All The Losman Bashers

Another team, the Bears, made a commitment to a young QB, and they are ahead now, 7-6.
dargonking999 said:
no this weak...this game.. houston stinks and if he couldnt put up those numbers then he woudl be a bust, he is playing average, he if he was so good then when you have the ball on your 30, you would score. Espically as patheitc the houston D is playing are over the top. I did not say he was great or he will have a gread season.

He could be throwing interceptions and incomplete passes left and right, but he is not.
KingTuna said:
The Texans are HORRIBLE....LEt's see him against a LEGIT NFL defense.. :starspin

thank you, the texans look like our D from last year, right now, and we had the habit of making the worse QB's look like probowlers, so come back to me when he plays against a D that actaully can stop somebody.
gbrittain said: are over the top. I did not say he was great or he will have a gread season.

He could be throwing interceptions and incomplete passes left and right, but he is not.

a high school football player coudlnt throw an int to the texasn D right now, please the texans D sucks right now. He hasnt done anything.
Bungarian said:
4 threads on a Cowboy board. Who cares how he does!
Not me. We landed J. Jones, Ware and Spears in the draft by not selecting Losman. You can't have every fantasy player on your team.
dargonking999 said:
thank you, the texans look like our D from last year, right now, and we had the habit of making the worse QB's look like probowlers, so come back to me when he plays against a D that actaully can stop somebody.

You dont get it do you. I fully acknowledge he has a lot to prove...I too want to see what he can do against a legit defense.

Today, given his opponent which he does not have control of...looks good.
dargonking999 said:
a high school football player coudlnt throw an int to the texasn D right now, please the texans D sucks right now. He hasnt done anything.

Aside from that, David Carr is 3/8 for 23 yards and and 1 INT. :eek: :eek:

Is it safe to call him a bust if he doesn't improve this year?
Tuna Helper said:
Aside from that, David Carr is 3/8 for 23 yards and and 1 INT. :eek: :eek:

Is it safe to call him a bust if he doesn't improve this year?

yes... i'm tired of hearing wait till next year, his time is now
HeavyHitta31 said:
And we care.............why? :confused:

I did not ask if you care. The title was very clear, yet you clicked the link.

If you dont care...then great. It is the game that I am watching right now on TV, therefore the FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH part.
Losman looks just fine. But we are less than three quarters into the first game of the season. Can we not jump from one extreme to another?

FWIW, he looks more like a quarterback worthy of the top pick than does David Carr, at least to this point. Dunno how much that means, but whatever.
You cared enough to respond to the thread. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have.
he should have thrown and INT, the texan guy droped it, so please he looks like a regular guy on the field, the sad part Carr looks like a 6 round draft pick. this game sucks
scottsp said:
You cared enough to respond to the thread. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have.

Why? It's Buffalo, the only thing I care about is that we are their DADDY and have always owned them. Outside of that, they can go with whatever rookie they want. I just dont understand the fascination with Losman on this board.
For someone who "doesn't care," you sure seem to be taking quite an interest. Move along if you really do not care. :)
I could care less how Losman does.

Unless you make this a J.P. Losman vs Marcus Spears and Julius Jones thread what does this have to do with us.

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