That was me watching the Steelers play the Fartinals in what was supposed to be a Super Bowl......................
Anyway, this is a poster-boy for the proverbial "where were the parents" thing. It's more important to exploit the kid than to keep him safe.......
Also, we bought our three kids each one of these deals for Christmas when they were about 7, 5 and 4. They were entertaining for about a week and did nothing but take up space in our garage for the next year. I ended up selling them for .30 cents on the dollar to other suckers who want to believe that kids are interested in going 5 miles an hour in a plastic piece of crap.
The next Christmas, against my wife's wishes, I bought all three kids actual 4-runners. Two Honda 80's and a Kawasaki 95cc. NOW THAT was fun and got their attention.................