Audio: What the heck is Jesse Holley talking about?


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Chocolate Lab;3258945 said:

It's a joke that he's even on the practice squad... An embarrassing little remnant of Bad Jerry.

On the nose.


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Hostile;3258683 said:
All analogies upset someone if they don't come up with it. Analogies must be exact same circumstances or narrow minds cannot grasp the significance.

Ok, I'll be kinder than "narrow minds." But the rest of this is right on the money. Its astounding to me how offended some people get when an analogy is used.

I get the comparison of 2009 to 1991. Its about a team learning to take the next step. It does not mean everything else is parallel too, either currently or in the future. Take it for what it is and don't have an aneurysm over it folks.


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My biggest beef with this particular trope is that in '91 there was no salary cap and attendant rules. Even the sainted Jimmy Johnson wasn't the same once he had to deal with salary cap issues.

That said, it's an analogy. We're lucky if the 'sportswriters' know what that means.....

Silver N Blue

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I get the comparison of 2009 to 1991. Its about a team learning to take the next step. It does not mean everything else is parallel too, either currently or in the future. Take it for what it is and don't have an aneurysm over it folks.[/quote]

This is exactly it for me and nothing more. Does this team have holes..well depends on where Wade is standing...ok not point is for me..I feel this team took another step towards the ultimate goal...will they achieve it...who knows...will THIS TEAM compare to 90's...for me matter how far they go...I just feel this team became a team this year..hopefully for the entire organization and fan base they will be hosting a trophy in the next three years before we begin another dreaded rebuilding stage...


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Silver N Blue;3259188 said:
I get the comparison of 2009 to 1991. Its about a team learning to take the next step. It does not mean everything else is parallel too, either currently or in the future. Take it for what it is and don't have an aneurysm over it folks.

This is exactly it for me and nothing more. Does this team have holes..well depends on where Wade is standing...ok not point is for me..I feel this team took another step towards the ultimate goal...will they achieve it...who knows...will THIS TEAM compare to 90's...for me matter how far they go...I just feel this team became a team this year..hopefully for the entire organization and fan base they will be hosting a trophy in the next three years before we begin another dreaded rebuilding stage...[/quote]

uh, uh, uh, that's reloading, not rebuilding. :nono2:


The Duke
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CoCo;3259115 said:
Ok, I'll be kinder than "narrow minds." But the rest of this is right on the money. Its astounding to me how offended some people get when an analogy is used.

I get the comparison of 2009 to 1991. Its about a team learning to take the next step. It does not mean everything else is parallel too, either currently or in the future. Take it for what it is and don't have an aneurysm over it folks.
I am a nice guy, but from time to time I feel the need to be a little hostile and live up to my username. Frustration over fans who enjoy nothing more than putting down their fellow Cowboys fans will often fuel that in me. Thus "narrow minds."

I was an English Major. My training is to look for allusions to other things, metaphors, similes and yes, analogies. I can see similarities in many things that are not exactly alike. It annoys the bloody hell out of me that people get so bent out of shape over every little detail of an analogy.

An analogy does NOT mean every single detail is exactly a like. That is called a repetition of History. An analogy means there are similar factors going on. It doesn't even mean the exact same outcomes will happen. My gosh, let's get our panties in a wad and up in arms over a 1991 to 2009 comparison. Judas Priest spare me the damned drama.

It is fine to psychoanalyze every iota of the football team and make diagnoses and determinations and predict fate. But damnit to hell, don't ever compare this team (or this player) to any other team (or player) in NFL History. Utterly damned ridiculous, or as I previously lambasted, "narrow minded."

If my previous use of "narrow minded" offended anyone, oh well. They probably were being exactly that. It seems to be rather common and accepted.


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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I know it's pretty surprising that a player wouldn't know that Colombo did not move to left tackle and that Doug Free filled in there, but I'm actually not.

During the course of a game, from experience, it is easy for a player to concentrate on his responsibilities and nothing else. When you're standing on the sidelines sometimes it's difficult to see who is playing what on the o-line and he was probably paying attention more to coverages and the WRs. I don't really blame him for not know.

It sort of falls into the "why does Romo play golf and not practice and study 24/7 in the offseason?" It's not quite that, but it in the area.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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Silver N Blue;3258847 said:
So now I am an idiot fan...forgive me for saying this team has had similar results to previous cowboys teams..i do not believe I have never talked about players...even if I was comparing players, which I have not, that is ok to do as well, you do realize players as well as teams can be does not mean teams or the player or team being compared to each other will have the same results, during the draft players being drafted are compared to players in the NFL...even recent dynasties such as the Patriots was and is compared to the cowboys of the 90' say this team as a whole has similarities to the 91 team is a correct and factual does that mean this team will have the same it make you an idiot to compare the

im sure im not the first who has told you so...........J/K :D


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Alexander;3258724 said:
There is no significance to grasp. Other than the fact that there are two young teams that appear to be on the upswing does not mean that this is a future dynasty in the works anything close to the team in that era. "Exact circumstances" are a bit more concrete than making flimsy comparisons simply because we'd desperately like them to fit. There are simple facts that are missed. We cannot say that team was "where we are now" because we don't have the same quality of a head coach, the playing field is different because of free agency and frankly, the talent is not at that level.

That team recognized weaknesses and took bold steps immediately to correct them. The Haley trade was the following summer and we took Kevin Smith to upgrade the cornerbacks in the draft. Those are two big moves that we honestly will not be able to make.

When it becomes significant is when the team shows even more progress, as the team immediately demonstrated the following season. So start making these analogies when we start threatening for the Super Bowl next year.

Otherwise it is fans drawing irrelevant conclusions and analogies to make themselves feel better after what should be recognized as a disappointing end to a season that could have been special.

The analogy is quite apt.

This is a young team that had been in a serious drought and had to learn how to win. They had to develop a belief that they can win in the playoffs. They are an arrow pointing in the right direction.

That applies to the coaches as well, enough said.

That doesn't mean the 2010 Cowboys will be anything like the 1992 Cowboys but it does mean this team is the closest to the 1991 circumstances of any Cowboy team since.

If you don't like the analogy feel free not to use it but for cripes sakes stop crying because others do.


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dcfanatic;3258581 said:
What the heck is Jesse Holley talking about?

By dcfanatic,

Yesterday Jesse Holley was sitting in on The Michael Irvin Show and in this clip he pretty much makes himself look like a guy who is just happy to be on the team rather than someone who is doing everything he can to actual find a role for himself on the active roster by studying the team and working overtime on knowing this offense in and out (he was on the Practice Squad all season)...

Jesse Holley on Irvin Show

Marc Colombo didn't move over to Left Tackle when Flozell Adams got hurt against the Vikings. Doug Free went in and played Left Tackle for the rest of the game.

I don't know if Kevin Kiley was just being nice in here or he didn't know Holley was completely misinformed on the subject he was talking about.

Now Nate mentions Doug Free in mid sentence and I think he was talking about Free playing the Left side.

Whatever the case. If Holley is this misinformed about his own football team only a week after the game ended then do us a favor and stay off the radio.

Maybe I sound a little more annoyed than I should be about this. But I think the Cowboys offensive line failing the team in Minny and the idea that some changes may be coming for that unit in the near future is a pretty big story right now.

With that said you would think a player on the team would have a clue here.
Like he is the only one that says really stupid things? You are the same guy that called the entire Cowboyzone board stupid homers. Go pimp your garbage elsewhere please.


Last Man Standing
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Alexander;3258662 said:
First of all, Phillips is not Jimmy Johnson. End of story. Move along, now.

Other than winning a playoff game and getting bounced in the divisional round, I can't find a single other viable comparison. There is no running back on this roster that will break the all-time rushing record. There is no spark plug game-changing wide out. There is no Charles Haley, Darren Woodson, or young and dominant offensive line about to emerge.

And most important, as you wrote, there is no Jimmy Johnson.
