Anyone hear the start of the mike and the mad dog show?

sonnyboy;1130109 said:
Was very interested in hearing Francesa's thoughts on the game.

I just got back sat. night from visiting my family in central ny, and it is nice to listen to mike francessa talk about the cowboys and parcells. He doesnt speak in cliches or talking points. He speaks about what he knows from parcells on a personal level and then from a distance.

I would like to know what he said this afternoon. I need to go dig up their archives on and hear what he said.

I cant stand chris russo though, he is so annoying. He is like dale hansen with a better sports iq, but just as annoying. His rants are off base and long winded and he cuts off francessa way too much.

Francessa is just like norm, smart, realistic, excitable and a pure pleasure to listen to. I wish the rest of the sports talk radio and espn network would give us more mike francessas and norm hitzges and less jim rome and steven A smith, and michael irvin.

Please recap for us if you what they said.
sonnyboy;1130109 said:
Was very interested in hearing Francesa's thoughts on the game.

I missed it. There weren't on yet when I left for lunch and on my way back they were talking about other stuff. I can't stand the slobbering mad dog.
theebs;1130143 said:
I cant stand chris russo though, he is so annoying. He is like dale hansen with a better sports iq, but just as annoying. His rants are off base and long winded and he cuts off francessa way too much.

He slobbers when he talks too. :puke: :ralph:
didn't really get into it yet. went to jets first... cowboys and eagles collapse discussion coming later. chris was blabbering (getting on gints fans) how dallas is back in it and Thanksgiving in the francessa household will have a new life. nothing more than that.

celtics/red discussion is permeating WFAN today. i hate basketball so i don't want to hear about NBA in any way i'm sorry.

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