bobtheflob said:
Haha, that was great. The sad thing was that I bet those agents were better at helping customers than the real employees.
That is the truth. My local Best Buy is horrible. They hire nothing but highschool kids or college girls with huge tats. They know nothing at all. I tried to apply for a job there right out of college and they wanted nothing to do with me because they did not want to have to pay me much at all. Even though I walked circles around their current home theater employees in the interview. But, I guess it is easier for the loser, lifertime managers who have been there since high school to hire their eye candy who know nothing and pay them nothing...only to replace them in less than 24 hours when needed.
About 6 months ago, I was buying some new speakers tower speakers for my home theater system and I did everything I could to avoid their idiotic questions. But, they did not have the speakers down on the floor...only up at the VERY top of their shelves.
I looked for a ladder or something but there was none around, so I asked the slob working in hometheater section to get them down.
He looked embarassed and said, "Sorry, I am not qualified to use the stairs. I will find someone who can."
I actually laughed my *** off because I thought he was joking...but he was dead serious. The manager comes over and said the speakers were not in stock. I pointed to the top where the model number takes up half the side of the box and asked "what are those then?"
It took him about 30 mins, but he finally got the speakers down only to harass me about their rip-off warranty plan. Of course, he tossed in all the lies they use to push those.
"These speakers come with ONLY a 3 month warranty and blow out easily."
They actually came with a 5 year warranty-parts and labor.
"We will replace them with new ones in 2 years. Lets say you want to trade them out for new ones or newer model...just bring them in under this plan and we will switch them out."
That is their biggest lie. They will not do this at all. Their managers will tell you that it is not in the warranty when you try to do it, and if you try to tell them that a salesperson told you that, they tell you that you must have "miss heard."
Don't even get me started on their little magazine scam they have when you check out and how they will illegally run your credit card to meet their sales numbers.
Anyway, I am done complaining for now.