Baseball and steroids


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I think it's sad that there will forever be a ten year anomaly in baseball statistics where players were routinely hitting 50 home runs because of the juice. One of the great things about baseball is a universal record. Football can't compare most positions to 50 years ago but for the most part (pitching being the exception), baseball can. What a shame.

The strikes, the lack of a salary cap, a weak commissioner, the steroids... good-bye baseball. I'll stick with the NFL and NBA.


Zimmer Hater
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Barry Bonds Sammy Sosa and McGwire should all be stripped of the HR records. Roger Maris should still hold the record at 61.

Guys like Aaron Ruth and Maris never used steroids to hit all the HRs they did so its not fair to their records that they got HONESTLY.

Barry Bonds will break Aarons record but doesnt deserve it and never woulda come close to it if it werent for takin roids. Bonds should go down in history books as he Steroid King. not the Homerun King.