Barber 4 negative runs on one drive?


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WoodysGirl;1747366 said:
Guess that's where my concern comes in for his longevity. Three years in the league, he can take those hits while sharing duties. If he gets the full load, will he last? Guess we'll find out next year.

I don't know if he will ever get the full load as just as I don't see Jones ever becoming a back who gets the full load. I will also say for the most part it is not about how many years you played but what you did when you had the chance to play. I know I would not feel good about myself if I did not give it everything I had on every play I can't speak for Barber but that seems to be his mentality. He will give you everything he has every play.


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I think the point of the original poster was that if it were Julius on that drive, you can bet there would have been countless threads about benching him. Let's face it, many of the board members have their own horse in this race and will root against the other horse at the first opportunity.


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dallasfaniac;1747397 said:
I think the point of the original poster was that if it were Julius on that drive, you can bet there would have been countless threads about benching him. Let's face it, many of the board members have their own horse in this race and will root against the other horse at the first opportunity.

Chances are you right some would. I only say what is on my mind and last night I was happy with the job Jones did and yet I still would like to see Barber getting the start but if he is not going to get the starts I'm just glad he is a big part of the offense and gets his carries as early in the game as he has this season. I think Barber deserved that because he earned it with his play


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Doomsday101;1747409 said:
Chances are you right some would. I only say what is on my mind and last night I was happy with the job Jones did and yet I still would like to see Barber getting the start but if he is not going to get the starts I'm just glad he is a big part of the offense and gets his carries as early in the game as he has this season. I think Barber deserved that because he earned it with his play

I thought both performed well. I like both Barber and Jones and have since they were both brought in. They are Cowboys, that's all I care. I might make a joke here and there about either, but I make them about every Cowboy. I hope each one would put up over 200 yards every week, but then again, I don't hope for one to fail like I know some posters do.

We may start to see Jones get better if we start rushing him outside as opposed to inside the tackles. At least I hope so, I'm getting tired of these types of threads.


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dallasfaniac;1747425 said:
I thought both performed well. I like both Barber and Jones and have since they were both brought in. They are Cowboys, that's all I care. I might make a joke here and there about either, but I make them about every Cowboy. I hope each one would put up over 200 yards every week, but then again, I don't hope for one to fail like I know some posters do.

We may start to see Jones get better if we start rushing him outside as opposed to inside the tackles. At least I hope so, I'm getting tired of these types of threads.

I want nothing more than to see all our players playing to their best and if Jones goes out and plays a great game I have no problem saying so.


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dallasfaniac;1747397 said:
I think the point of the original poster was that if it were Julius on that drive, you can bet there would have been countless threads about benching him.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

All I am doing is trying to stir the pot in the other direction. Hopefully the Barber worshippers can keep it toned down after next game when Jones might not have a good game.

We have a very good rushing game and a durable one with two running backs. I love it. Just stirring the pot.


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It's amazing that a game in which Julius has 79 total yards from scrimmage is supposed to quiet those that prefer Barber.


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theogt;1747496 said:
It's amazing that a game in which Julius has 79 total yards from scrimmage is supposed to quiet those that prefer Barber.

At this point, Julius could duplicate Adrian Peterson's game this weekend and it still wouldn't silence them. Some people would rather root against a player rather than for the team.


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theogt;1747496 said:
It's amazing that a game in which Julius has 79 total yards from scrimmage is supposed to quiet those that prefer Barber.

I agree. I don't hate Jones and when he is in the game I pull for him as much as any member of this team but I look for consistency not 1 game here or there or 1 series but the overall. Barber brings it week in and week out more so than Jones.


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dallasfaniac;1747397 said:
I think the point of the original poster was that if it were Julius on that drive, you can bet there would have been countless threads about benching him. Let's face it, many of the board members have their own horse in this race and will root against the other horse at the first opportunity.

The difference is Julius does it often. Barber does it once and you think we should compare the two?

I'm not a Julius fan, but I have an idea how he can work better for the team. That said, I would like to see the Cowboys try to replace him next season, because quite frankly. He has been less than effective most of the time.


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dallasfaniac;1747503 said:
At this point, Julius could duplicate Adrian Peterson's game this weekend and it still wouldn't silence them. Some people would rather root against a player rather than for the team.
What you don't get is that most people root for the best player to get the most carries. If more people thought Julius was the better player, more people would root for him to get more carries.

I wanted Romo to start over Bledsoe because he gave us the better chance to win. Rooting for Bledsoe to be benched doesn't mean I didn't like the team. So get off the high horse.


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nyc;1747516 said:
The difference is Julius does it often. Barber does it once and you think we should compare the two?

I am sure that after the amount of times that Barber got stuffed this game, he is leading again in runs for no or negative gain.

Not a very impressive stat for a 'Barbarian'

Why couldn't the Barbarian just punch it in from the goal line?


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silverblue;1747522 said:
I am sure that after the amount of times that Barber got stuffed this game, he is leading again in runs for no or negative gain.

Not a very impressive stat for a 'Barbarian'

Why couldn't the Barbarian just punch it in from the goal line?

Even the great Emmitt Smith was stuffed on 3rd and 4th and inches. If all you want to do it pick a series here or there I'm sure the other side could do the same.


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theogt;1747521 said:
What you don't get is that most people root for the best player to get the most carries. If more people thought Julius was the better player, more people would root for him to get more carries.

I wanted Romo to start over Bledsoe because he gave us the better chance to win. Rooting for Bledsoe to be benched doesn't mean I didn't like the team. So get off the high horse.

There's also a big difference in rooting for the team and the best players to start and hoping for and finding enjoyment when one fails. Perhaps you and your 'high horse' fall into that category.


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silverblue;1747522 said:
I am sure that after the amount of times that Barber got stuffed this game, he is leading again in runs for no or negative gain.

Not a very impressive stat for a 'Barbarian'

Why couldn't the Barbarian just punch it in from the goal line?
Julius does have less "stuffs," but Marion is still leading in YPC (5.6 vs. 3.9), total yardage, (535 vs. 353), and touchdowns (6 vs. 2).

It's a joke that this conversation is even taking place.


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I must have missed the half of the season where Julius Jones averaged 5.4 yards per carry and Marion Barber averaged 3.9.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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silverblue;1747522 said:
I am sure that after the amount of times that Barber got stuffed this game, he is leading again in runs for no or negative gain.

Not a very impressive stat for a 'Barbarian'

Why couldn't the Barbarian just punch it in from the goal line?

Player               Att      Yds      Avg    Suffs     Stuff Avg      TDs
Marion Barber        100      535      5.4      7           7%          6
Julius Jones          91      353      3.9      5          5.4%         2

So, you're right. Barber gets stuffed 1.6% more often than Jones, but Barber also averages 1.5 more yards per carry and has three times as many TDs with only 9 more carries.

So, we can debate the getting stuffed stat only or we can debate which running back is an effective rusher.


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dallasfaniac;1747503 said:
At this point, Julius could duplicate Adrian Peterson's game this weekend and it still wouldn't silence them. Some people would rather root against a player rather than for the team.

What are you guys taking about? Barber's bad game (drive really)as you try to make it look includes 100 combined yards and a score. If Jujo playwed as he did yesterday he may not have detractors. What do you expect when the starter waits till mid season to show something?

Hypocrites. You crticize MBs support but slobber over a 50 yard jujo day.:confused: What do you think you all are doing by looking a 4 plays? LOL.


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nyc;1747557 said:
Player               Att      Yds      Avg    Suffs     Stuff Avg      TDs
Marion Barber        100      535      5.4      7           7%          6
Julius Jones          91      353      3.9      5          5.4%         2

So, you're right. Barber gets stuffed 1.6% more often than Jones, but Barber also averages 1.5 more yards per carry and has three times as many TDs with only 9 more carries.

So, we can debate the getting stuffed stat only or we can debate which running back is an effective rusher.

Barber also sees more short yardage and goal line. Getting stuffed on 1st and 10 is a bit different than getting stuffed against a stacked line in short yardage. So I'm not surprised at all that Barber has been stuffed more times.