Any NFC-East Holdouts?

Everlastingxxx said:
Phoenix-Talon post more, i love seeing my fellow sensitive Cowboy fans whine.

Yes, what we need is more Philadelphia Eagles talk on this website.:bang2:
JustSayNotoTO said:
Yes, what we need is more Philadelphia Eagles talk on this website.:bang2:

But, what about the RedStinks?

They're here by the thousands....just like roaches! Talk about trolls!

The RedStink "roach pa-trolls"....! Plus, they're just plain stupid...! And they live in D.C.? :eek:

:dissskin: Good dog, Gibbs!
I was interested to hear the Eagles signed Bunkley. You folks that got all huffy because he let us know that fact aren't thinking clearly. Is Bunkley an important part of te Eagles this year? If he is, he has missed two weeks of camp and is behind. For a rookie, that time may never be made up and his conditioning may also have suffered during the protracted negotiations (we'll come back to this). If Bunkley doesn't matter then why did the "excellent" drafting Eagles make him their #1?

Does the fact it took two weeks to get their #1 signed indicate more problems in the city of "Brotherly Batteries?" The Eagles have a reputation of taking care of the players they like but making that list is VERY hard to do. We'll see what happens with Bunkley. They ARE having problems in camp with thier WR's getting hurt and I'll bet they aren't too comfortable right now.

Last point, you folks that don't like PT, put him on ignore. It's a simple process. I have stated before that stirring the pot does not constitute being a troll and I stand by my statements. You folks are wrong here. Wouldn't it be better to give PT a hard time about the WR Corps and failure to get their #1 into camp rather than simply resort to personal attacks? Or, just beat on Andy Reid a little's fun

Andy Reid looks like he should be playing the fat guy in a movie where he talks about the Maltese Falcon rather than an NFL coach. He's one donut short of becoming a 9.0 on the Richter Scale. If he had put on those tights, major portions of the eastern US would have become uninhabitable. If he wore a shirt with a red X, helicopters would try to land on him.
lspain1 said:
I was interested to hear the Eagles signed Bunkley. You folks that got all huffy because he let us know that fact aren't thinking clearly. Is Bunkley an important part of te Eagles this year? If he is, he has missed two weeks of camp and is behind. For a rookie, that time may never be made up and his conditioning may also have suffered during the protracted negotiations (we'll come back to this). If Bunkley doesn't matter then why did the "excellent" drafting Eagles make him their #1?

Does the fact it took two weeks to get their #1 signed indicate more problems in the city of "Brotherly Batteries?" The Eagles have a reputation of taking care of the players they like but making that list is VERY hard to do. We'll see what happens with Bunkley. They ARE having problems in camp with thier WR's getting hurt and I'll bet they aren't too comfortable right now.

Last point, you folks that don't like PT, put him on ignore. It's a simple process. I have stated before that stirring the pot does not constitute being a troll and I stand by my statements. You folks are wrong here. Wouldn't it be better to give PT a hard time about the WR Corps and failure to get their #1 into camp rather than simply resort to personal attacks? Or, just beat on Andy Reid a little's fun

Andy Reid looks like he should be playing the fat guy in a movie where he talks about the Maltese Falcon rather than an NFL coach. He's one donut short of becoming a 9.0 on the Richter Scale. If he had put on those tights, major portions of the eastern US would have become uninhabitable. If he wore a shirt with a red X, helicopters would try to land on him.

::checks URL::

Yaaaaawn. NFL zone...what?
lspain1 said:
I was interested to hear the Eagles signed Bunkley. You folks that got all huffy because he let us know that fact aren't thinking clearly. Is Bunkley an important part of te Eagles this year? If he is, he has missed two weeks of camp and is behind. For a rookie, that time may never be made up and his conditioning may also have suffered during the protracted negotiations (we'll come back to this). If Bunkley doesn't matter then why did the "excellent" drafting Eagles make him their #1?

Does the fact it took two weeks to get their #1 signed indicate more problems in the city of "Brotherly Batteries?" The Eagles have a reputation of taking care of the players they like but making that list is VERY hard to do. We'll see what happens with Bunkley. They ARE having problems in camp with thier WR's getting hurt and I'll bet they aren't too comfortable right now.

Last point, you folks that don't like PT, put him on ignore. It's a simple process. I have stated before that stirring the pot does not constitute being a troll and I stand by my statements. You folks are wrong here. Wouldn't it be better to give PT a hard time about the WR Corps and failure to get their #1 into camp rather than simply resort to personal attacks? Or, just beat on Andy Reid a little's fun

Andy Reid looks like he should be playing the fat guy in a movie where he talks about the Maltese Falcon rather than an NFL coach. He's one donut short of becoming a 9.0 on the Richter Scale. If he had put on those tights, major portions of the eastern US would have become uninhabitable. If he wore a shirt with a red X, helicopters would try to land on him.


thats funny stuff at the end, and i agree with what you said b4 that too, there is no need to throw personal jabs at someone you dont even know. For all you know, he could be a nuclear engineer or soemthing like that which would make him smarter than most of us. PT, your alright, by far the least anoying eagirls fan ive ever met

ps, eagles still suck *** answer your question no. The only messed up front office in the NFC East is in Philly.

The cowboys, Commanders, and giants got all thier guys signed BEFORE camp.

and neither the cowboys, Commanders, nor giants had two players arrested on gun charges IN ONE WEEK.

is that what you wanted to know?
The thing about PT that bugs me is this: I'd much rather him come out and say, "Hey fellas! The Eagles signed their first rounder Bunkley today. Once he gets going, he along with Kearse, Howard and Patterson will form the best DL in the NFC East!"

However, he has to start a thread disguised as a "Non-trollish" post. One that states he was just "curious if anyone has heard of any player holdouts". Then, he ever so gently mentions that Philly has now signed Bunkley. But that poses a problem for PT, you see. It's negative for Philly because he's missed most of camp... but it's also positive because Bunkley is now in the fold. I'm sure he wondered if he should even bring it up. The deciding factor was this, I think:

He gets to mention (and put in bold lettering) that every other pick was signed on time for the first day of camp. He knew that we were aware of Bunkley's holdout... but he wasn't sure if we knew everyone else had been signed from day one. He didn't want to pass up the chance to mention that to us. Sort of saying, "Yeah, Bunkley was a holdout... but we had all other picks signed on time."

Why he tries so hard to hide his digs is beyond me... but digs they are. That's why Rack correctly lables PT as a troll. He stirs up us Cowboys fans. I don't mind that... really I don't... but the cowardly way that he tries to hide his intentions does bother me. I can take the arguments... but I have a hard time stomaching his overly polite, thinly-veild threats and digs.

He works really hard at it with topics and thread titles such as:

"What's your.....Vichyssoise... in 2006" As PT correctly mentions, that word is just another way of saying revenge or payback. He asks us to identify teams that we want revenge on for some reason or another... then he drops the bomb: "4) While franchises rarely seek "satisfaction" for individuals players, in rare instances, it could mean getting back at a former player for making lewd remarks, gestures, or actions detrimental to their former team/teammates" As if we wouldn't realize he's talking about his team wanting to get back at TO. :rolleyes:

"The 2006 Anti-Superbowl game" PT made up that name all by himself. It's the most important game of the season that isn't a superbowl. Guess which his is?

"How important is team chemistry" PT's not so subtle jab at Dallas implying (not saying of course) that TO will cause dissention in Dallas (leading to our well deserved demise) and that his absence in Philly will be the catalyst that propels an uber-unified Eagles lockerroom right to the super bowl... and beyond! He doesn't say that of course, but oh how he wants us to read that between the lines!

"Dallas Cowboy Running Backs" Under the guise of giving Emmitt Smith the ultimate compliment, PT tries to creat discord among Dallas fans while at the same time trashing our current RB situation. He says that he was "shocked" that the Dallas GM didn't give Emmitt a chance to have another year in Dallas. He knows that some Dallas fans thought it was high time for Emmitt to go and that some thought he should have been able to stay just about as long as he wanted. That subject can cause a lot of in-fighting between Dallas fans and that's just what PT was hoping for. Of course he can't pass up the chance to get a dig in at Julius Jones and Barber, although again, he does it in such a way as to not seem trollish. He says, "I say it was a mistake to let him retire that One year prematurely. Emmitt, probably to this day is a better running back than JJ or anyone on the 2006 roster! Emmitt was indeed the "answer" to getting into the playoffs in 2005/2006!" :rolleyes:

"Hate Cliches' used to Thwart Opponent Perspectives ...Whether True or False!" This one will be my last, because I think everyone gets the picture of what PT does. But this one is fascinating. He pulls out all stops on this one. The basic premise is that new posters here (rookie zone members he calls them) use incorrect arguments with rival fans like PT. That the rookies just don't know what they're talking about basically. What's funny is that he doesn't address the posters that he has a problem with. He addresses the long-time posters here as if trying to gain their favor and get them on his side.

First, PT tries to align himself with longtime Zone members against the newer posters by saying that the "rookies" throw out incorrect information trying to out-argue a rival fan (PT) and that the new posters are doing this just to gain favor with the old guard here at the Zone. It's like he's putting his arms around Hos and Trickblue's shoulders, shaking his head and saying, "Rookies, what ya gonna do? C'mon guys... let's go have a beer."

Then, PT basically says that it sure would be nice for some of the new posters to argue in a civilized manner... like him, in an attempt to get the mods to side with him, I suppose.

Then it's on to the "Myths". He goes on to tell us how hurt Donnie McNabb really was and that his horrible injury was the reason for his gawd-awful play last season. Of course, he forgets to mention the times when McNabb inexplicably did the moonwalk and half of Michael Jackson's Thriller routine after scoring a running TD.

"Myth" number two is that the Cowboys OL is anywhere near good enough to stop NFC defensive lines. Of course he means the Eagles Revamped DL with all of it's big names and #1 picks.

It had been too long... it was time to bring in TO. PT basically said that Jerry wanted TO so badly that he only focused on him and spent all of the available money on TO and so had nothing much left for the OL. Really, that's what he said. He goes so far as to say that Jerry signed Kosier and let Larry Allen go because he needed to save all that money in order to sign TO. Just said the heck with our LG position because he wanted TO so bad. Once again, TO will be the Cowboys downfall. PT tells us who our starters will be on the OL and says that he knows better than the "rookie" posters who are members at the Zone because he's been here long enough to know better. He decided that we are "Dangerously thin" on the OL and basically don't stand a chance. He finishes that thought with this non-trollish remark:

"I'll bet I know what the Cowboys will do in the 2007 draft ...OL!"

Yeah, he doesn't troll. :rolleyes:

Finally, he ends this doozy of a post by saying that he's sure he'll hear from the same group who typically shoots down his posts, but that he'd just love to hear from "the experience cadre of Cowboy fans". He calls them the "Silent Minority". I'm sure that in his mind, it's a group of Zone members who have been here for a long time and simply think that PT is brilliant. He probably thinks they agree with everything he says, because in his mind what he says just makes so much sense! He probably figures that they don't post and tell him how right he really is because of peer pressure from other posters... they don't want to be lumped with an Eagles fan. :rolleyes:

I, for one, consider him to be a troll. Not only a troll but one of the worst variety... one that tries to hide his Cowboy doom and gloom under the guise of polite football dialogue and overly passive remarks.

Don't think of him as a troll if you wish... but that just means he fooled you with big words and dime-store psychology.
AsthmaField said:
Don't think of him as a troll if you wish... but that just means he fooled you with big words and dime-store psychology.


But there are those here that don't have the mental capacity to figure that out.
Rack said:

But there are those here that don't have the mental capacity to figure that out.

The Truth is Out There.

If thats what I interpret your avatar to be.

Great show, by the way.
And then there are others with mind of a child who throw throw temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. Ignore list.... simple. No need to cry and whine.....
KD said:
And then there are others with minds of a child who throw throw temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. Ignore list.... simple. No need to cry and whine.....

I really dont see any crying or whining or anything deserving of the ignore list.
JustSayNotoTO said:
The Truth is Out There.

If thats what I interpret your avatar to be.

Great show, by the way.

Misinterpreted, although I agree the X-Files was a great show.

The X in my sig is from DX (degeneration X). It's a WWE thing.
Thats crazy because of my late night TNT knowledge, that is the X-Files logo. Either way, no biggie.