Any chance LB LVE can make a comeback?

Even if he could physically (which he cannot) why would he want to? From the first few games there is not much to come back to. It would be midseason before he would be ready. Chance of risking more injury also. Not much of a chance of being a champion with this current team.
LVE is thinking bigger than football at this point. He essentially has a narrower than normal nerve channel running through his neck, and he's hurt that neck badly once. If he gets it compressed further or damaged, he could easily be paralyzed from the neck down.

I get that all NFL players are never more than one snap away from life-altering injuries, and that's the deal they all accept, but LVE's risk to reward ratio (what's he going to play for? another 1-year contract?) is much worse than most. He's known about this issue for years, and hopefully he's put some money away to where he doesn't need to play ball any more.
I'd rather bring back the Lilly or the Manster.

Cowboys need DT help.

I'd even settle for Lett or Glover.
Nope. Hes retired, out of shape, doesnt know the system and has a busted neck.
Not knowing the system shouldn't eliminate him from returning. I don't think any of the current defensive players know the system either. He would fit in that regard.

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