*** Appreciation for the members in the NFL Playoff Game threads ***

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I do not usually follow game day threads for non-Cowboys games except to deal with moderation issues, but I had several members request that I help keep the Cowboys comments that are flooding the rest of the site from infecting those threads, so I decided to enforce the no-Cowboys comments rule for those threads.

In doing so, some members of course could not help themselves but post the same thing we have all heard in thousands of other posts in hundreds of other threads (as if one uninfected thread was going to convince the Cowboys to do anything), so several members had to be banned from the threads.

On the bright side though, it looked like a lot of members had a lot of fun and enjoyed those threads a lot, which is something we as Cowboys fans all needed the first week after the Cowboys season ended.

Most importantly, this was one of the best playoffs weekends I can remember for watching great football games played by great teams. It sucks the Cowboys were not a part of it, but this weekend was amazing.

I would like to thank all of the members who followed the rules (even eventually) because you allowed me to spend more time watching the awesome games!

I would also like to thank the staff members who helped keep those threads on-topic and Cowboys-posts free!

This was a great weekend for football fans in general and I hope the teams you were rooting for won. We can only hope next week is half as good as the games played this weekend.

I hope everyone who posted in those threads and avoided Cowboys comments had a great time chatting in them!
I typically only watch the Cowboys, but I am glad y'all had a good time.
KC -Bill game bets game ive witnessed in many years and its shame for the Bills players and fans they didn't get shot in OT. need OT rule tweak to allow the other team to match or win both teams touch ball.
i mean the bIlls might be the best team not playing anymore. sad they didnt get to prove it..i know i know defense failed them on the last 3 drives but most likely all worn out on both sides playing those offenses. that was by far the cleanest nearly perfect offense dueling each other with nearly no penalty's, no TOs, etc.

i mean that was a true battle and shame for the Bills they didn't get one more opportunity,.

Im cowboys fan but that doesn't sit right with me,.
Let's just say there were CowboysZone records broken this weekend :D
I did notice many of the usuals did not participate, because they could not do their usual stuff. Or they got booted right away.
That was fantastic and not to see 80% of the posts being derogatory about the Cowboys and the players and Jerry.

Great job!
I am going to leave this thread open for people to comment, but I would advise people who want to complain about moderation to avoid doing so if you want to have access to the site during next week's playoff games!

Those were the best non-Cowboys game threads ever. Thanks for setting them up, and thanks to all staff for moderating people who couldn't help themselves.
Had this new rule NOT been in place, I would have avoided those gameday threads like the plague.
It becomes so insufferable just seeing post after post bashing the Cowboys in threads about non-Cowboys games.
I’m sure it’s a lot of work but I hope CZ continues to use this rule throughout the rest of the postseason.
The threads were actually enjoyable, and there was great football being played.
Can we do the same thing in Cowboys game day threads? It’s just way too many new posts to scroll through. Don’t get me wrong...I love that there are five new pages created in between page clicks to scroll through to catch up! ;)

On the plus side, my speed reading skills have improved.
I'd like to think my comment about "coming to a non-Cowboy game thread and witnessing a Dak debate-fest break out" encouraged you all to take this action. ;)
I should have been banned years ago, so I consider it an honor to have been given so much rope. "I need to be better....I will be better" This time, its me saying that....not Dak. :muttley::muttley::muttley::muttley::muttley:

Everyone that was in the game threads and followed the thread rules deserve applauded. You made that thread so fun and enjoyable. I'm looking forward to doing it again next Sunday. Let's hope we get great games once again. ;)
I think it was a good idea after reading why it was done, I was a bit baffled when I got banned from the first discussion thread last week or so ago with this limitation. But again after explained why it was being done, totally agreed with it.

And yes man this is one of the best playoff weekends I can remember in many years!!
Had this new rule NOT been in place, I would have avoided those gameday threads like the plague.
It becomes so insufferable just seeing post after post bashing the Cowboys in threads about non-Cowboys games.
I’m sure it’s a lot of work but I hope CZ continues to use this rule throughout the rest of the postseason.
The threads were actually enjoyable, and there was great football being played.
Those games being great just made it perfect timing :D
Can we do the same thing in Cowboys game day threads? It’s just way too many new posts to scroll through. Don’t get me wrong...I love that there are five new pages created in between page clicks to scroll through to catch up! ;)

On the plus side, my speed reading skills have improved.
I don't think not allowing Cowboys comments in Cowboys game threads would work too well :D
I got banned for the first time in 16 years on Saturday because I wasn’t paying close enough attention to the rules when I clicked on the thread.

The red font should have clued me in though haha.

My fault.
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