Rynie;4058502 said:
I can spot a fake from a mile away. In case you need help...
Not all fakes are easy to spot..
I've seen ones that the jock tag is correct, and has a real football look, not that odd squiggly box they showed( they must have tried hard to find the cheapest knockoff possible for that).
Some details that are obvious to notice weren't listed on that video.
Look for three things:
First the NFL Equipment shield located on the neck of the jersey. It ALMOST ALWAYS will have stitching errors on a fake. As in the letters are not clearly separated, and may have stitching attached from one letter to the next when you look at it close.
Second, fake jerseys from MOST SITES will have the lettering wrong. Most often the letters are to wide (especially on Steelers knockoffs). The typical jersey letter is a pre-set size and cut. You'll notice the letters looks disproportionate to the actual jersey letters if you see a fake next to a real one. Either to wide, or too long.
Third, like the first tip, most fakes will have stitching errors, they may be minor but they are always going to be there. Even on good looking knockoffs. Check the Reebok logo on the sleeve, there is usually a stitching error on it. It looks good from a distance but will have strings that attach to the next part of the design. Not only that, i've seen mispelling on the jock tag. One of my friends has a really nice looking jersey that says "Engineered the exact spe
dification" It says Spedification instead of Specification.
One last note, jerseys are sold with the patch.The cowboys pro-shop online sold the 50th anniversary jerseys last year. I dont know about the authentics, but the replica AND EQT/Premiers both came with them last season.
You get what you pay for. Jersey101/yuki/toonjersey have pretty decent knockoffs, but they are knockoffs. No doubt about it. They are better then a lot of the Ebay ones at least.
If you can't afford an authentic, the jersey101 are a lot better then an official NFL EQT/Premier jersey. And cost a 1/3 of the price.
As always, you do get what you pay for though.