Another Thread To Get to Know Each Other

ROFL..TH, too funny!

My embarassing moments are all tied up with the nuns that educated me. "Humiliating" for some of these ladies was viewed as humbling - a GOOD thing..

One embarassing incident in particular was my confirmation morning when I could not find the white lace mantilla that was needed to cover the whole family searched for it for an hour or more and finally it was uncovered - in its plastic envelope it had slipped behind my bed.

When we got to church the entire confirmation class was waiting outside the church for me, the prodigal. The principal, Sister Mary Florencia, a real witch - I lived in fear of her for years - shreiked in the loudest, most disgusted voice "humph, so dressed up we had to give her a private escort." Like I had been home primping, making everyone wait.

Everyone heard it, including the priests. I was so freaking mortified..spoiled my entire confirmation day.

To this day I get red remembering it. :)
OKay, this happened when I was 17. I was a Varsity basketball player at my HS and it was the 4th period of a game against Garland HS. You see, our school had not gotton new B-Ball shorts in almost a decade, and the draw strings on most of them were less than reliable. However, if you tied it right it was fine.

Well, I had gone to the bathroom at the end of the 3rd period, and in my haste to get back out onto the court, I absent mindidly simply tied them normally, not the way you had to to make them stay on (you see where this is going?)

Well, a few minutes into the period, I got fouled on a layup attempt, and my drawstring came undone. I didnt realize this however, and went to the line. Made the first one, however on the second one as soon as I let it go, my shorts fell down to my ankles. I didnt realize it however, so after I made the free throw, I began to backpedal down the court, gravity however was going to have none of that. I tripped, fell backwards on the court, burned my elbows, hit my head, etc. So there I am, sitting in front of 1,000+ fans, many of which are my peers, with my shorts down around my ankles. There was not a rock big enough for me to crawl under, and the laughter from the crowd didnt help. I did the only thing I could and got up, laughing with everyone else, tied my shorts and got back to the game. Most embarrassing moment ever.
Woody'sGirl said:
I actually fell in a bowling alley too. :D

I went to toss the ball and lost my balance and yes, I busted my azz again. In front of some major cute guys, too. I think that's why I'm still single. Guys think I'll trip on our date and embarass THEM, too.. :eek:

Last year i was bowling with my brothers and some friends while visiting them in Houston, while everyone was setting up for the game i went to the bar to get a pitcher of beer. i stepped in something sticky, probably beer spilled on the floor. so i come walking up with the beer and my brother goes cmon your up first, your holding the game up.

So i grab my ball and go running up to bowl and the shoe sticks right when i try to throw the ball, all my momentum carries me forward and im sliding head first down the alley for like 5 feet. my brother is laughing so hard everyone at the bowling alley looks over before i can get up. My girl friend was like, it's never boring with Hoov around.

Here's a funny story i just thought of. Years ago im visiting my friend mike at WVU for a w/e. we're drinking all day, everyone's feeling pretty good and it's late at night. me and 2 other people are sitting in the kitchen talking, mike and a bunch of people are in the back room.

So he's got this collection of Milwaukees Best beer cans stacked from floor to ceiling and about 3 feet deep for some reason, guess he was keeping every beer can he drank since staring college as some kind of monument and he's been showing it off to everyone at his party.

Well Im trying to get comfortable so im rocking back in this chair so its on the back legs, next thing i know the chair kicks out from under me, i fall backwards and spill my vodka drink, beer cans falling all around me and theres the sound of tin cans toppling down for about 10-15 seconds. It was like forever for these cans to stop falling, like a domino effect. finally only my head is sticking out of this mound of beer cans and i hear mike yell from the back room..."damn it, that could only be one person, i already know who it is, Hoov Im gonna kick your arse" he comes running into the kitchen looks at me and starts yelling at me but im laughing so hard i cant get up. after a few seconds he cant hold a straight face anymore because everyone is laughing so hard.

Actually i'm the kind of person thats almost never embarrased. I laugh harder at myself than most people and stuff really doesnt bother me like that. i wear pajamas or boxer shorts to supermarket on Sat morning, cowboy boots with shorts if its hot and i dont have my sandals available. One time i broke my laces to my dress shoes and i was late so i grabbed a twisty tie from a loaf of bread and threaded some of the holes so the shoes wouldnt fall off and took off out the door. i forgot all about it and after 15 minutes at a social function someone noticed and started laughing real hard, i was like - "what", then i looked down and was like "oh yeah, that", "well, it doesn't look that bad, does it" ?

well, that should give you guys a little bit of an idea about me. :D
Hoov said:
Last year i was bowling with my brothers and some friends while visiting them in Houston, while everyone was setting up for the game i went to the bar to get a pitcher of beer. i stepped in something sticky, probably beer spilled on the floor. so i come walking up with the beer and my brother goes cmon your up first, your holding the game up.

So i grab my ball and go running up to bowl and the shoe sticks right when i try to throw the ball, all my momentum carries me forward and im sliding head first down the alley for like 5 feet. my brother is laughing so hard everyone at the bowling alley looks over before i can get up. My girl friend was like, it's never boring with Hoov around.

Here's a funny story i just thought of. Years ago im visiting my friend mike at WVU for a w/e. we're drinking all day, everyone's feeling pretty good and it's late at night. me and 2 other people are sitting in the kitchen talking, mike and a bunch of people are in the back room.

So he's got this collection of Milwaukees Best beer cans stacked from floor to ceiling and about 3 feet deep for some reason, guess he was keeping every beer can he drank since staring college as some kind of monument and he's been showing it off to everyone at his party.

Well Im trying to get comfortable so im rocking back in this chair so its on the back legs, next thing i know the chair kicks out from under me, i fall backwards and spill my vodka drink, beer cans falling all around me and theres the sound of tin cans toppling down for about 10-15 seconds. It was like forever for these cans to stop falling, like a domino effect. finally only my head is sticking out of this mound of beer cans and i hear mike yell from the back room..."damn it, that could only be one person, i already know who it is, Hoov Im gonna kick your arse" he comes running into the kitchen looks at me and starts yelling at me but im laughing so hard i cant get up. after a few seconds he cant hold a straight face anymore because everyone is laughing so hard.

Actually i'm the kind of person thats almost never embarrased. I laugh harder at myself than most people and stuff really doesnt bother me like that. i wear pajamas or boxer shorts to supermarket on Sat morning, cowboy boots with shorts if its hot and i dont have my sandals available. One time i broke my laces to my dress shoes and i was late so i grabbed a twisty tie from a loaf of bread and threaded some of the holes so the shoes wouldnt fall off and took off out the door. i forgot all about it and after 15 minutes at a social function someone noticed and started laughing real hard, i was like - "what", then i looked down and was like "oh yeah, that", "well, it doesn't look that bad, does it" ?

well, that should give you guys a little bit of an idea about me. :D
That had me laughing out loud.

Hoov said:
One time i broke my laces to my dress shoes and i was late so i grabbed a twisty tie from a loaf of bread and threaded some of the holes so the shoes wouldnt fall off and took off out the door. i forgot all about it and after 15 minutes at a social function someone noticed and started laughing real hard, i was like - "what", then i looked down and was like "oh yeah, that", "well, it doesn't look that bad, does it" ?

I can just hear Jeff Foxworthy now saying, "If you use twisty ties for shoe laces in dress shoes, you might be a red neck" :D :D

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