Anyone who has a cap hit larger than your QB needs to be addressed

Galian Beast

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Everyone seems to think this is only an assault on DeMarcus Ware, but it goes beyond him.

If I'm in the Dallas Front Office, I'm also going to ask Brandon Carr to take a pretty significant pay cut this year and perhaps next for his poor performance last year. He certainly contributed to us losing that Detroit game, and before anyone says that it happened to a lot of other corners, first of all he is paid for that not to happen, and second no it didn't.

I wouldn't be afraid of cutting Carr in June. It saves us 6 million this year, 500k next year, and 14 million in 2016.

I think it is obvious that we overpaid for him, and thought he would perform more consistently like we've seen him do. Our secondary is a disaster. And we're going to need to turn the corner on it. That being said, I'd rather he take a pay cut than be released (where as I think it's far more appropriate to release DeMarcus Ware than ask for him to take a pay cut, unless you get him to take a major pay cut for both this year and next year).

I think we also need to take a look at Jason Witten's contract. At 8.4 million dollars he represents 6.3% of our salary cap. I don't think you give him the same ultimatum, but I think you ask him to take one for the team. I think you probably have to restructure his contract again though.

Assuming that the cap raises to 140 million next year and 150 million the year after that, that would mean that his percentage of the cap will be 6.08 percent in 2015 and 4.94 percent in 2016. The dead money for cutting Witten in 2016 is currently 1.8 million. I don't think it would be counterproductive to spread some of 2013 into 2016. Restructuring Witten this year gives us an additional 3 million dollars, which could certainly go a long way in signing someone who could help us out significantly.

Miles Austin is another figure with a huge cap hit. Obviously cutting him in June would be the best course of action (or rather designating him a June 1st cut). Some people have floated the idea of having him take a pay cut, which I'm not completely against, but I think that his time has come. I'd rather see Williams and Beasley out there, and I'm not convinced that he can produce for us anymore. Even at the vet minimum, he is taking snaps away from younger and more productive players. Cutting him opens up huge resources for the defense.

Doug Free even after taking a pay cut is a top heavy contract that we obviously don't want to keep as we begin paying Tyron Smith. I think we don't have much choice but to pay him this year, but I think it's pretty clear that he is gone in 2015. We'll have to take a 4 million dollar cap hit when we release him, but in actuality it opens up huge options that most people probably aren't calculating for. We'll have to draft someone either next year or this year to take his spot unless Parnell somehow flashes some sort of qualification this year. You make Doug Free a June 1st cut in 2015, and that spreads the cap hit pretty nicely, though it doesn't make as huge a difference as Miles Austin.

The next highest paid player is actually Morris Claiborne, which should highlight how regrettable moving up to draft him was. Not only did he cost us an additional pick, but he is also pretty expensive in his own right. I'd love to trade him to another team who is looking to get rid of their potential 1st round bust. We basically need to start over on defense. Only player who doesn't need to be looked at is Sean Lee (who while being more expensive than some of the players mentioned just had his contract restructured).

Kyle Orton. I wouldn't mind if Orton did retire. I'd love to bring in Colt McCoy as Romo's backup. I know there isn't consensus on this, but I think it would be a good move. Much cheaper, and I don't think there is really a drop off. Was never a fan of Orton and always thought he was overrated. I think McCoy would be a lot better in our system and with our weapons. Again as a disclaimer, it isn't to suggest that he is the future of the franchise or that we didn't need to draft a QB at some point, just that he is a cheap backup who if called upon could probably do the job for a game or two.

Mackenzy Bernadeau, I wanted to cut him before, but I think now he has made the case that his contract could be restructured, and he could stick around for another year as a backup guard. Restructuring his contract doesn't save a whole lot, nor does it make cutting him next year difficult. He could also possibly be extended at a more appropriate salary.

The team needs to address a lot of these top heavy contracts that aren't helping us win games. You need to bring in quality 3-6 million dollar free agents who can help the team, and you need to draft well. We should have no problem re-signing Bryant or Smith, and Murray if we want/he wants.

If we cut ware, restructure Witten and Bernadeau we would be 10 million under the cap. In June we would be able to get another 5 million for cutting Austin. If you can get Carr to take a pay cut you can probably get closer to 18-20 million (Note that cutting Carr in June would give us 22.3 million)

Cowboys could do a lot with that money, and they wouldn't be any worse off than they were last year. With 18-20 million you could probably sign one the best defensive ends and defensive tackles in free agency, and probably help address the offensive line a bit. Not to mention make the room to extend Dez and Tyron.

Assuming we didn't do anything with Carr we would still have 15 million dollars this year, and 25 million under the cap next year, 69 million under the cap in 2016.

I think that is something that goes overlooked when it is discussed about signing free agents. It's not as if you have to pay them everything this year. The biggest thing is that you shouldn't overpay players (Carr) and you shouldn't focus on giving old players long contracts (Hatcher).

For the right price I'd love to see what Marinelli could do with Michael Bennett. You get Michael Bennett and Henry Melton, then you draft a defensive end and a defensive tackle... and we're in business.


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BG I usually enjoy your posts but this one I found myself shaking my head. You're damning players for having a bad year see MO who was 2nd year player and Carr who was actually having a good season until Johnson humiliated him and I think that carried over to the rest of the year. I'm not inclined to ask for a pay cut from him yet. It hasn't been the norm for him. He's been a very solid player his entire career and he isn't an old guy either. As far as MO goes he's on his rookie contract for goodness sakes and it amazes me how people want to get rid of a guy who was injured and playing in the wrong system. When he finally got healthy he actually played pretty well. If we get the Doug Free from last year moving forward I have no problem with him staying. Heck the dude already took one for the team. Wittens restructure is a good move period. Your basically proposing cutting your starting right tackle and both starting corners. You don't win this league doing those types of moves. JJ and company would be crucified for that. They will be fine with the cap moving forward


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We should've never drafted Morris Claiborne and we should cut Brandon

Cowboys need to upgrade their team through the draft. End of story.

Galian Beast

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BG I usually enjoy your posts but this one I found myself shaking my head. You're damning players for having a bad year see MO who was 2nd year player and Carr who was actually having a good season until Johnson humiliated him and I think that carried over to the rest of the year. I'm not inclined to ask for a pay cut from him yet. It hasn't been the norm for him. He's been a very solid player his entire career and he isn't an old guy either. As far as MO goes he's on his rookie contract for goodness sakes and it amazes me how people want to get rid of a guy who was injured and playing in the wrong system. When he finally got healthy he actually played pretty well. If we get the Doug Free from last year moving forward I have no problem with him staying. Heck the dude already took one for the team. Wittens restructure is a good move period. Your basically proposing cutting your starting right tackle and both starting corners. You don't win this league doing those types of moves. JJ and company would be crucified for that. They will be fine with the cap moving forward

Claiborne has two years left on his deal, and he'll cost 5 million in his final year. That's a significant chunk of change. He was one of the worst corners in the league last year, and Carr wasn't far behind him.

Doug Free if kept beyond 2014 will have cap hits of 11 and 9 million dollars. He isn't worth that.

I didn't say we should cut them all this year, you work with free agency and the draft to replace them, but they're all certainly investments that have a shelf life.


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The points like Austin and Ware clearly make sense.

Regarding our corners, what a difficult task they were responsible for last year.

Basically no pass rush, no safety help and a highly questionable fit in the way the scheme packages were implemented/called.

I would give our young corners another year to prove otherwise at this point.


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Claiborne has two years left on his deal, and he'll cost 5 million in his final year. That's a significant chunk of change. He was one of the worst corners in the league last year, and Carr wasn't far behind him.

Doug Free if kept beyond 2014 will have cap hits of 11 and 9 million dollars. He isn't worth that.

I didn't say we should cut them all this year, you work with free agency and the draft to replace them, but they're all certainly investments that have a shelf life.

I understand the potential cap hits they are scheduled to be. But if Mo bounces back he gets his 2nd contract and all is good for a young corner. Carr had a bad 2nd half of the season I'm confident he will have a stellar year as long as RM is going to allow his guys to play man and press the Wrs at the line. Maybe if he had some single high safety help in the zone scheme it wouldn't have been as bad. But again he gets another year because for a year and a half here he has been a very good player for this team. Free will probably get restructured if he is playing well moving forward and I would be just fine with that. Why? Because it's allowing the oline to stay together as a unit they know each other and that is worth a few extra million. Like I said we aren't talking about guys on the wrong side of 30


Stop chasing
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I understand the potential cap hits they are scheduled to be. But if Mo bounces back he gets his 2nd contract and all is good for a young corner. Carr had a bad 2nd half of the season I'm confident he will have a stellar year as long as RM is going to allow his guys to play man and press the Wrs at the line. Maybe if he had some single high safety help in the zone scheme it wouldn't have been as bad. But again he gets another year because for a year and a half here he has been a very good player for this team. Free will probably get restructured if he is playing well moving forward and I would be just fine with that. Why? Because it's allowing the oline to stay together as a unit they know each other and that is worth a few extra million. Like I said we aren't talking about guys on the wrong side of 30

I agree with your line of thinking (corners) but think it would prove beneficial to replace Free with a pick (preferably this draft) and move on after next season. I hear ya on the continuity aspect and why I'm not rushing Mack off the roster. But Free has never been an ideal tackle (too weak) who is too erratic for my tastes. Ideally we could draft Mack/Free replacements in this draft and integrate them as starters (hopefully) by 15.


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I agree with your line of thinking but think it would prove beneficial to replace Free with a pick (preferably this draft) and move on after next season. I hear ya on the continuity aspect and why I'm not rushing Mack off the roster. But Free has never been an ideal tackle (too weak) who is too erratic for my tastes.

While I agree Bigstar with Mack I have to disagree about free. I think it takes a lot for a man to look in the mirror and say man I really sucked and struggled and I owe this team for that. To his credit it's exactly what he did and I like players like that and shows me that he is willing to continue to work hard to be a solid player for this team. By all means draft a guy to replace him in 2-3 years and if that guy doesn't develope and free is still playing well then it's still a win for the club. He has had good seasons.


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Keep carr and restructure and if he doesn't get back to his ways then a pay cut after next year. I like carr on this team. I think hes a top db in this league.


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I would be open to unloading most if not all of our vets and start from scratch. This would include Ware, Witten, Carr, and even Romo. This is a good time to clean house and start fresh. Trade some of them for picks.

There was an article today that states the Cowboys aren't really in a bind concerning the cap. I disagree. We are in a mess right now when it comes to the cap and the person to blame is Jerry and his son. They absolutely have no clue in working the cap.

So its time for this team to start over again. Do a complete overhaul. Maybe even dump their coach for a college coach. This is the time to do it.

Reason I'm saying this is that no matter what we do in the offseason were not getting anyone to come here and play for us. Then during the season all of our vets will get injured and we'll probably end up 8-8 with a one year extension to Garrett's contract.

Im sick of being a mediocre team. Time for us to completely rebuild this team from the top down. Start with defense. Then draft a QB in 3rd or 4th round.

Looking at the competition with the likes of Seattle, San Fran, New Orleans, Green Bay, etc. I doubt will even sniff the playoffs again. Time to suck it up for a few years and build this team with good draft picks and no costly overhead. Its the way to go in today's NFL.


Stop chasing
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While I agree Bigstar with Mack I have to disagree about free. I think it takes a lot for a man to look in the mirror and say man I really sucked and struggled and I owe this team for that. To his credit it's exactly what he did and I like players like that and shows me that he is willing to continue to work hard to be a solid player for this team. By all means draft a guy to replace him in 2-3 years and if that guy doesn't develope and free is still playing well then it's still a win for the club. He has had good seasons.

Fair point; didn't consider the mental makeup/character of his pay cut scenario in that regard. I'm just a big believer in continually improving the OL or even OVER investing in the position. Again, good point/perspective on Free as a player and his potential future as a result.


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Fair point; didn't consider the mental makeup/character of his pay cut scenario in that regard. I'm just a big believer in continually improving the OL or even OVER investing in the position. Again, good point/perspective on Free as a player and his potential future as a result.

I agree about upgrading the line. I just look at it as if we get the same line play from last year I'm good with that. It was pretty stellar play. I do believe the run blocking is still a work in progress due to still learning the scheme of the zone blocking. But also I would point out is not entirely the OL fault. Witten is declining as a blocker Gavin is still trying to master his craft and we didn't really have a FB. So it's amazing what Murray did accomplish from that stand point. Here's hoping they continue to improve


Stop chasing
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I agree about upgrading the line. I just look at it as if we get the same line play from last year I'm good with that. It was pretty stellar play. I do believe the run blocking is still a work in progress due to still learning the scheme of the zone blocking. But also I would point out is not entirely the OL fault. Witten is declining as a blocker Gavin is still trying to master his craft and we didn't really have a FB. So it's amazing what Murray did accomplish from that stand point. Here's hoping they continue to improve

Very true...with all the chaos that went on last season the stellar OL play got overlooked and was definitely the strength of this team. Very refreshing to see the picks look good on top of the rest of the line improving their game. Maybe this is why Cally wasn't allowed to leave though I didn't agree with blocking that move at the time bc of coaching dissension/tension going forward, etc.