Aromas, gonna finally be that cool, mellow dude!

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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All right! I've got my humidifier, a Levoit, and it's currently spouting some steam into the air. I've noticed it has an aroma therapy feature. You put some essential oils into a little tray, and it makes the room smell nice as it humidifies.

I think that might be the answer to one of my dreams. I always wanted to be that relaxed, cool, beatnik guy like Chris on Northern Exposure, but I never could quit cut it. I tried burning incense and saying things like, "Yeah, all right, man," and "That stokes the embers of my creative soul," and, "I feel myself aligning with those vibes," then I looked up to see if everyone was all relaxed, impressed, and in agreement. Nope. They just looked at me annoyed like I was some kind of weirdo. I was like, "Err .... yeah ... you catch my drift? -- my waves of creativity have been flowing." Dead silence and blank stares. Then my best friend expressed concerns over my mental health.

So, anyway, the incense were a flop for turning me into the cool guy, but I have high hopes for aroma therapy. I mean, who wouldn't think that was ultra cool? I'll be like, (strumming light chords) "I'm just chillin' to these aromas, unleashing my creative spirit, and the songs will just come to me on my beautiful guitar here."

Aroma therapy and soft chords on my acoustic guitar; that's the final ticket to being the cool guy, right? I've gotten so tired of being the geek who annoys everyone. It's about time I finally got to be the mellow, sexy guy. I've even grown a goatee and long hair now. So now a little strumming of light chords, aromas, and my deep, philosophical ramblings ... I can't miss. Gonna finally be that cool guy!

I'll post an update at some point to let you know how it goes. I know you're pulling for me. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
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All right! I've got my humidifier, a Levoit, and it's currently spouting some steam into the air. I've noticed it has an aroma therapy feature. You put some essential oils into a little tray, and it makes the room smell nice as it humidifies.

I think that might be the answer to one of my dreams. I always wanted to be that relaxed, cool, beatnik guy like Chris on Northern Exposure, but I never could quit cut it. I tried burning incense and saying things like, "Yeah, all right, man," and "That stokes the embers of my creative soul," and, "I feel myself aligning with those vibes," then I looked up to see if everyone was all relaxed, impressed, and in agreement. Nope. They just looked at me annoyed like I was some kind of weirdo. I was like, "Err .... yeah ... you catch my drift? -- my waves of creativity have been flowing." Dead silence and blank stares. Then my best friend expressed concerns over my mental health.

So, anyway, the incense were a flop for turning me into the cool guy, but I have high hopes for aroma therapy. I mean, who wouldn't think that was ultra cool? I'll be like, (strumming light chords) "I'm just chillin' to these aromas, unleashing my creative spirit, and the songs will just come to me on my beautiful guitar here."

Aroma therapy and soft chords on my acoustic guitar; that's the final ticket to being the cool guy, right? I've gotten so tired of being the geek who annoys everyone. It's about time I finally got to be the mellow, sexy guy. I've even grown a goatee and long hair now. So now a little strumming of light chords, aromas, and my deep, philosophical ramblings ... I can't miss. Gonna finally be that cool guy!

I'll post an update at some point to let you know how it goes. I know you're pulling for me. Thanks.
I hope this doesn't mean you want to fling a cow. :omg:
