I have a funny customer service story.
Last November my 1990s Landice treadmill finally broke down so I had to purchase a new one. After doing a bit of research I decided to buy a NordicTrac treadmill. The Landice was a simple device with some push buttons to start it up, raise the incline, adjust speed and do some basic programming. It was more than enough for what I needed. But all the new machines come with mounted computer monitors for displaying status and controlling the workout programming. They can also display video content. I don't need this but finding the treadmill I wanted without one was impossible.
Anyway, after 13 months, the console, as they call it, started misbehaving. It was freezing or not loading at all making my daily workouts impossible. Without the console you cannot use teh treadmill. First I tried what they recommend in the manual, unplugging, factory reset, the usual stuff before I called them. Nothing worked to resolve the issue so I called their customer service line. I had to wade through some voice response nonsense before I got to a customer service rep. Then the fun started. You have to picture this to get the real chuckle out of it.
First, as usual, the customer service person made me repeat all the steps I took before I called, unplugging, factory reset, etc. And by the way, to perform a factory reset you have to unplug the treadmill, stick a paper clip in a tiny hole at the top of the console, push it down for 10 seconds then plug the treadmill back in while continuing to hold the paperclip down. The hole for the paper clip is on top and the plug is on the bottom. Holding the paperclip in place while trying to plug the machine into the extension cord was a comedy scene in itself. But the comedy was not yet over. She made me try this twice. It failed both times.
Now the real fun started. She sent me a text with a link which initiated a video session on my phone so she could see the console as I was performing the instructions she would ask to be do. So now I am standing on the treadmill, holding the phone up to the console while talking to her on speaker. At this point the console screen is blank with the exception of a blue logo in the center. She tells me to tap the upper left corner of the console screen (it is touch screen) 15 times then wait 4 seconds. So I start tapping the screen. She tells me, "faster!" So I start tapping faster. She tells me again, "faster!". I try to tap even faster. Again, in her foreign accent she tells me, "do it faster!" Now my finger is a blur as I am trying to tap the screen 15 times. After 4 seconds nothing happens. She says not do it again in the lower right corner of the screen. So again I start tapping the screen with my right hand while holding the phone up to the console with my right hand. Again, she starts telling me "faster!" At this point I am ready to burst out laughing. But I want my treadmill fixed so I comply. Nothing happened. So she has me do it again on the upper left corner then the lower left corner, then in the middle of the screen each time telling me I had to tap faster and faster. All this tapping and nothing.
Then she tells me, we have to do it a second time. I thought tapping 15 times all over the screen again? But no, we had to go back to resetting the machine by unplugging it, using the paper clip to reset it and then turning it one again. Once it turns back on she tells me, now let's try tapping the screen 20 times! Now I am starting to think I am on Candid Camera and people are laughing at me trying to tap this screen more and more faster and faster wile this female actor is on the other end of the phone faking a foreign accept and yelling instructions at me as I feverishly tap the screen repeatedly. My hand is about to fall off at this point. Finally, after tapping all 4 corners and the center of the screen 20 times and the console is still hung she says, "we will send you a new console. It will take 1 to 2 weeks". Is there anything else I can help you with?