ARTICLE: Ditka back on the attack

burmafrd;1526719 said:
Well then I ask what has Duerson done?

He managed to play in the NFL for 10 years, do something with the money he earned and not end up a battered shell of a man.
So its all the players fault if he ends up a cripple or with Alzheimers from too many concussions?
burmafrd;1526729 said:
So its all the players fault if he ends up a cripple or with Alzheimers from too many concussions?

No, but its not like the NFL should set up welfare either. Anyone who has ever been on the field knows its violent sport, and its not like the NFL put a gun to these guys head and forced them to give up pursuing an alternate, safer career path.
ZeroClub;1526225 said:
Ditka was a courageous player who played with considerable pain and significant injury. Ditka didn't ask his players to do anything that Ditka was unwilling to do himself.

Ditka expected players to give everything for their love and honor of the game. And now he expects that game to love and honor its players.

There isn't any hypocrisy here.
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

That should put an end to anyone questioning Ditka but I know it won't.
JackMagist;1525759 said:
His actions as a coach may indeed cut into his credibility as a spokesman on this issue. But that does not make him "off base" on what he is trying to accomplish. Duerson might need to rethink his own position.

A person's perspective can change through the course of a lifetime (those of us who have been around for a few decades realize this). It could even be that he sees now that his actions of the past might have been wrong and he is trying to make amends to the extent that he can. The guy is NOW trying to do what is right and that is what counts.

:hammer: you said it better than I could have
JustSayNotoTO;1526731 said:
No, but its not like the NFL should set up welfare either. Anyone who has ever been on the field knows its violent sport, and its not like the NFL put a gun to these guys head and forced them to give up pursuing an alternate, safer career path.

the problem w/ that line of thinking is that the NFL now has the money to do this sort of thing because of the retired player's blood, sweat and tears, who need this reform most

the NFL has the money
JustSayNotoTO;1525747 said:
And Ditka was one of the coaches making sure that hurt guys played, as a coach he contributed to the same thing he is now fighting against. Duerson has it right, Ditka is way off base and has little credibility on the issue.

I understand that point; you are totally right.

But Ditka has the money to pay for his injuries that he sustained or illnesses that he is inflicted with. His former players probably don't have that dough.

I understand that hinsight is always 20/20 :lmao2: (yeah right) and I think Ditka knows that. I know that is a cop out, but Ditka wanted his all from his players and I think now that the time is over he seems to get that not everybody is as blessed as he is financially.

Don't give him too much credit; he is a frekin' idiot in my book and I hate the guy, but at least he is trying to do SOMETHING... regardless of his probable guilty conscience. He could just sit in cancun by the beach with a pina colada and foget that the players that he coached can't sleep because a disk moved in their sleep and woke them up three times. At least he is stepping up to the plate.... the NFL obviously doesn't have the balls to help the players who bled for the league.

Frankly it is embarrasing that a guy like Ditka has to spearhead this and the NFL and the owners and players union is sitting with their fingers up their butts.
Ditka truly was an old style player and coach. He coached the way he had been coached and expected his players to play the way HE played.
And now he is working to try and make sure they are being taken care of.
Sounds ok to me.
Some people here have no idea at all how expensive medical care is if you do not have insurance. And you are not eligible for government assistance untill you spend all of YOUR OWN money. Which is what happened to Demarco.
Bob Sacamano;1526793 said:
the problem w/ that line of thinking is that the NFL now has the money to do this sort of thing because of the retired player's blood, sweat and tears, who need this reform most

the NFL has the money

Just because they have the money doesnt mean they should be giving it out like its Christmas. The old players got compensated for playing a violent sport. I dont see what else the NFL has to do besides what they are already doing. Its not the NFL's fault these guys played and got their circuits scrambled, there is definitely a personal responsibility element in this.

The group of former players who are leading the charge to improve the fate of the guys who helped lay the foundation for the current success that the NFL is enjoying has responded to recent claims from the NFLPA regarding money paid to Brian DeMarco, the 35-year-old retired player who is financially destitute and walks with a cane.

In a press release, Hall of Famer Mike Ditka sounded off regarding the NFLPA's position that it has given DeMarco $10,000 in financial assistance: "This is a joke. If they think that $10,000 over the last seven years is meeting this kid's needs, the problems at the NFLPA are worse than we ever imagined. Have you seen this kid? He can't walk, he can't hold a telephone, he can't shave his own face. He certainly cannot work and support his family. I don’t call $10,000 meeting Brian DeMarco's needs. This is about disability. This is about taking responsibility for what happened to this kid while playing the game. This is about doing the right thing."

Added DeMarco: "We need to refocus everyone's attention on the issue at hand. I came to Chicago to raise awareness of what the Gridiron Greats are doing, to kick-off their fundraising drive, and to express my frustration about my attempts to gain disability benefits from the NFLPA. Our press conference was not intended to take issue with the Player's Assistance Trust. . . . But the P.A.T. is only a band-aid. The real issue is disability and the problem is far greater than random bills being paid. I am a broken man who has been dealing with a broken system that needs to be fixed."

With all that said, we continue to have concerns as to whether DeMarco is the right guy to be in a front-and-center position in connection with this otherwise worthy cause. We've talked to several league insiders who believe that the cane DeMarco is using is an embellishment at best, and that he has more responsibility for any financial problems he is experiencing than DeMarco or Ditka will acknowledge.

Our advice to the Gridiron Greats? Get yourself a P.R. expert who can get the message out clearly and concisely. Despite any substantive flaws that the NFLPA might have, Gene Upshaw is very effective at communicating his positions in a manner that seems reasonable to the objective observer. In contrast, Ditka comes off primarily as a grumpy old man who doesn't fully grasp the issues.

In our view, any effort to effect real change won't be successful until the Gridiron Greats develop a strong media strategy that relies on something more than a guy who might not need a cane and a former coach who not long ago was pimping boner pills.
WoodysGirl;1527917 said:
In our view, any effort to effect real change won't be successful until the Gridiron Greats develop a strong media strategy that relies on something more than a guy who might not need a cane and a former coach who not long ago was pimping boner pills.

Now that one cracked me up! :laugh2:
JustSayNotoTO;1527276 said:
Just because they have the money doesnt mean they should be giving it out like its Christmas. The old players got compensated for playing a violent sport. I dont see what else the NFL has to do besides what they are already doing.

not saying give it away like it's Christmas, but more than what they are currently getting, enough to where they can reasonably take care of themselves, alot of former players who suffered dehbilitating injuries are flat broke

JustSayNotoTO said:
Its not the NFL's fault these guys played and got their circuits scrambled, there is definitely a personal responsibility element in this.

so, say to a Ranger who came back from Iraq w/ both his legs gone

"well you shouldn't have joined, your bad, we didn't put a gun to your head"?

sorry dude, but that thinking is terrible
Bob Sacamano;1527931 said:
not saying give it away like it's Christmas, but more than what they are currently getting, enough to where they can reasonably take care of themselves, alot of former players who suffered dehbilitating injuries are flat broke

so, say to a Ranger who came back from Iraq w/ both his legs gone

"well you shouldn't have joined, your bad, we didn't put a gun to your head"?

sorry dude, but that thinking is terrible

People make choices and have to live with the consequences whether it be joining the army or playing a violent sport. Some of the older guys should get a reasonable amount of financial help, but its guys like Demarco, who played 5 years in the modern game and at one point signed a multi-million dollar contract, that make me very hesitant about the idea of giving money to players.
From PFT:


The folks who are hoping to compel the NFL Players Association to take better care of retired players have wrapped their arms around former NFL lineman Brian DeMarco, a 35-year-old man who allegedly is financially destitute, and who walks with a cane.

The NFLPA recently explained that it has been providing financial assistance to DeMarco, and ESPN reported that former teammates have questioned whether DeMarco really needs a cane.

There's another problem with using DeMarco as the face of the cause: His face could be on a wanted poster.

A law enforcement source in Ohio has tipped us off to the existence of a warrant for DeMarco's arrest. The warrant was issued in September 2006, after DeMarco failed to appear at a contempt hearing in connection with child support obligations.

The online court docket for the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas shows that DeMarco's current address is in Austin, Texas. DeMarco has been identified in recent media reports as a resident of Austin, Texas.

The docket can be viewed at this address(, after inserting case number 01NU059151.
Well if he was broke then he couldn't pay Child Support. I guess some people here really want the old pros to stay broke and on the street. Interesting.
burmafrd;1528134 said:
Well if he was broke then he couldn't pay Child Support. I guess some people here really want the old pros to stay broke and on the street. Interesting.

This guy is old? He is 35!! He played the modern game, with modern medical advice. He played through 17 spine fractures like it wouldnt even come back to haunt him. He made more money in a year than many of the 'old pros' did in their careers.
True. But it also seems clear that all that money got spent on doctors and hospital bills. I guess you just want him on the street.
burmafrd;1528314 said:
True. But it also seems clear that all that money got spent on doctors and hospital bills. I guess you just want him on the street.

If your such a bleeding heart for these men that willingly and purposely played a violent sport, then maybe you should be giving money to "16 spine fractures isnt enough, gotta play for one more Demarco" and the rest of his ilk that dont do anything with their free college education, and manage to squander large amounts of money.
I sense something else from Just Say No. Demarco- he is not from ND, is he?

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