Annoying/Overused little phrases.


The QB was literally killed by the defense.
The game was literally up to here in penalties.
The world literally exploded with violence.

literally means for reals. 99% of the time, when someone says literally, he or she means figuratively.

The overuse of this literally drives me up the wall.

Doomsday101;3333872 said:
The refs cost us the game.
(Fill in the blank) Is over rated

Sometimes they do.

That Ron Winters ***** could have several times lettting Romo get killed out there like he does. We're just fortunate he never got hurt bad.
Jon88;3333906 said:
Sometimes they do.

That Ron Winters ***** could have several times lettting Romo get killed out there like he does. We're just fortunate he never got hurt bad.

I get tired of people blaming the refs and acting like they have it in for Dallas. They don't, they do the best job the can and it is a very hard job. No one whined about the refs when we won SB but lose a game and well it was the refs.
"That team has a lot of length."

*** is "length"!? Makes me wonder what the hell that reporter is doing in the locker room?
sm0kie13;3330970 said:
At the end of the day....

Or you can combine them:

At the same time, on the other hand, at the end of the day, it is what it is.
sm0kie13;3330970 said:
At the end of the day....

Back about 3-4 years ago when we were looking for a house, we had a real estate agent that said that every third sentence. My wife and I wanted to choke her after visiting the third house.

Needless to say, she wasn't the person that sold us our house. :laugh2:
Phoenix;3333987 said:
Is this one of the other 2 Hos?

"He can do it all"
No. I am guilty of three sayings that people have made clear they don't like too much.

1. Agenda

I really don't see it as that negative, but people hate to be told they have an agenda. Hell I have one. I have several. I won't deny it. I may not agree with the agendas you think I do have, but if you are right, I will cop to it. No sweat.

2. Pedigree

I have backed away from this one a bit in recent years but I am still quite big on the concept. Pedigree can be about a family gene, a college program, or even a football lineage such as a coaching tree. People hate this one though because a couple of guys with a pedigree have not succeeded well in Dallas.

3. Butt hurt

I love this one, but I do understand why those who get butt hurt don't.
nyc;3334124 said:
Does this have something to do with post eating your chili? :laugh2:
It could.

I actually stole it from an old cowboy in my home town. Any time someone was mad he sad they were butt hurt. Or if his kids needed to be set straight on something he would say, don't make me teach you how to be butt hurt. I sort of adopted that saying.
DallasCowpoke;3333966 said:
"That team has a lot of length."

*** is "length"!? Makes me wonder what the hell that reporter is doing in the locker room?

Agree. That's one of the contemporary basketball terms or phrases that annoy me.

Another one is, "score the ball."

"He can really score the ball."

It used to be "score," which is fine. Why the need to add "the ball" to it? Stupid.

And I don't like all the NCAA Basketball Tournament cliches: "March Madness," "Bubble teams," "Cinderella teams," "The Big Dance." Uggggggh!

The military/war terms in football also are annoying. Field generals. Bombs. Trenches. Battles. "It's a war." No it's not.

Another one: "We're taking it one game at a time."
Outside of Football the phrase that kills me is “Get in the hole” you hear at every PGA events. It could be a par 5 and some idiot hollers get in the hole as soon as the player strikes the ball
"sleeps like a baby"

Seems counterintuitive. If anyone doesn't sleep soundly, it's a baby--esp in the wee hours of the morning.
bbgun;3334269 said:
"sleeps like a baby"

Seems counterintuitive. If anyone doesn't sleep soundly, it's a baby--esp in the wee hours of the morning.

I never could understand that. "I sleep like a baby" Does that mean the person wet the bed and cried half the night? :laugh2:

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