Audio of Dez's 1st blowup on the sideline

I was surprised to see on ESPN that these guys defended Dez:
Steve Young
Trent Dilfer
Ray Lewis

Surprised to see that CC did not, ... but not surprised at all to see that Tom Jackson did not get it.

On local radio, Carolina's Steve Smith and and John Abraham also defended it. They said incidents like that are never as big a deal within the team as they appear to be to the outside world. Just part of playing an emotional, physical game, and the players understand that.
Just heard Terry Bradshaw interviewed and he was asked about Dez on the sideline. In fairness, Bradshaw's comments did not have a mean tone. It was almost more of a compassionate beg for Dez to relax. I jotted down notes of what Bradshaw said:

Dez can be passionate but he has to be smart.
Perception on TV was not good and he doesnt need that type of attention.
He says he was being positive. There's nothing positive about a player screaming and carrying on like he did, it was uncomfortable to watch and it had to be uncomfortable for players and coaches.
I probably would've done what Witten did.
The whole thing was not necessary. Be smart, Dez!
The coach has to call him in, which I am sure he has done.
Romo has to sit him down and tell him he cant carry on like that.
And the owner has to stay out of it and let the right people handle it.
Then Bradshaw ends with.."the entire thing was crazy but not as crazy as me going on national TV before that game and saying the Dallas defense has improved greatly- how crazy was I? lol
Now that we have heard what Dez said after the game, and we heard what Tony/Jason said after the game, .. and we have the luxury of seeing and hearing the video/audio of what went on on the sidelines there, we can confidently know that what we see isn't always what it appeared to be.

It is in this case and it probably is for the last of the game as well.

Dez says he is like Tony and Jason's little brother, .. and shares his respect for them. Jason referred to Dez as being like his little brother. Tony has said that it is never about "me" with Dez, but always about the team and winning.

So after all of that I'm trusting that the end of the game was more of the same, ... looked one way, but was actually another.

This is nothing to worry about, .. and actually may end up doing some good by bringing more passion to the field.

I'm not holding my breath for that, but it could.

Like I said yesterday, I'm with Dez on this. This team plays with no emotion and no passion.
I hope this spreads throughout the team. If it does, it could change everything.

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