Yeah I didn't get the toys reference either. All I do is enterprise level work all day long and all my technicians and I all support iPhones-iPads-PC's-Android Tabs and phones.
I do not for 1second think this stuff is toy time, nor do my co-workers. We aren't going home and playing on these devices.
The amount of work they bring to our users is nothing like any so called "toy" available. They are some of the best tools ever made, which is what I hope vta meant.
There is a lot on the enterprise side of why we don't allow Apple desktops/laptops on the state WAN. It is because of auditing needs and kernel specific reporting that our security agent kits give us from the PC that Apple will not. There are no kits like this from CISCO for Apple that I am aware of. So for us it is strictly a job necessity and peace of mind.
That doesn't mean I don't like Apple. True I don't like how they operate and sue every tom on the planet for making a square monitor or case. I think that is silly nonsense. I do understand the ease of use for a home user and a graphics end user/designer. They have a place. For me it isn't on the desktop in an enterprise environment. There are just far to many options avail for PC's software wise that Apple just doesn't have the development for. Pretty much every category of software you can name, there are far better products avail for the PC than Apple, at least from my experience.
When I was with British Petroleum before coming to the state, all of BP migrated away and off of Macintosh to a more enterprise friendly standard of PC and PC software, mainly Microsoft. You can say what you want, but the stuff they put out now, just works. We also are a very large linux shop, and those open source OS's are all over our state data centers. Linux for us is the wave we are riding atm. That and virtual data center blade stacks.
I can't do that on an Apple or anything Apple.
For a home user like you or anyone in this thread. Apple is great. It's neat and its easy and its cute and friendly. It's like your very own Hello Kitty doll.
Just not "my" thing.