Are you Satisfied with the Current NFL Rules?

LonghornCowboy said:
Given the NFL rule - implemented a couple of years ago - that gives the other team the ball on a missed FG where the field goal was attempted instead of the line of scrimmage, I would think that narrowing the goal posts would discourage long-distance kicks, regardless of crossbar height.

What about adding this rule: if a team kicks off and the ball sails through the goalposts, the kicking team gets 1 point and re-kicks off 5 yards further back. This would penalize teams from committing personal fouls on scoring plays and add more excitement on kickoffs.


That has the ring of potential.
The tuck rule has to go.........if by rule Tom brady did not fumble, then something is fundamentally wrong with that rule.
SmellsLikeTuna said:
The tuck rule has to go.........if by rule Tom brady did not fumble, then something is fundamentally wrong with that rule.

The fumble rule where on either 4th down or the last 2:00 of a half, the player who fumbled is the only one allowed on his team to recover the ball. I know this stems from the old Kenny Stabler Holly Roller play. The easy solution is that any member of the team can recover the fumble, but the ball goes back to the point where it was fumbled. That way a player can't fumble the ball forward for a first down.

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