Beware of Dware shirt

I don't like it I think it would be better with a nicer design and like monster eyes and or a mouth and fangs and blood dripping and it said Beware on the front and of Dware on the back.
I'm still not a fan of the beware of D-ware thing...
After emailing Deware's site manager, they said that shirt discontinued, but theres a new version on I can't find it, can anyone help me? Thanks a lot.
I just want to pat myself on the back for thinking of this nickname during his rookie training camp.

Now it is on a shirt. Wee.
Did a noob just pull up a thread from a year ago? Seriously?

:welcome:...but.. seriously?
wow...didnt realize it was that old...maybe i should try checking the post date next time....
anyways...glad to be part of this cowboy nation~
boysinAZ;2744630 said:
wow...didnt realize it was that old...maybe i should try checking the post date next time....
anyways...glad to be part of this cowboy nation~

don't mind them

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