Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation?


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It's always been entertainment, always. We just never had access to it. Keep in mind 50+ years everything we knew about sports ( players, coaches, owners etc ) was from 3 networks and print media ( newspapers/ magazines). The Internet opened the gate and offered fans twice as much coverage but more about the drama inside teams and their players. Social media has taken it to another level but make no mistake, the behavior and attitude of professional players haven't changed that much IMO. Players from the 70s and 80s were just as arrogant, self-centered, and money-driven as the ones today. We just never knew coz we only had access to what they did on the field.

This is exactly right

The Fonz

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After the 2007 season I start to careless if they win i am fine if not i have so many thing to worry about .


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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
Just means your getting older. As we age things change and reality is more important than games.

CT Dal Fan

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It's not just you. Let me go on a little rant.

The Cowboys Dynasty of the 1990's was the LAST great dynasty the NFL will ever see. That team was built before the salary cap and before all the new rules favoring offense and points and ratings.

What do we have today? We watch the draft knowing that whoever our team picks will be playing for somebody else four years later. We watch games looking for a penalty every time there's a big play. We see defenders getting tossed out of the game if their finger touches the quarterback's helmet a tenth of a second after he throws the ball. The ticker on the bottom of the screen lets us know who is favored and by how much, not who is playing and who isn't. The NFL today is putting PLAYOFF games on Peacock so fans have to PAY to watch them. Then when we do watch them what do we get?

Not John Madden diagramming the blocks on a big run. No, we get cutscenes of Taylor Swift clapping and pretending she knows what her boyfriend is doing.

If I sound like a bitter old man so be it. I'm "just" 45 but I hate what the NFL is becoming. It's not what I grew up watching and, like the Cowboys, it's only getting worse.


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You used to be able to seek refuge in college sports. However, NIL & the transfer portal have totally screwed that as well. In a world where, a couple of years ago, a college athlete could be suspended if a fan bought him a cup of coffee in the local diner. Mind boggling.
So true but colleges have no one to blame but themselves. For years college athletes, some media and legal scholars were begging colleges to pay players some sort of monthly allowance but they were arrogant and refused to share billions of dollars. Lord behold, the Supreme Court dropped a bomb and forced their hand. If they had listened years ago, they could have had complete control and regulation. Now it's a beast that is quickly becoming semi-pro sports.

BTW....when was the last time you heard anything about players and grades or attending classes as required?


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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
Current generation.

From little on, today's generations have been told that their special little nuggets and that's exactly how they act.

Normal progression of great countries. They get to the top w/ toughness and grittiness, and then the next few generations just get weaker and weaker.


Well-Known Member
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It's not just you. Let me go on a little rant.

The Cowboys Dynasty of the 1990's was the LAST great dynasty the NFL will ever see. That team was built before the salary cap and before all the new rules favoring offense and points and ratings.

What do we have today? We watch the draft knowing that whoever our team picks will be playing for somebody else four years later. We watch games looking for a penalty every time there's a big play. We see defenders getting tossed out of the game if their finger touches the quarterback's helmet a tenth of a second after he throws the ball. The ticker on the bottom of the screen lets us know who is favored and by how much, not who is playing and who isn't. The NFL today is putting PLAYOFF games on Peacock so fans have to PAY to watch them. Then when we do watch them what do we get?

Not John Madden diagramming the blocks on a big run. No, we get cutscenes of Taylor Swift clapping and pretending she knows what her boyfriend is doing.

If I sound like a bitter old man so be it. I'm "just" 45 but I hate what the NFL is becoming. It's not what I grew up watching and, like the Cowboys, it's only getting worse.
I'm 59, and I could not agree more. I'm just so sick of the game changing penalties. And greedy athletes.

In today's society, many now believe that greed is a good thing. It is not.

When it all becomes PPV, I will be done.


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I feel the same.

You used to be able to seek refuge in college sports. However, NIL & the transfer portal have totally screwed that as well. In a world where, a couple of years ago, a college athlete could be suspended if a fan bought him a cup of coffee in the local diner. Mind boggling.

Not to mention the merger of everything "sports" with professional gambling. For over a century, the most unforgivable sin in athletics at any level was to taint it in any way by wagering. Today, the gambling syndicates are full partners with the stuffy organizations that previously reviled them.
And it shows in the reffing.


Well-Known Member
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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
This fan will volunteer to enjoy the joys with you. In service, I was trained by experts to see through their crap. Go Cowboys!
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So true but colleges have no one to blame but themselves. For years college athletes, some media and legal scholars were begging colleges to pay players some sort of monthly allowance but they were arrogant and refused to share billions of dollars. Lord behold, the Supreme Court dropped a bomb and forced their hand. If they had listened years ago, they could have had complete control and regulation. Now it's a beast that is quickly becoming semi-pro sports.

BTW....when was the last time you heard anything about players and grades or attending classes as required?
Now, how much they can cash in for advertising rights and making tons of business decisions.

Michigan winning while it's coach could still be given punishments...sound familiar?


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I only watch football....I know today's players are spoiled with large and guaranteed contracts....this I why I don't get worked up with losses anymore....I still root for my teams, cowboys, longhorns and Texans....I just don't let it get to me.
Is this a raise one's pinkie finger and creatively state they will still just remain an insulting arse:

No, that is your process. Why do you all run from talking about real play level considerations beyond specific positional responses and real solutions in technique and resourced evaluations of talent as well as cash flow strengths developed.
So what is with the Gimmicky way of speaking? I mean you obviously have some intelligence and it comes off that you either do that for your own amusement, having people trying to figure out what you are trying to say, or you do so because you don't want them to be able to retort and it is supposed to be some way of having the last word to win the argument. The purpose of writing is to communicate, but what you write doesn't communicate well with others, because of the gimmick.

I, myself, have two National Defense ribbons, no thumb on my right hand and a plate in my 'good' hand, curbside. You call that not posted in good faith. I to your face all you did was not football related, and disrespectful.
Well it is were your gimmick is not perfected that show you do not post in good faith. You are not trying to communicate with others at all. But for instance, your claim -- complaint -- about others not posting something that is football related and is disrespectful, when all the while you side with the original poster whose original post was never football related and meant to be disrespectful. That sir is disingenuous and a clear sign of a bad faith argument. Furthermore, you show no clear sign that you really do want to debate things related to football because you use your gimmick, and even educated people would have problems knowing how to respond. As said, the purpose of writing is communication, but your gimmick hinders communication.

Truth is truth, and it really doesn't matter where applied. There is no good way to do the wrong thing...and now that hits home. You really don't care for full truth as well as shown you would prefer to call stupid and ungenuine really showing more than a coward's road. Hiding behind emotion instead of the full truth.
And here we have more bad faith. To elevate the OP original argument that is wrong by definition as the truth about Band Wagon fans not believing. The OP has advocated that you need to be delusional to be a true fan. That is why I posted the Don Quixote and Sancho pic. Also you can't be arguing in good faith when you get offended and call one person insulting when you ignore the OP and his original intentions. As many of us have pointed out, you can be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, and realize that this is not a well run organization and that the team has major issues. He would label that kind of fan as a band wagon fan.

You guys won't even talk fully about the whole picture...only on a personal venting route.
It is clear that you are not interested in painting the full picture, given your gimmick, unless it is a Picasso. ;) Not that I don't enjoy some surrealism, but that usually is up to interpretation and doesn't get to the point. When you participate in debate, your message should be clear.

You are a coward and liar concerning what has been said and objected too. Get lost or talk football, not a non stop round of blaming some one for not winning all in sport.
And now you being a hypocrite, at first pretending to be offended at someone being insulting and not discussing sports like they should. Then you do a direct attack and call someone a coward and a liar. In debate, you are supposed to attack the argument and not the person who you are debating with. And when you, yourself, talk football, does anyone understand or do you have the whole conundrum of if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Does the message, hidden inside your gimmick, at the end of the day ring in the ears of the intended?

Maybe YOU can explain the value of this current group of cornerbacks and how and why they should be re-uped. Show more than just your own butt. Or is that now too much for you to carry in a sporting vein.
Like many on the defense, the current group of CB have talent, but are flawed as well. We enjoy ball hawks, but the whole team comes up flat in the playoffs due to lack of leadership and culture. We want to retain at least Diggs and Bland, because they are still young, aren't the major cap hit, and you don't replace players unless you find someone better, unless them being here means you deplete talent elsewhere.

What you miss is ethical respect. I'll talk principals and football with you any to what you present, you are being a coward in discussion for your own sense of fullfillment. That belongs to a coward and liar. If that is what you claim now as your stance...sorry, buddy, that's on you. I didn't take you to raise and don't intend to. I paid my dues before you felt important enough to insult me for having done my real parts. I don't care if you like that an ounce.
Like I said, your gimmick does not hide your high and mighty act, hypocrisy, and bad faith arguing. It is imperfect and fails to communicate. I don't know if you use it to win arguments, or laugh at how dumb you perceive people to be because they can't figure it out.


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I feel the same.

You used to be able to seek refuge in college sports. However, NIL & the transfer portal have totally screwed that as well. In a world where, a couple of years ago, a college athlete could be suspended if a fan bought him a cup of coffee in the local diner. Mind boggling.

Not to mention the merger of everything "sports" with professional gambling. For over a century, the most unforgivable sin in athletics at any level was to taint it in any way by wagering. Today, the gambling syndicates are full partners with the stuffy organizations that previously reviled them.
Oh man. I too long for the days where college players played for free while their overlords got paid in the millions.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Oh man. I too long for the days where college players played for free while their overlords got paid in the millions.
The smart ones took advantage of a free quality education...nowadays, many put their eggs on one basket and many of them end up broke with no job. I worked a pro football tryout in Dallas back in August for the IFA....I saw many players still chasing a dream while living on welfare.
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Well-Known Member
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Are all the players just so unlikable and self centered in the current generation or has it always been this way and we just know it now because of the relentless coverage?

I'm to the point of giving up all sports....the NFL is the last one I still watch. Haven't seen a baseball game or basketball game on TV in probably 10 years. I used to love going to NFL games, would usually go to 2 or 3 a year. Now I don't care to deal with all the BS of going to a game in person, not even considering the outrageous prices. With all the controversies and drama, it just isn't fun anymore. I remember my Dad always watching the games, but as he got older his interest began to wane. I am headed the same direction.

I have been a die hard fan for more than 50 years....but just to the point of not giving a damn anymore.
I watch football as entertainment, and almost exclusively Cowboys because I just can’t justify watching 3 1/2 hours of other laundry of what passes for NFL football today. Just seems like I have a lot better options what to spend that thing on. I spend more thing on here with you knuckleheads than on actual football!
I am still passionate about hockey though, particularly playoffs. Gave up NBA and MLB completely years ago.


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I only watch football....I know today's players are spoiled with large and guaranteed contracts....this I why I don't get worked up with losses anymore....I still root for my teams, cowboys, longhorns and Texans....I just don't let it get to me.
me too. I'm loving it.


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It's always been entertainment, always. We just never had access to it. Keep in mind 50+ years everything we knew about sports ( players, coaches, owners etc ) was from 3 networks and print media ( newspapers/ magazines). The Internet opened the gate and offered fans twice as much coverage but more about the drama inside teams and their players. Social media has taken it to another level but make no mistake, the behavior and attitude of professional players haven't changed that much IMO. Players from the 70s and 80s were just as arrogant, self-centered, and money-driven as the ones today. We just never knew coz we only had access to what they did on the field.
Maybe but I don't really think so. The majority of today's athletes are spoiled, entitled whiners who think the world is supposed to hang on their every Social Media post. Who think that they are above being criticized for their performances and actions both on and off the field simply because they are a professional athlete. Now let the various excuses for their behaviors commence but that is the way the majority of them are now.


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I’m getting older too, but I refuse to follow that pattern of hating on the younger generations.
Most old people do it. 100% of the unhappy ones do.