Best story, Rudy or Jason McElwain

Yakuza Rich

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Both are remarkable in their own right.

For Jason, what I found so greatly remarkable was how the school decided years beforehand that they needed to provide better access and facilities towards physically and mentally challenged students. This included the entire community getting around this cause and liberating the normal students towards physically and mentally challenged students.

Jason scoring 20 points in a high school game was really just a big piece of icing on the cake.

For Rudy, the thing that always gets me is that he took about 4 years off before returning to junior college. In the meantime he worked in a steel mill while saving his money. To save enough money to go to college and to stay in physical shape enough to play football during that age when so many people burn through money and get out of shape is pretty incredible.

Then to make Notre Dame as a walk-on despite being a very average high school player that was greatly undersized, just tops it off.



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Jason no doubt

Rudy wasn't mentally and physically challenged. He is/was a normal healthy person.