Bench Press Help

Just an update to all I appreciate all the replies. I am now up to benching 190. :)

I am doing mostly the rope pull downs, tricep dip helper (galileo model) and a machine where you literally bench without a spotter. All comes out to 190.. Thanks everyone!!
TheCowboy;3946237 said:
Just an update to all I appreciate all the replies. I am now up to benching 190. :)

I am doing mostly the rope pull downs, tricep dip helper (galileo model) and a machine where you literally bench without a spotter. All comes out to 190.. Thanks everyone!!

Good job. With your size, you should keep seeing improvements. Are you supplementing your nutrition at all? I don't buy into a lot of the junk that is out there, but drinking a whey protein powder mix within 2 hours of lifting is a great way to maximize your workouts. I have read several reports that lifting & then not consuming protein afterwards is almost as bad as not lifting at all.

What is your current goal?
TheCowboy;3907393 said:
Since I basically am new, I can only do 3 reps of 135 then it feels like I am doing 350 lbs.

Funny thing is though, I can do 180-200 lbs of dead lifting fine, but bench press is a problem. I don't understand it...

I can understand where you're coming from, i played RT also and my bench never was up to par, mostly because i was around 6'1 and had long arms. and i hated that everyone else could bench more than me. shorter guys are always gonna have the advantage because obviously they dont have to push it as far. you can do dips, pushdowns, etc.. and thats all good i do those excercises regularly, but the best thing that helped increase my bench, was getting a good spotter. someone that was serious and will let you press to failure, and wont grab the bar off of you until you cant press it anymore. This is the time when you are tearing those fibers and actually building muscle.

i can also tell you from experience that doing less reps and more weight will put you on the fast track to gaining. yea you can do 3 X 10 or 5 X 5 or whatever but if you do 4-6 reps to where reps 5 and 6 you are almost to failure, you're gonna get stronger fast.
Wimbo;3946270 said:
Good job. With your size, you should keep seeing improvements. Are you supplementing your nutrition at all? I don't buy into a lot of the junk that is out there, but drinking a whey protein powder mix within 2 hours of lifting is a great way to maximize your workouts. I have read several reports that lifting & then not consuming protein afterwards is almost as bad as not lifting at all.

What is your current goal?
I'm hoping to get to 200-205 in a couple weeks then work on all cardio from there. Football workouts (not mandatory and run by the players) begin soon and optional begins mid july then mandatory in mid august.

I am 99% sure I am the best O-Lineman on the team. After all I am the biggest player on the line and strongest. 5'11" 267
The best thing you can do for OLine is hip/leg work. deadlift/squats/cleans.

I would also incorporate some of the "landmine" workouts:


Here are a bunch of variations. Add weight, of course:

TheCowboy;3948000 said:
I'm hoping to get to 200-205 in a couple weeks then work on all cardio from there. Football workouts (not mandatory and run by the players) begin soon and optional begins mid july then mandatory in mid august.

I am 99% sure I am the best O-Lineman on the team. After all I am the biggest player on the line and strongest. 5'11" 267

If you add propper nutrition to the mix there is no telling what you could do in highschool.

I wish I knew what I know now regarding nutrition.
+1 on Wimbo's post.

Get those legs'll thank yourself 40 years from now, too.

"Benching" is a ridiculously overrated exercise IMO....very little real value. Push-up variations can be a far more effective tool for building upper body strength, especially at your weight.

Get your legs and core stronger first and foremost.
tomson75;3948250 said:
+1 on Wimbo's post.

Get those legs'll thank yourself 40 years from now, too.

"Benching" is a ridiculously overrated exercise IMO....very little real value. Push-up variations can be a far more effective tool for building upper body strength, especially at your weight.

Get your legs and core stronger first and foremost.

Get everything strong. Don't ignore any of them.

When you lift legs you probably shouldn't do it again for at least 72 hours anyways.
Do you mean leg exercises like the machines also? There is not too many leg exercises at World Gym in Rochester. Most of it is upper body workouts.
TheCowboy;3949082 said:
Do you mean leg exercises like the machines also? There is not too many leg exercises at World Gym in Rochester. Most of it is upper body workouts.

You don't need machines for lower body work.



Straight leg deadlifts (for hamstrings):

Dumbell lunges:


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