My BIL is literally one of the smartest business leaders in the country and his airline is doing great. They did not have that issue. You throwing out garbage on a Cowboy message board doesn’t change that.
So the anecdotal evidence from your beloved BIL is all you got? I offered up articles and a Company statement to support my claim and you doubled-down about some person I, no offense, don't even know exists?
You don’t know Jack squat about the airlines or how they function. My wife was also in corporate at one for 15 yrs. All I hear here is useless drivel.
Why ya' mad?
And why are you measuring D's now with yet another family member? You think that's supposed to win you this dumb argument that you're hell-bent on winning?
I've worked on the flightline or in Air Operations Centers/HQ's for 25 years, bud. My Brother has done the same for 30 years. My Father worked for American Airlines (in Fort Worth) for 20+ years until he passed on, and was also a flier in the US Navy (VR-59 in Dallas).
And you know what?
Even someone who's never worked around aircraft can figure out that the cancellations of the Southwest flights were due to the Vaccine Mandate rollout, not some weather/air traffic anomaly that didn't affect anyone else at the various airports.
The excuses SOUTHWEST made for all of those flights cancelling is BS and I think I proved that.
You also are only mentioning Southwest..who sucks snd has been going downhill
Because they were the only Airlines that rolled out those vaccine mandates last fall and got smacked.
What else you got?