I ALWAYS thought we shouldve kept Key over Terry. That Key just wouldve been able to add so much more then Terry could alongside TO, especially with the ball control, power pass offense we were set up perfectly to run last year under Parcells. We all see how well that "speed" aspect of our passing game panned out him.
Half the time when he caught the ball anyway he was already knee deep to the ground and ready to go further down, not like many were taken to the house, let alone the 1st down marker. Key's bigger body wouldve given us so much more leverage in the passing game, not to mention his unfaulting hands. Keeping Terry really was a waste, not counting his $5 million he just cost us, but specifically for how much he just got in the way of our better guys getting the ball....and for what? Fortunately he was here for Bledsoe to favor and for that to be Drew's downfall to usher in Romo. The scary thing is though, without Terry in the lineup Romo may have never seen the light of day. Just thank god Romo was able to recognize the situation when he stepped in and do what was neccesary to make us better, even at the dismay of the girlmanglenn's boyfriends around the globe. I can only imagine what he couldve done with Key also in the lineup though- couldve been deadly and might not have missed a 3rd down attempt all season long, lol.