An odd experience


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Going back a few years I had an odd experience with a bee or wasp ground nest. I was mowing my lawn and I went over their nest. As I started to go back in that direction, I noticed I aggravated the ground hive. They were out and about in large numbers. I tried to go into my house, but it was too late, I had many of them gathering on my body. So I ran up the block. I had them all over me. But the further I got up the block, the more of them that flew off of me. I wiped many of them off, making sure I did not kill any of them in the process. By the time I got about 3/10 of a mile away, they were all off of me. I did not get stung a single time.

I have a hard time believing these were wasps. Because they are usually jerks, and sting at a moment's notice. But for me to be covered in so many bees and not a single sting seems abnormal. Is it because I made sure not to kill any of them? Is it because I kept running away from the nest? Is this normal behavior for bees or wasps?

It was close to the end of summer, and I made sure I left them alone. As a thanks for not stinging me. Next year they weren't there.
Maybe, they just wanted to share their thoughts......LOL!


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I was attacked by a huge nest of white faced hornets, when I was a teenager. I wonder if it's the same thing. I think these actually were hornets, because the one that got me (thanks to my older brothers closing the front door on me, as a prank) stung me 3 times. (They were all over me, but only one got me, as I was slapping them off like I had 8 hands.)
I think we might be distant relations.

I was out at a hunting cabin with my cousin. There was a big tree with a huge nest of some winged/stinger demons in it. Do not have a clue what they were and do not even remember what the looked like.

He went in the cabin and came out with a shotgun. He said watch this and shot the damn thing and all you heard was angry buzzing everywhere.

He starts laughing and runs into the cabin and does like your brothers...he locks the door.

I started running on the make shift gravel drive way. The property was fenced in and had one of those big aluminum cattle gates. We made sure to close it and latch it when we came in.

There was no time for me to stop and open it as I could hear them buzzing behind me.

Before I knew it I hurdled that gate and in doing so my pants got caught on part of it but I made it complexly over the gate and away. Only got stung a couple of times.

Waited a bit and came back, opened the gate, walked up the to cabin as my cousin was coming out and he saw my pants ripped and started laughing again. When he finally stopped he said he watched me through the window and I looked like an Olympic athlete hurdling that fence. He said he had never seen me move so fast or jump so high and then started laughing again. Thankfully he has a contagious laugh and i started laughing...but I wanted beat the cheeks off his back side.


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Maybe, they just wanted to share their thoughts......LOL!
Oh I know they wanted to share their opinion with me on many topics. Mainly track. And the mathematical distance I am from their nest. I've been stung before. It's usually no big deal other than the time I had a reaction. But having dozens of these things on me as I was running away was very unnerving. I still can't believe I wasn't stung a single time.