Baby Boomer Fans


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If you're 60+ you have fond memories of Cowboys consecutive SBs. So the down slide over last 30 years of losing has been painful but tolerable because of the memories. I think it has become easier to realize the Dallas Cowboys with Tex Schram, Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson that we loved has ended. Mediocre is the future going forward for this organization. The fans aren't priority anymore. Greed and self image has the priority. But I will always be Dallas Cowboys fan. The expectations for the team is within reason.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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Well I cried at the Ice Bowl as a little kid. I've spent thousands of dollars on the team, traveled the country, even dated a cheerleader but Jerry has taken the love of my life and made it an acquaintance and as with any acquaintance you acknowledge them when they walk in the room but then just kind of walk away as you are on to the next thing.


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Said it many times. Cowboys pre Jones family was a football team,. Current version is a marketing organization that by the way plays football. Clint Murchison was an ideal owner. Knew what he didn't know. Didn't seek cameras or microphones. Simply hired the best people and let them do their jobs while staying out of their way. I expect a lot of us old timers to post a lot less now that the Jones family is barely giving an effort to win. If they don't care why should we? I would not be surprised if this team won less than five games this year. GM asleep at the wheel. Unqualified HC. Mediocre QB. Both lines a mess. Last two drafts not looking good. Things might get very ugly. I guess there is always the draft zone for some good football banter.


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Fan since 1978 and I'm not going anywhere. If we're Cowboys 4 Life, what can we do? I just wish young people knew the great history of the Cowboys. Starting a new dynasty in the present would be sooooo nice.
Amen,it's to late to turn back..ill still ***** and moan and get pissed at them,but I will always bleed blue.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Maybe one day we'll see it again, but I fear Stephen will be worse than Jerry.
It's looking that way. I have no expectations for success for this team, but I haven't for quite a few years now. I hope, and I'll continue to hope, but I see no reason to expect a different result when the problem remains the same, whether it's Jerry or Stephen.


Well-Known Member
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If you're 60+ you have fond memories of Cowboys consecutive SBs. So the down slide over last 30 years of losing has been painful but tolerable because of the memories. I think it has become easier to realize the Dallas Cowboys with Tex Schram, Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson that we loved has ended. Mediocre is the future going forward for this organization. The fans aren't priority anymore. Greed and self image has the priority. But I will always be Dallas Cowboys fan. The expectations for the team is within reason.
Ha, if you’re 60 plus you pretty much have memories of all the super bowls


Well-Known Member
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If you're 60+ you have fond memories of Cowboys consecutive SBs. So the down slide over last 30 years of losing has been painful but tolerable because of the memories. I think it has become easier to realize the Dallas Cowboys with Tex Schram, Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson that we loved has ended. Mediocre is the future going forward for this organization. The fans aren't priority anymore. Greed and self image has the priority. But I will always be Dallas Cowboys fan. The expectations for the team is within reason.
Stop being so dramatic. Let’s see how it goes why don’t we?


Well-Known Member
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If you're 60+ you have fond memories of Cowboys consecutive SBs. So the down slide over last 30 years of losing has been painful but tolerable because of the memories. I think it has become easier to realize the Dallas Cowboys with Tex Schram, Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson that we loved has ended. Mediocre is the future going forward for this organization. The fans aren't priority anymore. Greed and self image has the priority. But I will always be Dallas Cowboys fan. The expectations for the team is within reason.
Lifetime 63yo fan here.
I’ve had zero SB expectations for a very long time now.
Long gone are the days of the whole family traveling to see “My Boys” play every year and Sundays in our Cowboys unis watching together on tv.
It’s all good. Jethro taught me the hard way that there are a lot more important things in life…….if he doesn’t care, why should I?!
I still pay attention and hope for one more championship after JJ is gone and before I am.
Feel bad for all the fans that didn’t get to experience “the good ‘ol’ days!”


Well-Known Member
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If you're 60+ you have fond memories of Cowboys consecutive SBs. So the down slide over last 30 years of losing has been painful but tolerable because of the memories. I think it has become easier to realize the Dallas Cowboys with Tex Schram, Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson that we loved has ended. Mediocre is the future going forward for this organization. The fans aren't priority anymore. Greed and self image has the priority. But I will always be Dallas Cowboys fan. The expectations for the team is within reason.
news flash the fans were never a priority, no organizations fans are a priority. fans need to get that crap out of their minds we are not running anything!!! so sit down shut up stop complaining watch or don't watch the games, stop all the whining, I am sick of hearing and reading it


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Guys like Jerry & Roger Goodfella are on this half baked mission that’s increasing schedules and over exposing the product .

No way physically they should go over 14 games and get rid of Thurs night football. Ratings are down double digits for these playoffs . Injured players piling up.


Well-Known Member
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If you're 60+ you have fond memories of Cowboys consecutive SBs. So the down slide over last 30 years of losing has been painful but tolerable because of the memories. I think it has become easier to realize the Dallas Cowboys with Tex Schram, Tom Landry, Jimmy Johnson that we loved has ended. Mediocre is the future going forward for this organization. The fans aren't priority anymore. Greed and self image has the priority. But I will always be Dallas Cowboys fan. The expectations for the team is within reason.
The current NFL allows you to bounce back strong and contend at anytime much like Washington has done from last year to this year.