The ones I'm enjoying these days are the Milwaukee's Best Light beer commercials...
In one, there's a cookout goin' on, and this one guy walks up with his girlfriend... they're wearin' identical shirts, and holdin' hands, and it's enough to make you GAG... the other guys just stare at him, until he stops holdin' the girl's hand in embarrassment... then a giant can of Milwaukee's Best Light drops on him, and the announcer says:
A man should act like a man...
The second commercial in the series has a guy sneaking out into the yard (looks like the guys are gathered for a ball game), to call up his girlfriend just to tell her "I'm thinking about you, baby"... at which point HE gets the giant can of MBL dropped on him, and the same announcer...
Any guy who sees those two commercials will agree that those two DESERVED to be crushed by a giant can of beer, for being such profound wimpolas...