Anyone have info on Fox Sports Southwest?


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What's happened to "Southwest Sports Report?" I always try to watch it once TC starts to see what's going on in TC (even if it does mean being subjected to Ric Renner). The past few days, it's just been the Astros wrapup. Has FSSW stopped carrying Cowboys info?


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From the Morning News two weeks ago in Barry Horn's media column

Fox Sports Net's Southwest Sports Report ends its six-year run this month. The studio roundup show gives way to sports-specific postgame shows for the Rangers, Mavericks and Stars.

"This is part of a continuing evolution to focus on the teams that matter most to our viewers," said Fox Sports Net Southwest boss Jon Heidtke.

The new format will include 30-minute pregame shows to complement the 30-minute postgame shows.

Heidtke expects to soon announce the hiring of expert analysts. "They'll probably be former players," he said.

On average, SSR managed to retain half of the audience that tuned in to games. Heidtke is hoping the new format will keep more of that audience.

Heidtke said SSR anchors John Rhadigan, Dana Larson, Ric Renner and Emily Jones will shift to postgame anchor and reporter duties.

When the North Texas teams aren't on FSNSW, FSN will offer Astros games and postgames. Also in the works are occasional Big 12 and high school studio shows.


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its been like that for a while not sure why.... I live in Vegas and FSW was my only Cowboy fix on TV... I canned the channel about a month ago!


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jlust22 said:
Fox Sports Net's Southwest Sports Report ends its six-year run this month. The studio roundup show gives way to sports-specific postgame shows for the Rangers, Mavericks and Stars.

"This is part of a continuing evolution to focus on the teams that matter most to our viewers," said Fox Sports Net Southwest boss Jon Heidtke.

So the Cowboys apparently DON'T matter to viewers?!?! :eek:

That really sucks! For those of us outside the DFW viewing area, it was the only way to get a daily fix of Cowboys news. :mad:


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Kittymama said:
What's happened to "Southwest Sports Report?" I always try to watch it once TC starts to see what's going on in TC (even if it does mean being subjected to Ric Renner). The past few days, it's just been the Astros wrapup. Has FSSW stopped carrying Cowboys info?
Yeah I noticed it too.

But if you think about it how much coverage to did that show really have?

A lot of training camp segments were Ric Renner fluff/comedy pieces.

In a thiry minute show you had maybe 4-5 minutes about training camp.

Hell I see more than that on Sportscenter everyday.

They did a very poor job in coverage.