Are we really doing another season of the Dak circus?


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Mom, Mommy, Momma, Momma this a contest to see the diferent ways we can say the same thing?


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You know I am not so gung ho as you, but I would not be hurt if we did move on at all because I am really beginning to believe we hit our limit with Dak. Could he prove me wrong? potentially, but I am not holding my breath.


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Why waste another year on this man? He’s never taking us to the SuperBowl. It’s just not in his dna. I don’t care who our QB is next season. Just not Dak! I’ve seen enough of this circus !!
Jerry likes the big top and he said he is all in, if it’s all in for Dak and MM to put up or shut up then it’s ok, my fear is he does a Jerry and caves to Dak and and burns another coach down. Jerry’s already ahead of the game with Dak and Dallas in the cycle every day. If Jerry is truly committed to a SB then he gets rid of Dak and MM, either stays and it’s all a show with ring master Jerry


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Why waste another year on this man? He’s never taking us to the SuperBowl. It’s just not in his dna. I don’t care who our QB is next season. Just not Dak! I’ve seen enough of this circus !!
Well, the "circus" in this case is us. He's just a guy trying to do his best but can't perform in the off-season. Not his fault that dumb and dumber accepted a NTC clause from a guy who's absolutely replaceable.

I mean I also want him gone but you gotta channel your criticism into the right direction.


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First of all, though it's reasonable to assume so, the season isn't "lost" if Dak is under center again this year. Nobody knows that. The NFL has seen many, many surprises over the years. Even had the Saints win a SB! (Sorry, had to get a dig in on them, Cowboys fan in Louisiana here.:grin: )

But aside from that, regardless of what they do with Dak, it's probably ain't gonna be pretty. Pay him and hope like heck a dozen returning players and 5 draft picks turn into All Pros, cut him and have to go with a so-far bust at quarterback (Lance) or a classic bus driver qb (Rush) or some free agent castoff or extend Dak's contract and take a shot on signing some free agent that has one or two more great years in him.

But whatever happens, though I'm not holding out hope for this team, I'm not throwing them in the trash bin months before the season starts, either. Cowboys are my team, regardless, can't start off 2024 with a "woe is us" viewpoint...


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Why waste another year on this man? He’s never taking us to the SuperBowl. It’s just not in his dna. I don’t care who our QB is next season. Just not Dak! I’ve seen enough of this circus !!
Yes, we will have plenty of clowns that will badmouth Dak Prescott.


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First of all, though it's reasonable to assume so, the season isn't "lost" if Dak is under center again this year. Nobody knows that. The NFL has seen many, many surprises over the years. Even had the Saints win a SB! (Sorry, had to get a dig in on them, Cowboys fan in Louisiana here.:grin: )

But aside from that, regardless of what they do with Dak, it's probably ain't gonna be pretty. Pay him and hope like heck a dozen returning players and 5 draft picks turn into All Pros, cut him and have to go with a so-far bust at quarterback (Lance) or a classic bus driver qb (Rush) or some free agent castoff or extend Dak's contract and take a shot on signing some free agent that has one or two more great years in him.

But whatever happens, though I'm not holding out hope for this team, I'm not throwing them in the trash bin months before the season starts, either. Cowboys are my team, regardless, can't start off 2024 with a "woe is us" viewpoint...
My only complaint with your post is that you describe Dak under center. He actually is highly uncomfortable under center and it is a huge liability of his. He is not under center, he is 99% of the time in the shotgun, thus eliminating a great portion of running plays and pass action. He just is not elite. Nice guy, good face of the organization but if we are all honest, he fell into a grand situation in his rookie year and has come out of this a multi-millionaire. Good for him, bad fot the team and the fan base.


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My only complaint with your post is that you describe Dak under center
"Under center" means the starting quarterback. That's all. Has nothing to do with his play, but yeah, he's far happier in the shotgun, no doubt.