Big, bad Cowboys ride into town


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Big, bad Cowboys ride into town

The Broncos hope they are better prepared than they were in '07.
By Mike Klis
The Denver Post
Article Last Updated: 08/12/2008 12:10:20 PM MDT

This is the week when the Broncos had better plant a little harder in their three-point stances. Chin straps had better be buckled extra tight. A few more bench-press reps in the weight room wouldn't hurt.
The Dallas Cowboys are coming.
These aren't your granddaddy's white-hat, America's Team, flex and finesse Cowboys. These are the big, bad, rough, tough Cowboys who bullied the Broncos through four practices in stifling, 105-degree heat last year. And then in Texas Stadium on a Saturday night, the Cowboys whipped the Broncos some more for a 31-20 preseason victory. "They took it to us," Broncos defensive lineman Ebenezer Ekuban said. "Hopefully we can make a little better showing this week. They were a little different team than we were used to facing. They're mammoths up front. They run north and south. Our defense is simplified for the defensive linemen this year, so I think we'll do a lot better."

The big, bad Cowboys will arrive here tonight at 6 p.m., ready for two-a-day, head-to-head practices Wednesday and Thursday at Dove Valley.
Better here than there. It was the Broncos who traveled to Irving, Texas, last year for a week of workouts, followed by a preseason game. Simply put, the trip was a disaster.
For starters, the Broncos were tired, having played a Monday night game in San Francisco, traveling home for a few hours Tuesday, and then two practices at the Cowboys' practice facility Wednesday and Thursday.
Greeting them was unbearably hot, humid Texas air — and a brutish group of Cowboys.
"That's a big, physical group over there," Broncos defensive end Tim Crowder said. "Like Coach was saying, they're a mountain of men. It seems like they're all 6-5 and above, 315, and they can move. They've got stars at every position."
The Broncos started getting beat up. Crowder suffered a bad high ankle sprain in one practice. The injury affected him all season. Veteran offensive lineman Adam Meadows had just been promoted to first-team right tackle in a morning session, only to suffer a torn calf in the afternoon, an injury that essentially ended his career.
"We were all miserable during that trip," Meadows said from Athens, Ga., where he runs a car dealership and home-building company. "The schedule we had, it seemed like we were short on time. We wound up short on numbers. We got our butts kicked the whole week. But a lot of our guys were just hanging on."
It only got worse after dressing in game uniforms. Ekuban suffered a season-ending Achilles tear. The Cowboys surprised the Broncos with a heavy blitz package, causing veteran Broncos safety John Lynch to call out Dallas coach Wade Phillips for going against preseason protocol.
"They blitzed us out the gate hard," Broncos tight end Tony Scheffler said. "I think we'll be more ready for that this time. Plus, it'll be good being here and not in 100-degree heat down there."
The primary purpose behind the week-long gathering is to give the Broncos' offense a long look at the Cowboys' 3-4 defensive scheme that also will be employed by San Diego, New England and the New York Jets, teams on Denver's schedule.
Like the Chargers', the Cowboys' roster is loaded with large, athletic specimens. Defensive end Chris Canty is 6-foot-7, 300 pounds. They have a linebacker, Greg Ellis, who is 6-6, 270. Their star receiver, Terrell Owens, is 6-3, 224. Cowboy players are plain bigger than Broncos players.
"They are bigger," Broncos tight end Nate Jackson said. "But we're not going to arm-wrestle them. We're going to play football. There are different philosophies in how to succeed in this game. It's a chess match."
It wasn't much of a match last year. The trip proved to be telling. The Cowboys went on to become the best team in the NFC regular season last year, earning a No. 1 playoff seed with a 13-3 record. They blew it and didn't get past the New York Giants in the postseason, but then nobody did, not even 18-0 New England.
The Broncos and their 7-9 record never made it to the playoffs.
The Cowboys and Broncos are about to meet again, for four practices, and one game. This time, they will meet in the relative comfort of Dove Valley, where temperatures are expected to reach the high 80s.
"The guys who don't know, we tell them, 'Get ready,' " Crowder said. "There's no side to side with them, they're coming straight at you. It's smash-mouth football." Mike Klis: 303-954-1055 or


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:D were big and bad:D and we got mammoths on the lines:D we play smashmouth football:D

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Still haven't let the *****ing about us "blitzing them off the bus" die, I see. :rolleyes:

Funny, I saw SD sending people all night. I'm glad we were big enough to simply lose the game without resorting to whining in the media about it.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Chocolate Lab;2189334 said:
Still haven't let the *****ing about us "blitzing them off the bus" die, I see. :rolleyes:

Funny, I saw SD sending people all night. I'm glad we were big enough to simply lose the game without resorting to whining in the media about it.


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Maybe the Bronco's problems revolve around the fact that they practice at Dove Valley.

I'll bet the Cowboys do seem tough...


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Chocolate Lab;2189334 said:
Still haven't let the *****ing about us "blitzing them off the bus" die, I see. :rolleyes:

Funny, I saw SD sending people all night. I'm glad we were big enough to simply lose the game without resorting to whining in the media about it.

Agreed, it was embarrassing listening to them. And since we got rolled by San Diego (after the first couple of series) I have a feeling they're about to get more of the same. And I'll be there baby!

Time for a beat down, donkeys. :laugh2:


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I've been disapointed in our blitz packages since Wade was here. Our defense lost all movement in December, and its funny how thats when we lose the season.


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cowboys2233;2189345 said:
Agreed, it was embarrassing listening to them. And since we got rolled by San Diego (after the first couple of series) I have a feeling they're about to get more of the same. And I'll be there baby!

Time for a beat down, donkeys. :laugh2:

I might need to turn off the Sirius and listen to the local sports station so I can listen to them fawn all over the Cowboys - I need to hear some good, old-fashioned Cowboy respect!


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Is Spencer playing in the game?.I hope we dont have any more injuries .


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Brandon;2189359 said:
I've been disapointed in our blitz packages since Wade was here. Our defense lost all movement in December, and its funny how thats when we lose the season.

Nothing can be worse than the stagnant 3-4 Parcells ran. I'll take it. Wade gets results in the pass rush department, there can be no disputing that.


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cowboys2233;2189366 said:
Nothing can be worse than the stagnant 3-4 Parcells ran. I'll take it. Wade gets results in the pass rush department, there can be no disputing that.

I agree Wade gets results and last year was his 1st as the HC running his defense. We have added more talent to the defense in the secondary. I'm looking forward to seeing how good this defense can be.


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Brandon;2189359 said:
I've been disapointed in our blitz packages since Wade was here. Our defense lost all movement in December, and its funny how thats when we lose the season.

I thought we were extremely active and played very good defense in december. We dominated philly up front most of that game and carolina too.


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Gotta give a lot of credit to Parcells for re-making this team into a big, physical unit. We were anything but that when he first arrived and that's exactly what he said he wanted. Of course, we added some new comers like Leonard Davis, but the core of this team was built during his time.


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CaptainAmerica;2189420 said:
Gotta give a lot of credit to Parcells for re-making this team into a big, physical unit. We were anything but that when he first arrived and that's exactly what he said he wanted. Of course, we added some new comers like Leonard Davis, but the core of this team was built during his time.

I give him a ton of credit, no doubt. Not nearly as good as the unit Jimmy put together, but definitely good. I still get tears thinking about Jimmy's defenses -- some poor fool would try to run a sweep and there would be about, oh, nine Cowboys waiting for him. :lmao2: That was team speed at its best.


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cowboys2233;2189424 said:
I give him a ton of credit, no doubt. Not nearly as good as the unit Jimmy put together, but definitely good. I still get tears thinking about Jimmy's defenses -- some poor fool would try to run a sweep and there would be about, oh, nine Cowboys waiting for him. :lmao2: That was team speed at its best.

Yeah, I smile when I read articles about how today's defenses need athletes and speed to deal with the 5 wide offenses like NE. Jimmy was way ahead of the curve on that deal. Those Cowboy defenses were like sharks in blood infested waters.


Rising Star
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"The guys who don't know, we tell them, 'Get ready,' " Crowder said. "There's no side to side with them, they're coming straight at you. It's smash-mouth football."

Gotta love that quote from Crowder. Too bad we have to wait 3 more weeks for the real fun to begin.

Even though it is preseason I am really looking forward to going to the game.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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5Countem5;2189340 said:
Maybe the Bronco's problems revolve around the fact that they practice at Dove Valley.


Their 260-pound offensive linemen practice their cut blocks in a beautiful, sweeping meadow amongst patches of daisies.


Defender of the Star
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what a bunch of babies. i'm surprised they haven't complained about us taking their lunch money yet.


Well-Known Member
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its denver...what does anyone expect other than cut blocks and A$$holes?

cracks me up. The big bad cowboys are big and mean yet hurt people because they try to hard in practice time. jesus. no wonder the Rat has his O-line playing dirty...