Assassin's Creed Unity


Quota outta absentia
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Whoa I can't believe Ubisoft with that much money can't make a game that isn't this poorly made. Shocking that they would even release it instead of eating the cost to save what is left of their reputation.

I have read a few articles and seen more than this video on it critically, there are several problems with it aside from this,
Whoa I can't believe Ubisoft with that much money can't make a game that isn't this poorly made. Shocking that they would even release it instead of eating the cost to save what is left of their reputation.

I have read a few articles and seen more than this video on it critically, there are several problems with it aside from this,

Yeah I was updated of this unfortunate release mess from @The Ominous a couple of days ago and was a real let down. Worries me even further bc Far Cry 4 is out next week from Ubisoft as well. These games are getting released too early or devs are in some kind of segmented group-think within the ranks/org to release such a buggy title with such a massive production team and budget to match.
The series is quickly becoming like Call of Duty.

Agree and is a frustrating trend in the gaming industry; relying on squeals and annual release franchises like AC, Far Cry, Madden, Infamous, Halo, COD, Batman, etc. etc. as money grabs instead of promoting innovative new franchises to expand gaming ideas/limitations/themes to really take gaming to the next level. I would admit that genres are becoming stagnant even if I do enjoy many of the franchises I am calling out (for instance I actually like the new COD single player), but the trend itself is dangerous and lends to laziness and unfinished franchise AAA titles that will guarantee sales based off of past name recognition, fan boyism, and general reluctance for gamers to embrace change. And I am not speaking of the Wii or Kinnect innovation and the Virtual Reality type of gaming. I am speaking more towards the creative aspects in related to possibly morphing FPS, RPG, Action genres into something more innovative/groundbreaking in relation to game-play and story telling themes. This forced MP is another aspect that is a trend that I don't embrace as well though I know I am the minority with that position.
I'm sorry but this new generation has been a complete cluster-**** in terms of unfinished bug filled crap AAA titles that only have ONE intention: raping the customers and practically stealing their money for a crappy, unfinished product. The fact that this mess is approved by these companies' Quality Control is further proof of the situation. Gaming is turning into a sad state of affairs in my opinion. I am such a huge gamer though, that I can't put the controller down, so I guess I am part of the problem because I constantly buy these shiny golden turds of games.
I'm sorry but this new generation has been a complete cluster-**** in terms of unfinished bug filled crap AAA titles that only have ONE intention: raping the customers and practically stealing their money for a crappy, unfinished product. The fact that this mess is approved by these companies' Quality Control is further proof of the situation. Gaming is turning into a sad state of affairs in my opinion. I am such a huge gamer though, that I can't put the controller down, so I guess I am part of the problem because I constantly buy these shiny golden turds of games.

I have to agree....
I like to play a lot of strategy/wargames/RPGs and some of the best titles these days are made from smaller companies that release a quality product and care what the fans think. The biggest example of this is the company CD Projekt which is responsible for the Witcher series. They listen to their fans, have no DRM, put out a quality product and all DLC is free.
Some of the bigger well known companies{EA aka the kiss of death, Ubi} and to a certain extent Blizzzard I tend to stay at arms length.
Get used to it for the most part most gaming houses ship out incomplete games from a QA/QC point hoping they can get the patches out faster. Welcome to connected gaming

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