I still really pull for Walt too. He's up there with John Locke in my top two of best TV characters of all time. Just the huuuuuge transformation he's gone through is pretty crazy. The flashback in the season finale of him and Skyler shopping for a house was a pretty stark difference from the bald, goateed ****** that he's become.
And while the Cousins situation did catch him off-guard, he realized it, and since then has been a couple of steps ahead of everyone else. He knew exactly what Gus was planning and had a plan to keep himself and Jesse alive. And when things got hairy at the lab towards the end, he got himself on the phone with Jesse and set things in motion and immediately went from this crying, pleading, pathetic friend-betraying excuse for a man to the ****** "Heisenberg" in a split second.
I can't wait for next season.