Audio: King, Ratliff and Jerry talking Cowboys - 11/04/08


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Peter King was on The Herd today and he still has hope for the Dallas Cowboys...

Peter King still has hope

All I am saying is that he has a lot more faith in the Cowboys defense playing well for the rest of this season than I do. I wish that wasn't the case, but after seeing them play well against the Bucs and then get stomped on by the Giants for 200 rushing yards I can't see how they can ever be a consistent unit from week to week.

Against the Bucs they seemed to solve the confusion problems in the secondary. But only a week later we saw all that BS right back in the picture as guys were running around not knowing their assignments. And save the excuses for the rookie CB's because these guys have been on this team since May and it's football, not Advanced Calculus.

Here's Jay Ratliff on his weekly appearance with David Smoak on

Ratliff talks about the Bye Week

Who else is disappointed to hear a Dallas Cowboys' player admit that he's more mentally tired than physically tired? Man up Rat!

At a loss for words? What happened to the BS line from Wade that none of the players seemed disheartened...

Wade says players not disheartened

Really Wade?

Well we just heard Jay Ratliff basically sounding like he's completely depressed at this point.

Greg Ellis doesn't sound disheartened? Greg Ellis post game

Zach Thomas doesn't sound disheartened? Thomas post game

Even Jerry Jones sounds disheartened Wade! Jerry post game

Maybe Wade only spoke to rookie Mike Jenkins after the game - Jenkins post game

Jenkins seems pretty happy after the game. And why shouldn't he? He got his first INT, which wasn't because of anything he did but because Eli Manning made a huge mistake, and he also saved himself some energy to be 'bored at home' because we all saw that he's not really into tackling RB's.

My point here? Why is Wade still trying to sugarcoat anything? The entire team is admitting that the sky is falling Wade and yet you still want to try and tell us different. You are a moron Wade and I can't wait until you are fired.

Now here's Jerry Jones on his weekly Tuesday appearance on The Ticket...

Jerry is annoying

What other NFL owner has his own appearance/show twice a week on the radio? Wait, forget about that question. What other NFL GM has his own appearance/show twice a week on the radio?

Just say that you screwed up by thinking that Brad Johnson was a viable backup. Why is it so hard for anyone involved with this team to admit they screwed up or that things really suck right now? It's just gets more annoying each week listening to him and Wade try an spin every single freaking issue.

So now Brooks Bollinger is the answer at the backup QB spot? This team is just as screwed if he has to play as we were with Brad Johnson having to play. The only reason I wanted him in was because I would rather lose 31-14 then 49-14.

At this point you just have to laugh at the ineptitude of the upper management of this team right now.

Concerns about effort? Yeah, the concern was that this team knew their effort was not going to be enough to win before they even stepped off the plane. Why? Because they were told by Wade and Jerry that once Romo comes back all will be magical again.

LOL. So now it's the refs fault that this team is undisciplined and jumps offsides 37 times a game. Wow.

Yeah, dont bring the team in during the Bye Week so they can work in shells on some of the problem areas. Just give them more time off because we all know Tony Romo is bringing back the magic beans so we can finish the season on a seven game win streak.

Some people just love to lie to themselves. I guess it makes them feel better about themselves and it probably helps when there isn't anyone around with enough balls to tell you that you're talking out of your ***.


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It is so funny that people who loved to watch the NFL, and claim to know what is going on, but they do not know that Jerry and any other GM in the game goes off what their coaching staff tells them.

Now, Jerry will go out and get a FA, or make a trade for a player that has proven himself somewhat, or a lot.

But any other player, draft choices, Jerry does not make a move unless he has to make a deciding vote on a player that the coaching staff is split on.

GMs, all GMs in all professional sports do not go out and get players unless their coaches tell them that they need or want that player.

GMs, are not the ones that spend everyday coaching and training the players.

STOP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW, STOP blaming Jerry Jones for the mistakes of the coaching staff, the backup QB, he was told that Brad could get the job done, so he is befuddled and angry just like us.


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BHendri5;2400909 said:
It is so funny that people who loved to watch the NFL, and claim to know what is going on, but they do not know that Jerry and any other GM in the game goes off what their coaching staff tells them.

Now, Jerry will go out and get a FA, or make a trade for a player that has proven himself somewhat, or a lot.

But any other player, draft choices, Jerry does not make a move unless he has to make a deciding vote on a player that the coaching staff is split on.

GMs, all GMs in all professional sports do not go out and get players unless their coaches tell them that they need or want that player.

GMs, are not the ones that spend everyday coaching and training the players.

STOP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW, STOP blaming Jerry Jones for the mistakes of the coaching staff, the backup QB, he was told that Brad could get the job done, so he is befuddled and angry just like us.

You are so in the dark.

I have two words for you.

Quincy Carter.

That was all Jerry my friend.


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dcfanatic;2401102 said:
You are so in the dark.

I have two words for you.

Quincy Carter.

That was all Jerry my friend.

two words for you...DeMarcus Ware

that was all Jerry too, or did you forget that the burn out coach/gm we had at the time wanted Marcus Spears at 11?

you people cant just bash him for the things that go bad and give him zero credit when things go right


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dbair1967;2401120 said:
two words for you...DeMarcus Ware

that was all Jerry too, or did you forget that the burn out coach/gm we had at the time wanted Marcus Spears at 11?

you people cant just bash him for the things that go bad and give him zero credit when things go right

Who doesn't give him credit?

You missed the point.

The point is that Jerry will go get a guy if he wants him. Had nothing to do with the fact of them being a good or bad player.

His point was that Jerry only goes and gets the players that the coaches want. That's not even close to reality.

T.O. was a great pickup. Do you think anyone on Parcells staff wanted him?

No, but Jerry went and got him.


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dcfanatic;2401214 said:
Who doesn't give him credit?

You missed the point.

The point is that Jerry will go get a guy if he wants him. Had nothing to do with the fact of them being a good or bad player.

His point was that Jerry only goes and gets the players that the coaches want. That's not even close to reality.

T.O. was a great pickup. Do you think anyone on Parcells staff wanted him?

No, but Jerry went and got him.

I'd say there were probably people on the staff that said to get him, including people in the scouting dept


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dbair1967;2401260 said:
I'd say there were probably people on the staff that said to get him, including people in the scouting dept

Yeah, Jerry and Lacewell.


No one else in the NFL was taking that kid anywhere near the 2nd round.

And if any of the Cowboys scouts were in agreement on that pick they were doing so because they were yes men for Jerry.


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dcfanatic;2401322 said:
Yeah, Jerry and Lacewell.


No one else in the NFL was taking that kid anywhere near the 2nd round.

And if any of the Cowboys scouts were in agreement on that pick they were doing so because they were yes men for Jerry.

I was talking about picking up TO, who you said nobody wanted but Jerry


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dbair1967;2401331 said:
I was talking about picking up TO, who you said nobody wanted but Jerry

I'm talking coaching staff. I doubt anyone on Parcells coaching staff wanted T.O. and we know that Parcells didn't want him even though we heard him lie thru his teeth that he was ok with the move.


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dcfanatic;2401102 said:
You are so in the dark.

I have two words for you.

Quincy Carter.

That was all Jerry my friend.

Yes Jones erred pursuing Quincy Carter. Not because he wasn't a capable quarterback. As we all have learned Quincy had negative character issues, which manifested themselves when things weren't going well. In my opinion he couldn't handle the pressure. Jerry also stated he erred on selecting Quincy, so what else can he do. Name me one GM and or owner who has made total perfect decisions in a 2 decade span.

Also are you aware that the Quincy Carter acquiring decision is now an appreciable time ago and it has nothing to do with Wade or Brad Johnson.

Ironically, Parcells was very high on Quincy and hated to see him go. In a way then Jones wasn't that off track, was he! Jones haters like to dismiss that though. We conveniently blast Jerry on Brad Johnson although that was Garrett's and Wades decision to keep him thanks to his good preseason effort.

We secure and elevate Romo, but Jerry does not get credit for that, oh no that was all Parcells and Sean Peyton. Excuse me, who pulled the trigger and gave Tony a deserving lucrative contract. Who recognized the value and upside of Tony as well - Jerry.

So it is blatantly obvious that when things work out well at qb or other key positions it is conveniently perceived on insistence of the staff or despite Jones. When things work out badly hey it is all Jones, fire the GM, etc.. etc..

We are going through a rough patch right now. I am not enamored with Wade's coaching style either. I do hold Jerry accountable for hiring Wade, going with the backups, etc.. It comes with the GM territory, after all Jerry wanted to be a GM. But that holding Jerry accountable should be to a proportionate degree.


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I dont understand all this ..

So Jerry wanted Quincy....big deal....he at least played for us and Parcells loved the kid.

Parcells didnt want Steve Jackson and decided to trade down and pick Julius....

Parcells was really high on Spears....moreso then Ware....

Parcells wanted those OL that were busts for us.

Parcells wanted alot of players that didnt pan did Jerry.

Whats the point here?

Jerry is a GM....and whoever is the coach is the coach....

The both have say in what players are brought in....If Parcells was really dead against bringing in Owens.....why would he stay here? Its not like this was the only job for him.

So much of this is overblown.

Were not playing well....we have some injuries.....its time to regroup.

But we wont know if giving time off to the players or making them go thru 2 a a day workouts during this bye is the right move. The majority of coaches give players off during the Bye. Yet here Wade is soft and this team needs a full workload to succeed and get out of this funk......If we come back and win against Washington....was Wade right?

Or if we stink up the joint....was it because Wade gave the players a few days off?

Are we still blaming Romo for that playoff loss because he went away for a few days with Jessica and some teammates?

Is that what it comes down too? Really?

Its time for the players to play better....its time for the OL to block better....its time for the DL to hold their ground and attack better. Making them practice or giving them rest during this bye has little bearing on their performances for the remainder of the season IMHO.