All NFL Quarterbacks Playoff Records

"I am trolling and bullying." Let us review your 'What came first? The chicken? Or the egg?' self-victimization:

I created this thread. You did not.

You got triggered. Responded with a 550+ word reply you said did not want to post.

I said it was too late to take back what you did not want to post. You claimed I forced you to do it.

I made a joke about forcing you to do anything. You responded by telling me something you did not catch in the thread's opening post, that indicated a team stat should not be applicable to an individual player.

I tried to tell you this. You replied with 800+ words saying you understood, which, frankly, I am not convinced you did and said 'uh huh' for that reason.

You said the obvious about having discussions on a discussion board. I agreed, emphasizing discussion is better with written comments that can be more easily readable. Additionally, I re-explained the basis of the opening post.

You disagreed by re-iterating mashing up (another) huge quality of words together (courtesy of what you identified is conveyed to the forum as text-to-talk software) should not be problematic for readers. Basic human communication is not made easier directing a large volume of words at any audience, outside speeches and lectures. And listeners and readers more easily understand speeches and lectures when they are not a big jumble of vocabulary.

Which brings us to your accusation. Here is something you may not know. Obsessive-compulsive and attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder individuals regularly tend to communicate all their immediate thoughts into gigantic messages for listeners and readers to consume.

I am guilty if I am a troll and bully for pointing this out. However, it should also be pointed out trolls and bullies are usually the first stone throwers. Tell me please. Who first replied to whom in this thread?
TLDR :lmao2::muttley::laugh:
Some very average QBs with better playoff records than a few HOF QBs because they had great teams around them. Some even have SB wins because they had great teams.
Aaron Rodgers and Peyton Manning two of the top 5 greatest QBs of all time are only one game over 500 in the playoffs. Trent Dilfer and Mark Sanchez have more playoff wins than Fouts and Moon who are first ballot Hall of Famers.
Are you sure about that? You might want to do a simple Google search.
I did. Also checked the official site of the HOF
Guess what? No CFL player who spent his entire career THERE is in the Hall of Fame.
There are small areas of displays for other leagues and there is a separate Canadian Football Hall of Fame in Hamilton Ontario
next time do your research on more than google.
Aaron Rodgers and Peyton Manning two of the top 5 greatest QBs of all time are only one game over 500 in the playoffs. Trent Dilfer and Mark Sanchez have more playoff wins than Fouts and Moon who are first ballot Hall of Famers.
Lol, whole pictures and applied with facts complete.
In 18 years HOFer Sonny Jurgensen who was named to the all 1960s NFL team started zero playoff games. In his only playoff appearance, as a back-up, he completed 6 passes in 12 attempts with 0 tds and 3 ints.
Why isn't Dak on that list? Disclaimer: after I got through the best 70 or 80 guys, I stopped reading.

I wish you could sort by salary or garbage yards, because then Dak would be VERY easy to find.
Why isn't Dak on that list? Disclaimer: after I got through the best 70 or 80 guys, I stopped reading.

I wish you could sort by salary or garbage yards, because then Dak would be VERY easy to find.
Bold> That is a task that another member can undertake if they were willing. :laugh: On a serious (but definitely stupid on my part) note, a 'garbage yards' list might be quantifiable enough to compile as a list. It would face tons of scrutiny, since all readers would never agree on the specific criteria for what constitutes garbage yards. That thread might end up being legendary, lol.

A salary list would be far worse. Player compensation has increasingly escalated since the early 1990's with the evolution of free agency under the current collective bargaining agreement system.

I think a 'reasonable list' would reflect any player (or quarterback in this instance) average salary cap percentage, of all the combined teams they played for, over their career. To me, that makes sense due to players usually receiving multiple contracts (and sometimes multiple teams) throughout their time in the league.

Such a list would automatically exclude pre-1990's salary cap players and/or their overall compensation. Or they should be fairly omitted in my opinion. Consider the Jets signing Joe Namath to a $427,000 contract as a rookie quarterback in 1965. That was the 'biggest contract in NFL history' at the time. Namath's compensation would fall just north of $4.3 million after being adjusted in today's dollars for inflation.

Contrastly, Dak Prescott's $240 million dollar contract made him the highest paid quarterback in NFL history three months ago. Take that same contract back to 1965 in a time machine. His compensation would have been $23.9 million.

Salary compensation is controversial enough while comparing today's players. I would shudder to think how Broadway Joe would react after seeing his salary compared with Prescott's. Heck. He might be pissed off enough to do TEN more new Medicare Enrollment commercials, lol.
BUT ;) Peete was the Philadelphia Eagles' starter for the 1995 postseason (after replacing starter Randall Cunningham in September), throwing 17-of-25 in a win over Detroit and 3-of-5 in the loss against Dallas before getting injured. Philadelphia was 1-1 in the playoffs with Peete at the helm. Coincidentally, backup Cunningham finished the Dallas game, going 11-of-26.
Thank you for the added info, but it doesn't answer my question. :)

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