Peyton's record is simply more significant. And is something that has taken a multi decade career to accomplish. Contrast that to a record nobody was even really aware of until Murray started creeping on it... And understand its a 7 week vs 20 year thing and it should be obvious why one gets more publicity than the other.
Plus there has been tons of talk on what Murray is doing. Including MVP talk.
Jim Browns record stood for over 50 years. No one since has been able to break it since then. While Brett Favre record everyone was saying it will never be broken and yet....there it is. Its broken by Peyton and happened during my lifetime.
I use the same bank as a number of ex-Eagles. I ran into Jeremiah Trotter at the bank today, and I asked him about Murray setting the new record. His response was short and complimentary: "When you push Jim Brown aside, you better take notice."