Autoloans now average 69.3 month

This summer bought a used '17 coming off lease.

Saved 27% off the sticker price and 15% off what the real price was after rebates and summer promotions by the manufacturer.
Wife and I got a mini-van in April since we were expecting. We were looking at 1-2 years old that had like 15-20k miles. After doing the math we got new. Getting 0% on the new vehicle was easy, but you don't get it for used. In the end, after factoring interest and tax, the new vehicle was only 1k more overall. To me it was easily a better value going new.

And this was over 5k below sticker that we ended up at.
Good deal......sounds like you got the best of both worlds
I once bought a 45k dollar truck and learned if it didn't work for its money it wasn't worth having. So I got rid of it and went to a Prius.

True, but mine isn't for looks. I do a lot of towing from an RV to a boat and we move often for work and the bed has a locking cover for our things. It is not going to waste :cool:
True, but mine isn't for looks. I do a lot of towing from an RV to a boat and we move often for work and the bed has a locking cover for our things. It is not going to waste :cool:

Yeah I bought mine for an camper and towed with it 3-4 times a year. Between the camper payment and truck i could have bought a second house. But it was my daily driver and going 40 miles each way was a waste for me got rid of camper and truck.
New cars aren't worth paying for. You get the same problems with a way higher payment.
As my dad use to say, "if you can't pay cash for it, you can't afford it."
My dad was pretty much the same way,,,,
Man, I went out to start my 2000 f-150 yesterday to make a quick run to the store& nothing,,, I checked under the hood and found I didn't have a pressurized fuel rail leading to the injector banks so just called it quits for the day,while digging up the owners manual I found the window price listing sticker folded up, it started out around 28k but ended up at 34k with the add-on's/ options ,,,now this is a 2000 loaded lairet xlt ,,,those things are what?,,,60k+ now,,,Truck payments ain't no joke.o_O
Prices go up and wages stay the same.

Wage gaps have become ridiculous between everyday workers and upper management.

Obviously they should be paid more but it’s gotten out of control imo.
Last month I bought a new Corvette and financed it. I put 20% down and pay low interest. I don't agree that it's a bad move to purchase new if you know what you're doing. I made sure that I put enough down that if I needed to sell it due to a sudden job loss, I wouldn't be upside down. Car loans have definitely increased in duration but also, finance rates are not like they used to be 20 years ago either.
Last month I bought a new Corvette and financed it. I put 20% down and pay low interest. I don't agree that it's a bad move to purchase new if you know what you're doing. I made sure that I put enough down that if I needed to sell it due to a sudden job loss, I wouldn't be upside down. Car loans have definitely increased in duration but also, finance rates are not like they used to be 20 years ago either.
Whoa, what kinda horses are under the hood of that flash ride? I saw on some T.V. program some are hitting the dealers sales lots @750 HP from the factory,,,,:omg:
Whoa, what kinda horses are under the hood of that flash ride? I saw on some T.V. program some are hitting the dealers sales lots @750 HP from the factory,,,,:omg:

My Stingray only has 460 hp. I couldn't see myself spending for more horsepower when this one alone is enough to get someone into trouble. I am just grateful to be able to purchase one since my wife and I are now alone after all these years. :D
My Stingray only has 460 hp. I couldn't see myself spending for more horsepower when this one alone is enough to get someone into trouble. I am just grateful to be able to purchase one since my wife and I are now alone after all these years. :D

:yourock: ROCKING-IT-ON!:yourock:

Man,I genuinely happy for you,,,:thumbup:
What color is it?
my best bro had bought one with a salvage title while he was going thru a divorce,,, he promptly proceeded the freak out when his future ex said she want half of book value:lmao:( we'd done put a complete front-end on it by then ,too:lmao: he blew it out the door in nothing flat:lmao: after that)

I had a younger get high $*&% headed friend back in the mid 80's pull up in my driveway in a 68 or 69?(I think,ya,it was the original stingray casing-liner so it had to be around those two years) metallic green T top stingray one day( neither one of us had a valid D.L.) I didn't ask where he'd cabbaged onto that thing,,,but I damn sure wound that sexy thundering sweetheart out for all it was worth that afternoon rolling just under topend :lmao:
Ya,it was a bad-*** set of muscle wheels:thumbup:
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Thank you for the kind words Melon. It's black. I would love to have an old one!
Last month I bought a new Corvette and financed it. I put 20% down and pay low interest. I don't agree that it's a bad move to purchase new if you know what you're doing. I made sure that I put enough down that if I needed to sell it due to a sudden job loss, I wouldn't be upside down. Car loans have definitely increased in duration but also, finance rates are not like they used to be 20 years ago either.

When the interest rate is less than 3%, it is beating inflation. Who cares?

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