Anyone buys fake clothes/watches?

CanadianCowboysFan;5044699 said:
how much do you expect to pay?

To be honest I don't really wear tshirts other than under shirts.
Pretty much shirts with collars, with a cowboy, bulls or sfgiants jersey here and there.

How much do you spend on t-shirts? If I do buy one to just wear, the last one I bought was in berkely at this t-shirt spot. It was like 2 for 9.99 with some jazz artists on them.
The higher the shine the cheaper the merchandise. True of knives and men. :D
Where on earth do you get $35 fake t shirts? I thought the whole point of buying fake ones was that they were cheap...
While stationed in S.Korea back in the day I bought all kinds of fake stuff.

About any type of shoes you wanted. Most of them were of good quality, only a few were crap but you only paid a few bucks for them so it was not a loss. Bought some Fendi stuff (shoes). Guess jeans and Jean jackets (when that was kind of big).

Like I said, most of the stuff was pretty good quality.

However he Fake watches (as someone mentioned earlier) were crap. You could buy them for a few bucks (under $10 in most cases if you wanted to argue) and get most of the top name brands.

Although I did have a couple of "rolex" watches that only lasted a few weeks. One in particular started ticking backwards. :laugh2:

Now I am old enough not to care what people think about concerning name brand stuff. If I get a decent price on some shoes I like and they also happen to be a name brand...that is all the better to me but in most of those cases they are shoes that are not the newest versions or models that the company is on. But if they are comfortable to me, that is all that matters.

I did get a decent watch a few years back as a treat to myself when we got an insurance settlement. Not a rolex or anything of that higher end money but just a nice Citizen that costed more than I had spent on a watch in the past. Still wear it now and probably will for years.
vlad;5044805 said:
Anyway sorry to get preachy but please please step up in your town and turn that tide. Fake goods are built on the backs of children, sweatshops, and inhumane practices.

So are many of the legitimate brands
Denim Chicken;5045144 said:
So are many of the legitimate brands

Not really related but there was a situation some years ago. I think it was bausch&lomb (sp?) that got caught playing a trick on the consumers.

They produced the same exact contact lenses and sold it as two different products. One a higher end and one a lower end.
CanadianCowboysFan;5044674 said:
I wear your grandad's clothes, I look incredible in this big ,,, coat from that thrift shop down the road
That...sounds funny.:D
BrAinPaiNt;5045158 said:
Not really related but there was a situation some years ago. I think it was bausch&lomb (sp?) that got caught playing a trick on the consumers.

They produced the same exact contact lenses and sold it as two different products. One a higher end and one a lower end.

This is a known practice for many companies. If they only make and sell high end, expensive items, then they only reach that demographic. However, if the company also makes items that are "generic" and low cost they can meet both demands.

I had an economics/accounting professor several years ago that said he always bought the cheap brand of tires for his car because his friend works for a big tire company and told him that the cheap brands and the good brands are all made the same and then marketed differently. Said the profit margins were so big that it didn't matter that they were essentially selling the same tire for less in some instances. Pretty interesting stuff and I wonder what other companies do the same.
CanadianCowboysFan;5044674 said:
I wear your grandad's clothes, I look incredible in this big ,,, coat from that thrift shop down the road
I'ma take your grandpa's style, I'ma take your grandpa's style...yo for real, ask your grandpa, can I have his hand me downs?
I bought Fake Ray Bans in Cabo around New Years... I call them Ray Banos.

They look nearly identical, but they are far from functional. They don't protect your eyes at all, but I sure looked pretty bad***.
If you ever goto a football game you'd know that a large portion of people going to games have no problem wearing fake jerseys. Some are hardly noticeable,some you can spot from a section away lol.

I've never purchased fake shoes/clothes. I have picked up fake jerseys from time to time. I have a ridiculous Jersey collection, most are straight from nflshop,while others aren't real but I wanted them due to specialty patches that don't come with authentics.

At the local Braves game I see fake Jason Heyward jerseys all the time. They are so easy to spot, b/c rather than using a 2(#22) they use upside down 5's. Seriously? lol
vlad;5044805 said:
R2A - I was under the impression you lived in the city?

Anyway sorry to get preachy but please please step up in your town and turn that tide. Fake goods are built on the backs of children, sweatshops, and inhumane practices.

As a side effect, that's a sad reason we have less artisans around.

I live right outside of the city, on Long Island.

I think almost all clothes are built on the backs of children and inhumane practices as sad as that sounds.
BrAinPaiNt;5045158 said:
Not really related but there was a situation some years ago. I think it was bausch&lomb (sp?) that got caught playing a trick on the consumers.

They produced the same exact contact lenses and sold it as two different products. One a higher end and one a lower end.

Reminds me of an experiment I once heard of where a gathering of sommeliers were served wine which they were then asked to rate. The labels were showing, but the conductors of the experiment had switched the wine in the bottles with the cheaper wines having the more expensive wine’s label, and vice versa. The result was that in the aggregate, the wines with the more expensive labels were given the higher ratings despite their true identity as the cheaper wine.
Hoofbite;5044821 said:
I think this is where you and likely many of the other posters here differ.

They don't care how they "appear".

Thus, they don't need to broadcast what they paid for a t-shirt or how much it costs to have one's pubes bleached.

how much do you pay?
JonJon;5043792 said:
I buy fake shoes and suits from time to time. It's not that I can't afford the real deal, I just choose not to buy the real thing because I am cheap, and would rather spend my money on other things of importance. I could care less if it is real. I have a bunch of Jordan's and Nike shoes, Armani shoes, and suits. My philosophy is this: Why spend $150 on one pair of Jordan's when you can buy 5 pair made of the same materials for the same price? Everything stays clean because I have so many to choose from. I still have shoes I haven't even worn yet, lol. The quality is basically the same as the real thing (depending on where you get it from). I order mine from overseas. Nobody knows the difference when I where them and I also get compliments about how great my suits and shoes look.

Now watches, I will not buy, as they are not the same material and are usually bad quality.

smart man. you gettin 5 for 150? holla at ya boy!
CanadianCowboysFan;5044571 said:
The Crocodile on the shirt does make the cotton feel better.

The way some of you are talking and how cheap you appear, you must all feel affinity for the Macklemore song "Thrift Shop".
Well I am cheap when it comes to clothes, but I certainly don't appear cheap lol. It's not like the suits and shoes are made of cardboard and duct tape. They are made of the same materials that the real brands are made from. If anyone wants to spend more money for an official logo, more power to them... To each his own though. I'd rather spend big on other things.

Romo 2 Austin;5044615 said:
I have a friend from a well off family.. Father is a court officer, mother a NYC teacher. He exclusively shops for his clothes at thrift shops because of that song. He says that it is a bargain. It really angers me, those stores are not for people to go to because it is trendy.. They are for people that need it. At least in my opinion.
You'd be surprised who shops there. Back when I used to sell insurance, my general manager, who made around $700k a year, was a regular shopper at the thrift store. He would always come in the office with some sports coat he got for like $5. He also drove a Toyota Corolla. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it isn't quite the car you'd expect him to drive. But his house was a freaking mansion. I asked him about it one day, and he said he could care less what the rest of the world thought of him. His main focus was to provide the most comfortable dwelling for his family and setup his children for the future financially.
chip_gilkey;5045199 said:
This is a known practice for many companies. If they only make and sell high end, expensive items, then they only reach that demographic. However, if the company also makes items that are "generic" and low cost they can meet both demands.

I had an economics/accounting professor several years ago that said he always bought the cheap brand of tires for his car because his friend works for a big tire company and told him that the cheap brands and the good brands are all made the same and then marketed differently. Said the profit margins were so big that it didn't matter that they were essentially selling the same tire for less in some instances. Pretty interesting stuff and I wonder what other companies do the same.

This right here... plenty of times your just paying for the labels. Sometimes the quality is that much better, but in many cases, if your gonna shell out big money, you gotta do your research.
Romo 2 Austin;5044615 said:
It really angers me, those stores are not for people to go to because it is trendy.. They are for people that need it. At least in my opinion.

I think you might have a bit of a misconception on what/who these stores are for.

Places like Goodwill and most of the smaller, non-profit RESALE shops, are happy to take anyone's $$$.

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