Anti-Cowboy ticket


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New ticket plan aims to keep Dallas fans out of Cards' stadium

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The Arizona Cardinals are trying to "protect the nest." This means they'd like University of Phoenix Stadium to continue to sell out, and to do so with as few opposing fans as possible. In the past two seasons, there was little concern about this since the team sold out every home game. But with ticket sales a bit slower as the third season approaches, the Cardinals are requiring fans who want to buy tickets to the Dallas game on Oct. 12 to also buy tickets for the Aug. 7 exhibition opener vs. New Orleans. Cardinals fans have "created a decisive home-field advantage" the past two years, and the team wants to keep it that way by discouraging single-game ticket sales to Dallas Cowboys fans, team spokesman Mark Dalton said.
"Our goal is to have as many Cardinal fans in the stadium as possible," Dalton said.
In terms of overall ticket sales, "We're a little slower than we were at this point" last year, Dalton said, citing the slowing economy. Dalton estimated about 58,000 season tickets have been sold. Ideally, the Cardinals would like to sell about 60,000 season tickets and hold back 3,000 or so to sell for individual games.
"If we don't get to that threshold, then there will be a few more individual single-game tickets available," Dalton said.
Source: East Valley Tribune
Related: Arizona Cardinals, Dallas Cowboys


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    so what hhuevonn posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 10:55 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 2 Go cards! Matt A posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 10:59 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 3 My my ...what desperate measures for a home team. If they put a better product on the field they
    wouldn't have this concern. I guess a history of losing will do that. abmwilli posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:05 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 4 Another way to screw the fans and make more money for the team owners. Nobody wants to go to exhibition games. I've turned down free tix. Just feel sorry for season tix holders who are forced to buy them. BTW hardcore Cowboy fans will buy the extra game and throw the exhibition tix in the garbage. Perry M posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:06 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 5 In other news........contract negotiations with Karlos Danbsy have come to a standstill as Cardinals brass have become more preoccupied with stuffing the stadium with fans to increase their slim chances of beating the Cowboys Wes W posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:11 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 6 since when can you choose which fans you want at your stadium? Baltimore Ravens: Help Wanted posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:12 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 7 why would you want to see the cards play? estimator01 posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:14 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 8 This ticket thing goes on with most organizations....
    I think the Chargers started it way back to keep the Raider fans away....
    But we still show up
    When the Raiders play at San Diego,theres always more Raider fans.....
    The Dis-Charger fans are scared to show up at their own statium! RFFL posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:19 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 9 i agree..just another way to screw the fans..actually, can't this be viewed as discrimination since its directed at dallas fans..i hope the cards wake up and realize that when you have a great product like dallas does, your fans will follow you where ever you play..go cowboys!!!!! BALLGAME posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:20 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 10 Try winning some football games and creating some sort of winning history Fan posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:34 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 11 I gotta say I`m a boys fan and always be, but I live in san diego so to the faiders fan....dude come on! your running your mouth about the chargers.....have you seen a game lately?

    COME ON SEPTEMBER!! sdpenguy posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:38 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 12 The Cowboys fans ask for it, theyve got to be some of the most annoying fans ive ever come across. packerd_00 M posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:42 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 13 Don't let them fool you. They don't do it to keep Cowboys fans away -- they do it to sell tickets for a crappy preseason game for the same full price you'd pay for any regular season game.

    Many teams use the one or two premium games they have per year and attach a preseason game. It results in a fuller stadium for the preseason game that would normally be empty, and no loss on the premium game since everyone wants to be there anyway. Grouchy Smurf posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:51 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 14 I think Yahoo is reading my posts and copying my info for their own use. In the last Cowboy's rumor post, I stated the very same story as an example of the reason why so many people hate the Boys. I would hate a team as well if I went to my home stadium and saw more visiting fans than my own. Fortunately, that has never happened in Texas Stadium. Since it only has one more left of use, it is never going to happen. And, I agree with the people that think this will not have any effect on the Cowboy fan contingent. All this does is make it harder for other fans to attend the games. If anything, there is a greater chance that more Cowboy fans will be at this game then ever before because of this policy. All they are really doing is limiting their own fans from being able to afford tickets. I hope they realize that these Cowboy fans live in their own backyard. It's not like there is a mass exodus from Dallas when they play in Phoenix. They might as well accept the reality of the situation and concentrate on winning rather than our fans. There are some things that you just can't control. This would be a fine example of that. Win some games and they will see more red than blue. It's that simple. Samoyed posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:57 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 15 If Dallas fans are kept out, who's going to attend?? Carl C posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 11:59 am EDTReport Abuse
  • 16 sdpenguy....
    C'mon dude!...LMAO at you.....
    Have you been to the Charger games?
    Look will see more silver and black in those seats!
    Some dis-charger fans won't even wear their own colors when the Raiders are in town! RFFL posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:04 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 17 This is called a tying agreement, and that is illegal. BlueStar posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:14 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 18 thats really pathetic and dumb, try winning and ppl will come *********. GO COWBOYS! Marcus posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:17 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 19 It doesn't matter if there are Cowboys fans there or not. The Cardinals still stink and Dallas is still going to win. birkettnealy posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:17 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 20 HAHA, how sad! Wouldnt it be better to have it full with Cowboys fans than no one at all....then there would be no blackout. GO COWBOYS!! rayray posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:20 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 21 packerd...dont run your mouth...i hope brett farve comes back to green bay soo when you play dallas this season it just one win we can already count..opps...i cant beat dallas opps....GO COWBOYS Cowboys46n08 posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:24 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 22 The Cowboy fans should boycott the game and let the place be empty. MARKN posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:30 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 23 Shameful...just shameful...GO COWBOYS ICEBERG SLIM posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:35 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 24 This is a stupid business decision by the CARDS front office. The point is to sell tickets to football fans. It's not the COWBOYS fault that we have a great following. The point is make money and win games. The CARDS will make the money for this game but will not win. GO COWBOYS!!! gottagotowork3 posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:40 pm EDTReport Abuse
  • 25 It doesn't matter what they do... What do you expect from a team who has not produced any winning seasons. The southwest is Cowboy country, will always be, will remember the cardinals are from St. Louis, the fans over here in the southwest were bleeding blue before they even arrived, and will keep on from generation to generation because THE COWBOYS ARE WINNERS.....COWBOYS will always own the cardinals whether in tempe or glendale, AZ. Under every red shirt of hope lies the true fact that the COWBOYS are AMERICAS TEAM EVEN IN ARIZONA. Da BOYS posted on Monday, Jul 21, 2008 12:47 pm EDTReport Abuse
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