Bad news for DirectTV (and Cable) viewers

sbuscha said:
The Cowboys game is nationally scheduled ABC Monday night football game. The Saints game wll be on ABC nationally UNTIL the Cowboys game starts and then the Saints game will be moved to ESPN. The Cowboys game will be aired in its entirety on ABC for Monday Night fotbal no matter what area you live in.

That is correct.
roy31 said:
So your saying this only for the NYC area and New Jersey? So Syracuse will be able to see the Cowboys game?

That is correct but even if you live in those area's you should still get the Cowboys game on ESPN according to the NFL. I can't verify that part although the article dpf1123 posted explains it pretty well.
If this forum didn't have a non cursing rule, I'd be throwing out insults like a drunken sailor.

Man, this is total BS!! I really am very PO'd about this.
dpf1123 said:
I live in NJ and get the NYC stations so I've been following this fairly closely. This was printed in the NY Post today and was also reported by Mike and the Mad Dog on WFAN (New York sports radio).

I think those of us in the NYC area will be okay but...I will believe it when I see it Monday night.

Thank you...and I know exactly what you mean...when I see it on my TV, I'll believe it.
I read the post from "Bad news for Directv viewers" and checked out my directv programing guide here in Albany, NY., and sure enough...

ABC - 7:30est = NY/NO 9:00 = Dall/Wash
Espn- 7:30est = GOLF!! 9:00 = NY/NO....humm?

So I called Directv and their programming guide was the same as mine, confirming the info on my screen. Then he told me some interesting info,
While ABC, CBS etc, have different local affiliates that can carry different signals from different feeds, ESPN has only one national feed for everyone, and unless ESPN has the technicial ability to change what viewers see by region, which he has not heard of, then not only directv viewers will not get to see the beginning of the Dallas game, neither will anyone else...because they are both from the same single feed.
Now remember, the program director from our local ABC affiliate, called me yesterday and told me that...

ABC - 7:30est = NY/NO (till end)
Espn- 7:30est = Who cares!!! 9:00 = Dall/Wash (till end or pos. back
to ABC til end NY/NO)

I will call the local ABC affiliate in the morning for more info and clarification.
I get ABC
I get ESPN

I don't live in NYC or Louisiana. I'm watching Dallas Monday night!
Nors said:
I get ABC
I get ESPN

I don't live in NYC or Louisiana. I'm watching Dallas Monday night!

Yeah but can you get good pizza? :D
Juke99 said:
Yeah but can you get good pizza? :D

Yes actually but I prefer Greek pizza, nice and oily with some sausage.

Ever been to Pepe's in New Haven, CT? The best pizza!
Nors said:
Yes actually but I prefer Greek pizza, nice and oily with some sausage.

Ever been to Pepe's in New Haven, CT? The best pizza!

Uh, no no no..there's no such thing as Greek pizza. :) And ya can't put sprinkles of any kind on pizza and still call it pizza.

Actually, there is a great place in Westport, CT...

I am dating someone in Guilford,, I can always check out the one in New Haven and give you my review.

But for my moolah, there's nothing that beats NY pizza.
Check out Pepe's - they have a real nice Italian district there. Worth the wait.
Nors said:
Check out Pepe's - they have a real nice Italian district there. Worth the wait.

Thanks for the tip...I'll tell them you sent me. :D

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