Austin Bombings *update* Appears Bomber killed himself as authorities were closing in

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I hadn't heard about that one yet. A FedEx near the airport amps up the charges when they catch who ever is responsible. I don't think they plan on coming out of this alive, but I don't understand the need to terrorize people.
If someone starts turning this into a political issue or a gun control type comments I am going to bounce them.
Consider this a FREE WARNING for acting foolish.
If someone starts turning this into a political issue or a gun control type comments I am going to bounce them.
Consider this a FREE WARNING for acting foolish.
Duly warned.

I imagine it almost impossible to NOT get caught making bombs. It's crazy. Nut jobs will always find a way to hurt others.
Latest possible connection detonated just north of SA at a FedEx facility. The number of federal investigators is growing with the ATF and FBI involved with this serial bomber.

As to the lack of news nationally, only two people have been killed. That's not up to our standards any longer. Like the OP said about the DC area, that was huge news back then and I can remember when I was a kid, one murder was news for weeks. Now. it is a far too common occurrence. Sad commentary about the ongoing evolution of our species.

This is not the first time I have seen this type of post. Have seen it on facebook as well.

I have seen this very topic, last night, the night before and earlier...Talked about on Three of the Major Cable News Networks. Fox, MSNBC and CNN.

So the narrative that it is not being covered nationally or by certain media is False and we will leave it at that so it does not turn into a cable news network political hack a thon.
presume this is home-made?
wonder where the detonators are coming from?
trip wires... hmmm
Guess people cannot help themselves in trying to talk politics, Trump and gun related.

Thread closed. Should bounce a few but just will close thread.
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