Yeagermeister;3426290 said:
When the outcome is predetermined it's not a sport. That's why it's called sports entertainment.
And it takes more than genetics to make a good soccer or basketball player.
I was referring to both Professional Wrestling and Olympic-Style wrestling. Olympic is self explanatory.
In Pro-Wrestling, lets go into this, the outcome may be predetermined but it still requires skill to have a good match. Infact it requires more than just athletic ability, it requires mental ability and extreme charisma in most cases. It requires more than a regular sport does.
To put on a good promo or a good match you need talent in the art of pro wrestling, so be it that the outcome is predetermined most people dont watch it for that, they watch it for the entertainment factor of the match or of promos.
It still is a SPORT though because it requires athletic ability and it requires more than that so it is also entertainment.
Atleast thats my opinion though