Article: Big Blue Aims for Red Dawn


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November 10, 2007 -- IN and around Giants Stadium, a Red Storm is brewing.
Clad in their red jerseys, the surging Giants believe they are ready to sweep the Cowboys out to sea in tomorrow's King of the NFC Hill showdown and shock that part of the world that views them more as pretenders than contenders.

Linebacker Antonio Pierce can see it and hear it and feel it everywhere he turns, especially in the way the Giants have practiced all week ... especially on his side of the ball.

"Faster; probably our fastest we could practice all year, as far as defensively," he said. "We got guys flying to the ball ... it looked like we were in minicamp almost, when guys first get out there and everybody's running to the ball ... it looks like a training tape almost."

He sees and hears it and feels it inside the meeting rooms.

"Everybody's a lot more attentive to detail - looking at more film, asking more questions in meetings - guys normally ask questions in meetings but ... certain questions: being more exact, being more to the point," he said. "By [Thursday] we had guys already kinda calling out plays and knowing formations and stuff, which is very key for us."

Pierce was told that must give him a confident, optimistic feeling.

"Of course; it'd be different if we had eight guys or four guys doing it, you know?" he said. "But we got all 11, and then you got your backups coming in and doing it. That lets you know that everybody understands what's at stake this week."

I asked him when was the last time he saw this team this ready for a game.

"Probably the Washington game, 36-0, two years ago, [following the death of Wellington Mara]," he says.

The sign that greets the Giants when they enter their locker room reads "Have Something to Prove." The Giants will try to prove they can beat a big team in a big game, try to prove they belong in any Super Bowl conversation.

"When you get 53 guys having something to prove," Pierce said, "you got a nasty group there. Then when you got a team that is coming to your place and they're favored, and they're the top dogs and that's what you want - what else can you say but have something to prove?

"Right now it's four teams with better records than us [two in the NFC]; we're the fifth team ... if we keep going the way we're going, are we a team that deserves to get a bye week and be favored later on in the playoffs, or are we a team that, every week you don't know what you're gonna get?

"I think we're gonna get a team that's gonna play with so much energy and fire that it's gonna shock a lot of people."

Why would it shock a lot of people?

"Because I don't think they've ever seen us play this way," he said.


"The fire and energy that we're gonna play with," he says.

How can you be that confident?

"The way we practice; we've done it every day," Pierce said. "It's not an overconfidence, it's not an arrogance thing, it's a belief. We believe we're a good team."

Will the Cowboys be surprised by this fire and energy?

"No; I expect them to come out the same way," Pierce said. "It's just who's gonna have more, who's gonna have it for 60 minutes? If you're talking about just the beginning of the game, we go out there and we shoot our guns off and then by the fourth quarter we're shooting blanks. I'm talking about 60 ... 61 minutes of it."


"I always say 61; I always play through the whistle," he said.

Pierce has to play Me and My Shadow with Marion [The Barbarian] Barber. Big Red's fearsome foursome must keep Tony Romo, so dangerous on the run, in the pocket. "We need to make sure he's got some concrete in his feet," Pierce says.

How ready are the Giants?

"About 90 percent," Pierce said. "If we do what we did in practice all week, we'll be OK, we'll give Giants fans something to remember.''

Come Sunday at 4:15, how ready will this team be?

"100 percent," Pierce said.

"101 percent."


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These guys sure do talk themselves up a lot. All the while, we're quietly going about our business.

I'll take a quiet confidence over a "LOOK AT US! WE'RE WORKING HARD! OMG YOU'RE NOT LOOKING! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!" any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
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Is it just me or does it sound like with all of this talk from the Giant players that they are really trying hard to convince themselves that they can beat us tomorrow.

Coakleys Dad

The Re-Birth has begun.
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This Pierce talks so much yap...I cant believe it. I hope our boys get to see these articles because this is unbelievable. I hope he gets a big punch in the mouth by MBIII


Nikola Tesla
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Ozzu;1754673 said:
These guys sure do talk themselves up a lot. All the while, we're quietly going about our business.

I'll take a quiet confidence over a "LOOK AT US! WE'RE WORKING HARD! OMG YOU'RE NOT LOOKING! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!" any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Me too the guys have been extremely quiet while the Giants are having a Media fest


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DallasInDC;1754674 said:
Is it just me or does it sound like with all of this talk from the Giant players that they are really trying hard to convince themselves that they can beat us tomorrow.

All the talk in the world won't help them cover TO or Whitten, prevent Romo from hittin the open reciever, stop our BIG, STRONG, AGGRESSIVE, oline from dominating their smallish front 7, stop our ACTIVE AGGRESSIVE D from confusing Eli into mistakes. They can talk all they want but fact is, WE'RE JUST BETTER THEN THEM...PERIOD!!!


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Coakleys Dad;1754675 said:
This Pierce talks so much yap...I cant believe it. I hope our boys get to see these articles because this is unbelievable. I hope he gets a big punch in the mouth by MBIII

And the thing about Pierce is he can't cover me or you, none of their LB's can cover me or you. Another big day for Witten and if they put a safety on him, then they can't double TO. They're in BIG TROUBLE sunday afternoon..


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Seems there was a football team of Giants fighting it's way through the season. About halfway through, it was approached by team of Eagles, soaring in the breeze!

"Coach, Coach, what do we do?" asked the Quarterback.

"Eli," said the coach, "go to my office, open my locker, and bring me my red shirt." The QB did so.

Wearing his bright red shirt, the coach exhorted his team to fight. So inspiring was he, in fact, that the Eagles were repelled without casualties.

A few days later, the team was again approached, this time by Commanders!

"Coach, Coach, what do we do?" asked the Quarterback.

"Eli," said the coach, "go to my office, open my locker, and bring me my red shirt." The QB did so.

The team, emboldened by their fearless coach, fought heroically, and managed to defeat the Commanders, though they took many casualties. That night, the survivors had a great celebration. The Quarterback asked the coach the secret of his bright red shirt.

"It's simple, Eli. If I am wounded, the blood does not show, and the team continues to fight without fear."

A week passed, and they were nearing their home stadium, when suddenly the lookout cried that the Cowboys were approaching!

"Coach, coach, we're in terrible trouble, what do we do?" The QB looked expectantly at the miracle worker.

Pale with fear, the coach commanded, "Eli.... bring me my brown pants!"


Well-Known Member
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I will tell you where all of this is born's called fresh legs and a refreshed mind...they are coming of a it is exciting and new for them again. You saw it in us last Sunday night....that is THE most complete game we have played in a LONG time...our OL put a smile on my face and made me daydream about what can happen this year if we play that way all year. JuJo ran for positive yards consistetnly...TO dominated....fresh legs and a refreshed mind can do that for you. Here is what we have to hope...we weather their early push. You do that by being physical. Our OL and DL have to be physical...ballcariers and WRs must be hit and hit hard. We have the personell to do it....they don't. Our LBers our Secondary and our DL have the physical ability to punish people. No one on their defense is considered someone who can punish someone. Our OL has the ability to punish people. No one on their OL has the physical ability to dominate someone. The only people with the physical ability to punish someone is Jacobs and Plaxico to a lesser degree. I would almost let plax catch one of those 12 yarders on a comeback and let's see how he reacts after catching a helmet from Roy or Hamlin. And Jacobs tends to lose focus when you get him in a battle to prove he's big AND he is again, be physical with them from the outset...and slowly but surely the game will come to us


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DallasInDC;1754674 said:
Is it just me or does it sound like with all of this talk from the Giant players that they are really trying hard to convince themselves that they can beat us tomorrow.

Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing and the moment we get ahead a TD or two, it'll take the wind right out of their sails.


Well-Known Member
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I really like this. It will look like we're playing the cardinals. By the middle of the 3rd, it will seem like it to!


Illegitimi non carborundum
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What he is essentially saying is that they don't usually give it 100% in game preparation. That's underachieving and lazy in my book. Now they are preparing like they should be every single game and it's something to be proud of?????

You hear the Cowboys players in interviews like the "inside the huddle" shows and it sounds like they prepare like this every game. There's your difference!


The Proletariat
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DallasInDC;1754674 said:
Is it just me or does it sound like with all of this talk from the Giant players that they are really trying hard to convince themselves that they can beat us tomorrow.

Nope, it's not just you. It's plain as day they need convincing themselves.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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DallasInDC;1754674 said:
Is it just me or does it sound like with all of this talk from the Giant players that they are really trying hard to convince themselves that they can beat us tomorrow.

I agree. I particularly liked Pierce's "we believe" comment.

You would think really good teams just know. They shouldn't have to be convinced.


Well-Known Member
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DallasInDC;1754674 said:
Is it just me or does it sound like with all of this talk from the Giant players that they are really trying hard to convince themselves that they can beat us tomorrow.

BINGO--I've been thinking this since at least Thursday. They sound scared...We sound quietly confident. They sound Cocky--Cocky is someone who acts over-confident because deep down they are insecure.
See, The Giants this week


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
They call themselves Big Blue, but when the Cowboys come to town they need to wear red jerseys and have their fans wear red to boost their confidence? Sounds like a bunch of morons to me. And what good is that red going to do them when our Boyz score on the opening drive? Emotion and hoopla can only take you so far.


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Just tell Antonio to get his air horn ready for reporter questions for after the game and for the rest of the week.

"Antonio, what happened to the defense" BLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAREEEEEEEEEEE!

Like after first two games... no answers.... although he seems to have all the answers before hand.:giants::clubbed:


Active Member
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The Giants are going to come out fired up; no doubt about it. We can turn this to our favor early in the game by running misdirection, counters, and screens. If we can catch them over- pursuing, we could hit a few big plays and put them on their heels.

Defensively, Eli will give us 2 or more opportunities for an interception, we just have to catch the ball.