Anyone up for PLAT we win it all next year?


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
PLAT guarantee we see this same scenario take place next season….if not worse?:huh:

well it wont be because of the Plats...if Dak does not learn to generate poise in the pocket and either throw to receivers open or learn to anticipate better and throw them open my Plats

are irrelevant....i thought i was getting the Dak earlier in season not the one that devolved as yesterday showed....even with all our miscues and penalties we could have won this game

had as Tony Romo commentator said....i see receivers open Dak is missing??????....Dak may need to spend off season paying for highly regarded sports psycologist to help him get over

his fear of seeing the field


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I hope you put an end to those PLAT guarantee threads but apparently you love attention. By the way we’re not winning crap next year. You can put a PLAT guarantee on that. :thumbup:


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well it wont be because of the Plats...if Dak does not learn to generate poise in the pocket and either throw to receivers open or learn to anticipate better and throw them open my Plats

are irrelevant....i thought i was getting the Dak earlier in season not the one that devolved as yesterday showed....even with all our miscues and penalties we could have won this game

had as Tony Romo commentator said....i see receivers open Dak is missing??????....Dak may need to spend off season paying for highly regarded sports psycologist to help him get over

his fear of seeing the field
Totally agree. I saw lots of open receivers.


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going to watch game on gamepass---even before i much do you want to bet Dak has receivers either open or if he had greater anticipation could throw them open but instead Dak hesistates

and dboule pumps often throwing behind receivers?....yes it is Dak critique day for sure
I totally agree with ya. Dak waits much too long to get rid of the ball and the sad thing is he's not getting any better!!!!!!!!!!!! This is something you're born with and I'm not sure they can teach this old dog new tricks.............


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Totally agree. I saw lots of open receivers.

ticks me off to no end....i am a 50 year fan of Cowboys and we know fan means fanatic...the only thing we have is to hoot and holler when they win and critique the snot of of them when they lose....

we dont get paid...our word means nothing when drafting or picking up free does not bother me in the least if a team pulls a total laying of an egg last Dallas did that we come at

them both barrells.....You have seen when they do pretty good we shower them with love and praise...and spend billions on sports equipment and memorbilila to make Jerry 8 billion rich

darn right you gonna hear both barrels of a shod off shot gun blasting when team looks like they belong in the bum league...and they all need to face it like sick and tired of Jerry bering main

reason we are not successful...he hangs on to his puppets way too long as the antiquated ways drive us into the dirt....and refuses to do the things champions do....its a money making fun club for Jerry

no real seriousness to him.....we need to fire McCarthey immeidately if for no other reason that he lied that he watched all the tape to prepare in the season he missed and then was so stupid enough to

admit it to Jerry it was all a rouse to get the job...that is seriously missing parts in his brain that winners count on when going gets tough...he is so hands off and puppset like does not matter what title he holds

get rid of Moore...yes he had good ideas for a while but he did not have offense prepared at all to meet 9ers first 3 quarters....i would Immediately hire Quinn and give him the keys to do as he wishes....he turned

around the worst defense in NFL to be more than competent one...bring his energy to offense side and bring his energy to Admin side.....we have the star power if we channeled it properly


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Literally zero chance .
This is the most gutless, weak minded squad in organization history .