Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation?

Fla Cowpoke

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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.


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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
soon as they score that first touchdown, we'll be back on this team loving them as usual


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Yes, it's you.
No, just kidding.
You're just going through what most older NFL fans go through. Other things become more important, like staying alive, maybe dealing with health issues, retirement.
And then there's the fact you chose to be a fan of a once proud and successful football team that is no longer proud and successful.


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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
Without having to read the whole thing the answer is yes but this isn't a Jerry Jones Country Club thing everyone keeps saying that it's too comfortable for them look around the league this is the union this is the contracts being so big there isn't anything you could do that Jimmy Johnson used to do that people around here are clouded they think we could get some disciplinarian in here no you don't sit or cut guys with big contracts those are the players who usually are the only ones that are gonna help your team succeed you don't cut them you don't sit them there is no making a statement by embarrassing a player on a team the contracts are too big they mean too much to a limited roster this isn't college this isn't where you have 90 players to choose from guys waiting in the wings that are almost as good this isn't high school where you literally can treat that like a military school...

This is just sports in general now look at what the NBA does the way they forced their way out of contracts they have solid contracts and they just become so cancerous that they end up getting to go to whatever team they want including LeBron laflop James....

So this is when you make this much money and have this much power players have realized that they are the product they may not own the team but they can make it uncomfortable enough to where they can get out of contract they can force trades they can force their way into bigger contracts or whatnot..

How our fan base thinks this is only Jerry Jones thing when you look around the league it's the same things happening all over the place... It's been happening even the franchises that don't put up with it but Pittsburgh I mean you had bell and Antonio Brown starting this nonsense that kinda continues what Terrell Owens was doing but it's gotten to be normal now for players to use social media and use their family and use their little rants on the sideline to get their way or threaten...


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The players are no different than ownership is in all sports. As long as millionaires and in cahoots wit billionaires this is the way it will be. Assuming you are from Florida, are you a hockey fan? Livining in Canda I can 1000% tell you that Canadian born hockey players are unlike any other professional athlete..this is how we are bred, we play a violent sport that can end in a heart beat, play a sport we grew up loving and continue to do so whether or not we make a living out of it. Let it sink in that the best player in the world, Conor McDavid, makes about $11,000,000 a year to sacrific his cap hit is $12,000,000 not our glorious QB's who will be 5x that!!!!!!!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
I only watch football....I know today's players are spoiled with large and guaranteed contracts....this I why I don't get worked up with losses anymore....I still root for my teams, cowboys, longhorns and Texans....I just don't let it get to me.


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LOL. I find the Cowboys players to be very likeable and I really enjoyed seeing how they gelled as a team. Yes, they pooped the bed last Sunday, but that's endemic of the dookey show jerry runs in Dallas.


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Yeah, think of it as WWE where they boast and brag and then go out and crap the bed. The officiating also doesn't help. Everything appears scripted. But the difference is today's players are too imbedded in social media boosting their own brand and ego to millions and they get paid millions to where they don't have to do anything else in their lives. The old players used to have jobs in the off season too. Most usually played for one team their entire careers. So they weren't into themselves like they are now. This is progress i guess. Whether we like it or not.


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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
I posted something similar in another post. I used to live for Sunday and Monday NFL football when l was young(er). The players actually cared back then. Nowadays, they are just paid mercenaries who will play for the highest bidder. There's no loyalty to anything buy money. It's just not as fun anymore. Even college football is paying players now. It's all greed. If the NFL folded, l'd probably be better off.


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just remember it's no longer a sport it's classified entertainment
It's always been entertainment, always. We just never had access to it. Keep in mind 50+ years everything we knew about sports ( players, coaches, owners etc ) was from 3 networks and print media ( newspapers/ magazines). The Internet opened the gate and offered fans twice as much coverage but more about the drama inside teams and their players. Social media has taken it to another level but make no mistake, the behavior and attitude of professional players haven't changed that much IMO. Players from the 70s and 80s were just as arrogant, self-centered, and money-driven as the ones today. We just never knew coz we only had access to what they did on the field.


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The players actually cared back then. Nowadays, they are just paid mercenaries who will play for the highest bidder.
I agree but players back then had zero control over their careers coz there was no free agency. So they had no choice but the free agency changed all of that. I think the ones in 60s, 70s, and 80s were just as wild and selfish as the ones today, just their personal lives and behaviors were never reported.


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It's always been entertainment, always. We just never had access to it. Keep in mind 50+ years everything we knew about sports ( players, coaches, owners etc ) was from 3 networks and print media ( newspapers/ magazines). The Internet opened the gate and offered fans twice as much coverage but more about the drama inside teams and their players. Social media has taken it to another level but make no mistake, the behavior and attitude of professional players haven't changed that much IMO. Players from the 70s and 80s were just as arrogant, self-centered, and money-driven as the ones today. We just never knew coz we only had access to what they did on the field.
While l agree with you, to an extent, Hawk, players just don't seem to love the game like they used to. It's all EGO, status, and money worship now. But your right, it's always been about entertainment. To me, everything seems scripted nowadays. I find myself waiting for mid-season to get a feel for who they are going to "place" in the SB.


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While l agree with you, to an extent, Hawk, players just don't seem to love the game like they used to. It's all EGO, status, and money worship now. But your right, it's always been about entertainment. To me, everything seems scripted nowadays. I find myself waiting for mid-season to get a feel for who they are going to "place" in the SB.
I agree 1000%.......coz they know they are still getting their $10, 20, 30 or 40M+ as long they show up and play and ain't damn thing coaches or owners can do. How often we have heard, read or seen players' performance, stats, and impact drop after signing their contracts?

What is crazy is we are just as much the blame as the players coz guess where all their money is coming from?


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I posted something similar in another post. I used to live for Sunday and Monday NFL football when l was young(er). The players actually cared back then. Nowadays, they are just paid mercenaries who will play for the highest bidder. There's no loyalty to anything buy money. It's just not as fun anymore. Even college football is paying players now. It's all greed. If the NFL folded, l'd probably be better off.
I feel the same.

You used to be able to seek refuge in college sports. However, NIL & the transfer portal have totally screwed that as well. In a world where, a couple of years ago, a college athlete could be suspended if a fan bought him a cup of coffee in the local diner. Mind boggling.

Not to mention the merger of everything "sports" with professional gambling. For over a century, the most unforgivable sin in athletics at any level was to taint it in any way by wagering. Today, the gambling syndicates are full partners with the stuffy organizations that previously reviled them.