with some non sense. Then you made a sarcastic prediction as if to mock others, it seems you ARE "upset buddy", just looking for a reason to fight/argue.
No, I gave my prediction of Romo's stats, THEN I made a side comment about our defense. I at least added to the discussion, you on the other hand came into the thread with some non sense. Then you made a sarcastic prediction as if to mock others, it seems you ARE "upset buddy", just looking for a fight/argument.

My god... are you a stalker? I take back all those things I did.

Pls go away.
My god... are you a stalker? I take back all those things I did.

I'm a stalker because I actually read the posts in threads I comment on? Wow, you really are something else. I honestly can care less about you or your posts buddy, but whatever. It's obvious you have a bone to pick.

Pls go away
Sorry, I'm here to stay, but you can feel free to leave if you'd like. I mean it's not like you've added anything intelligent to these boards anyway. :cool:
I think Romo's TD and INTs will both go up as he faces tougher teams in the remaining half of the schedule, because the Cowboys will more likely be trailing, and therefore having to throw the ball more.

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