Anyone Else Hear Thomas and Spears on 103.3?


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Tonight on 'Off With The Helmets' Marcus Spears and Zach Thomas had some very inspiring things to say about the defense coming off that great performance against the Bucs...

Spears and Zach talk Bucs and Giants

I really hope this defense comes to play for the rest of the season.

If they can play at that level against the Giants and the offense gets a few lucky breaks then a win in NY with Brad Johnson at QB may not be an impossibility.

And can I get a few picks off of Eli please!


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Chocolate Lab;2381912 said:
I heard a little of it, and I'm sorry, but Spears still sounds like a guy who knows to say all the right things but doesn't really live it. Maybe I'm being too hard on him and he's simply not that good, but I detect a sense of entitlement from him when I hear him on the radio.

Zach, on the other hand... We need more guys like him. Spears asks, "So if I came to the Thomas household on an off day, what would I find you doing?"

Zach: "Watching film."

I do think the entire D got a ton of confidence from last week, though. Hopefully that carries over, because I hate the Giants.

I hate to agree on Spears, but I have to. He has that "entitlement" attitude. (perfect word BTW)


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Rack;2382027 said:

I'd rather them be overhyped then to play like zombies like they did vs the Rams.

Someone tell the defensive guys not to show any emotion cuz they might get the wittwe giants angwy.

Agree that we did "over-celebrate", but I'd rather have that than the lack of emotion we saw in St Louis.


Mr. Fixit
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TEUFELI;2382222 said:
Agree that we did "over-celebrate", but I'd rather have that than the lack of emotion we saw in St Louis.

Me too. But celebrating a sack, a pick, a TFL or a big hit is one thing, celebrating a tackle 5 to 10 yards down the field is another thing entirely.

But the worst is "celebrating" by taking their helmets off while still on the field.


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Chocolate Lab;2381912 said:
I heard a little of it, and I'm sorry, but Spears still sounds like a guy who knows to say all the right things but doesn't really live it. Maybe I'm being too hard on him and he's simply not that good, but I detect a sense of entitlement from him when I hear him on the radio.

Zach, on the other hand... We need more guys like him. Spears asks, "So if I came to the Thomas household on an off day, what would I find you doing?"

Zach: "Watching film."

I do think the entire D got a ton of confidence from last week, though. Hopefully that carries over, because I hate the Giants.

Where was that attitude the 6 weeks prior sorry if I am sketipcial that they can do it again against a better offense


Arch Defender
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Spears is out best DL other than Ratliff this yr, the vast majority of the games the run defense has been very good, and he's one of the main reasons.


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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about. Spears has been pretty good this season. I guess you guys look at sack totals and think that determines how well a defensinve lineman plays. He's been pretty good this season. Definately his best season as a Cowboy which doesn't say much but nonetheless this is his best year.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Rampage;2381937 said:
they can do whatever they want as long as they play up to there potential on defense like they did last week.

They have more..................


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The DBs also played a lot closer to the line of scrimmage. This defense also adjusted much better than the previous games, closing off the middle. As Siragusa pointed out early in the game, the DL were lining to far outside the guards, allowing Garcia to evade pressire by stepping up in the pocket. They stopped doing it.

Wade flat-out adjusted....

BTW, they also simplified the play-calling. They may not have changed their philosophy, but they toned it down.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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BlueStar22;2381895 said:
Those two really have me now looking forward to Sunday. Still not expecting much offensively but they really sounded like th defense is going to be the thing that turns this thing around. They both kept saying how close a game they expect it to be. Over on the Ticket, DeMarcus Ware was singing the same thing. Looking forward to seeing our D!

I am pleased to hear about their enthusiasm.

But unless we hold the Giants under 10 points as we did the Buccaneers, we have no prayer of winning this game.