Any info on Eagle players in trouble with the Law?


Regular Joe....
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Longboysfan said:
The Eagle owner is Cheep.....

But that's a character issue - not a crime.

Guys so tight he could crush a 58 Buick between his Butt cheeks but yeah, your right. That aint a crime.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Hostile said:
What a bunch of nonsense. The Boys have this rep because They were really good at the time these things came out so Leno & Letterman had a field day with their monologues. No team has more skeletons in the closet than any other.
Thank you. I wrote this and posted it on the internet in 1997: I wrote it after the rape allegation against MI & EW, prior to it being revealed as a hoax.
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So much negative press has been written about the Dallas Cowboys lately, I would like to take a moment to defend them.

Not to defend or condone the immature and selfish acts of a few, but to defend the character, the dignity, the loyalty, the persistent drive and focus of the other 50 players, and the coaching staff of the Dallas Cowboys. These are the people who are just as disgusted as the rest of the football world about the things that have gone on off the field, but they have continued to perform at a high caliber level which is commendable to say the least.

That brings me to my point. These "acts" are the acts of a few individuals, NOT the Dallas Cowboys. These things did not happen at Valley Ranch. The 50 other players, the coaches, and the owner have done nothing to deserve the label the media is putting on them.

The spin doctors are hard at work. The media loves to drag the Cowboys down. All of the Dallas-haters love to blow things out of proportion. This is because the Cowboys have been very successful over the past four years and everyone is tired of them winning. We have to watch our games on TV while the announcers root for the other team. Consequently, the media tries to defeat them off the field since few can on the field. All teams have problems. With 30 NFL teams, and 1,590 overpaid young players on these teams, I have a hard time believing the Cowboys are the only ones with troubles.

If people where I work commit criminal acts, I hope I am not held responsible, nor would you want to be. If every football team is held accountable for the off field acts of a few, what about the Seattle Seahawks when B. Blades killed his cousin? Should this reflect on the Seahawks? No.

When Dexter Manley was failing drug test after drug test, the Commanders weren't tainted. Warren Moon beat his wife, and Coach Dennis Green had a paternity suit filed against him ... why doesn't the media tear down the Minnesota Vikings? Because it's not the Vikings organization, just a selfish few.

Brett Favre was addicted to pain-killing drugs ... nothing was made of that and the Packers weren't held accountable even though someone within the organization was providing him the pills. Bam Morris was caught with marijuana and cocaine. Neither the Pittsburgh Steelers, who he was with at the time, or the Baltimore Ravens were held accountable for his mistakes. Nor should they be.

An Eagles player was accused of rape the night before they played the 49ers. We aren't hearing about that, though, and the Eagles organization isn't being judged for it, either. Nor should they be. The double standard the Cowboys are judged by seems unfair. I can only imagine how the media would respond if a member of the Cowboys carried on the way Brian Cox has. There are many more instances I'm sure that I can't remember or am just not aware of.

Why should the Dallas Cowboys organization be held responsible for the childish acts of a few? Why should their fans be made to feel guilty for cheering for the team they follow and support? It is not the Dallas Cowboys. It is basically three people. (Lett, Irvin, E. Williams) It all stems from the fact that you either love or hate the Dallas Cowboys and people who hate them are looking for a more valid reason to hate them other than they win most of the time. To blame the whole organization is just convenient.

The latest incident in Dallas is getting fishier all the time and appears to have been fabricated. Michael Irvin has several alibis and the police are not even sure there was a criminal act committed at all.

A false accusation. Try to imagine if this were your brother, father, son, or even you being falsely accused of this horrible crime. You might feel differently. Stop and think for a moment how this false accusation might affect your family. If they are guilty, they will be leaving for a long time and the Cowboys should be glad to get rid of that element. If they are not guilty, what an injustice this 'media double standard' has created.

All I am saying to you is try to look past your "hate" for the Dallas Cowboys, and give the majority of the team the respect they deserve.

Don't label the whole organization as bad just because a few were, and you have always hated them anyway. They are just people, athletes and players much like the team you root for. Look past your bias ... don't be so small that you can't acknowledge the success they have had the past four years without trying to tear them down.

They have won three Super Bowls in the past four years, which if I am not mistaken, has never been done before in NFL history. Even the most avid "Dallas Cryboys hater", if they were honest with themselves, would have to admit that is impressive. Someone deserves some credit.

Also, congratulations to the Carolina Panthers.

P.S. Can we now stop hearing about the how great the 49ers are. They have won one Super Bowl out of the past seven, have not made the NFC Championship game the past two years. They did not even win their division this season. Please, let's stop hearing how great they are. They were, they aren't now. Give it up.


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abersonc said:
I don't know, if you adjust for years in the league, I'd give the Carolina Panthers the lead. Caruth, Fred Lane (who was arrested several times before being traded and then killed by his wife), Steve Smith beating up a teammate, Ricky Manning Jr. technically was still a Panther when he was arrested, lots of other lesser arrests, and who can forget those cheerleaders?

But jokes aren't funny when they are about a small market team.

Fred lane got so messed up not only did he get shot to death by his wife she only got a manslaughter charge and will be out in '09. Supposedly she shot him right as he entered the house and then walked through his blood to shoot him a second time and that is manslaughter? whatta DA's office that city must have.


Butt Monkey
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superpunk said:
McNabb parks in handicap spots. Apparently, if he's too far away from the shopping mall, he throws up in the huddle, and chokes the super bowl away.

:lmao2: :lmao2:


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stealth said:
Fred lane got so messed up not only did he get shot to death by his wife she only got a manslaughter charge and will be out in '09. Supposedly she shot him right as he entered the house and then walked through his blood to shoot him a second time and that is manslaughter? whatta DA's office that city must have.

There was also evidence that Lane was a longtime batterer. There was a plea b/c there was a strong self-defense argument to be made.


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abersonc said:
There was also evidence that Lane was a longtime batterer. There was a plea b/c there was a strong self-defense argument to be made.

not really given the circumstances, he got shot right as he walked into the house. not sure how he coulda been abusing her from the outside.
I stick with crappy DA analysis.


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Hostile said:
What a bunch of nonsense. The Boys have this rep because They were really good at the time these things came out so Leno & Letterman had a field day with their monologues. No team has more skeletons in the closet than any other.

all teams are equal in this regard? of course not. trickblue and i went through this awhile ago. he made a list, so did i.

of course, notice i never said the skins were saints, did i? yet, the defensive posters came out in flocks. nice.


Regular Joe....
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riggo said:
all teams are equal in this regard? of course not. trickblue and i went through this awhile ago. he made a list, so did i.

of course, notice i never said the skins were saints, did i? yet, the defensive posters came out in flocks. nice.

And you would expect exactly what reaction from a Cowboys board when you post what you did?


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I love it when eagle fans start recounting our players past sins/offenses.

This can mean only one thing..... they know thier team sucks.

They know the smackdown that October 8th will be.

It's kinda like when Aikman use to be gay. Anybody remember that.
I perferred the gay Aikman to the married one.
That Aikman was leading us to three Superbowls.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I think I read an article a few years back that Andy Reid ate two children and their pet dog while at a park, then sat down on a parkbench and started braiding McFatso's hair...

He did not go to jail for that, because the courts dismissed any charges, claiming it would be too costly to build a new jail just for Fat Andy to live in.

I tried to find the link...but........



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There have been MANY egirls who have done wrong over the years. For instance, Steve Everett their center in the 90's was given a DUI after blowing 100 proof into the breath machine. This was shortly after leaving a bar at 2 am. He later beat the rap by saying it was his chewing tobacco that caused the off-the-charts-reading. Now everyone carries chaw in their cars to beat such raps, nice role model.
Since then, many teams have far exceeded our wrong-doings over the years. For instance, the Broncos of the 90's and their "vitamins". The Vikings and their sex at sea escapades.
Bottom line is NO ONE cares about the egirls in trouble. They cant' beat us on or off of the field.
Now they are back to being the laughing stock of the NFC East. Their owner is a momma's boy who never earned a nickel of his own money. And their QB with the Bin-Laden beard is eating .10 cent a can soup like there is no tomorrow. Thats why he parks in handicap spots, because the cheap soup runs through him and he needs to get to the nearest crapper.


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sonnyboy said:
It's kinda like when Aikman use to be gay. Anybody remember that.
I perferred the gay Aikman to the married one.
That Aikman was leading us to three Superbowls.

wait aikman wasn't gay?
oh crap monica seles ohhhh man, poor guy

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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riggo said:
dont bother. the boys have the rep for a reason- they've had more than their share of problem players. just show that eagle fan the boys lombardi trophy case.

and the Commanders and hell the giants too :laugh1:stupid eagles

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
sonnyboy said:
It's kinda like when Aikman use to be gay. Anybody remember that.
I perferred the gay Aikman to the married one.
That Aikman was leading us to three Superbowls.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Big Country

Rolling Thunder
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Cajuncowboy said:
We also have a ton of World Championships that aren't tarnished by strike years as well.

Wasn't that the ASTERISK championship in 1987.??


Bunch of part time champions.:laugh1:

Since they are in DC maybe they can get the US Congress to remove the asterisk...